Another Icon Battle!

Apr 20, 2010 22:05

diek09 hosted a little Icon Battle over at his LJ and there was some gorgeous work turned in. You can see the original screencaps here. Go! View the pretties and feel free to leave a comment.

Here are my contributions:

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Comments 3

casett April 21 2010, 02:19:08 UTC
You were tilted crop girl for most of these. Worked well!

Feel better


ga_unicorn April 21 2010, 02:36:00 UTC
I'm starting to suspect that I love my "tilting arrow" too much. ;-) Glad it worked out here.

And thanks (I truly hate feeling so... blech).


(The comment has been removed)

ga_unicorn April 21 2010, 22:43:29 UTC
No one should have to keep their love of Naked Cam a secret (whether you like the animated version or not)! Embrace it and shout it to the worrrrrrrld!

Wow. Obviously I've taken way too much allergy medicine.

Thank you, for the compliment and the well wishes.


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