FIC: Burnout by ga_unicorn

Apr 17, 2010 18:35

Title: Burnout
Author: ga_unicorn
Fandom: SGA (of course)
Category: GEN, “day in the life”
Rating/Word Count: PG 4800~
Warnings/Spoilers: Anything thru end of season 5
Summary: As any military man will tell you: for every hour doing the fun stuff - chasing bad guys, being chased by bad guys, blowing shit up - there are one hundred hours ( Read more... )

mckay, sheppard, ronon, team, teyla, fic

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Comments 23

stella_pegasi April 17 2010, 23:40:34 UTC
Great read, I love stories that deal with Atlantis inbetween missions when they are doing more routine tasks. Love the breakfast scene, McKay and Ronon were perfect.


ga_unicorn April 18 2010, 03:23:32 UTC
I've long suspected that the team of McKay-Dex was the instigators of all the practical jokes, and Sheppard and Teyla were the long-suffering teammates. :p

I'm so glad you enjoyed my story. Thanks!


outsideth3box April 18 2010, 00:33:43 UTC
Great story, very well done. You had me completely tuned into Sheppard's frustrations and trying along with him not to squirm in my seat.

I really liked this!


ga_unicorn April 18 2010, 03:26:17 UTC
What a terrific compliment! Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you.


michelel72 April 18 2010, 07:02:07 UTC
Oof, yes, all the in-between stuff must be trying, especially being the middleman between the suits and reality. I liked the solidarity between Rodney and Ronon, too.


ga_unicorn April 18 2010, 16:42:15 UTC
I've long suspected that Rodney and Ronon were in cahoots. ;-)

Glad you liked it and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.


trystings April 18 2010, 10:57:03 UTC
Love this slice of life in the Pegasus galaxy, especially Ronon and Rodney's mutinous attitude and John's long-suffering. :)


ga_unicorn April 18 2010, 16:43:34 UTC
Ronon and Rodney are definitely co-enablers when they want to be. ;-)

Glad you liked it and Thanks!


danceswithgary April 18 2010, 13:11:01 UTC
Very nice. I really enjoyed this 'several days in the life' look at administrivia. :-D


ga_unicorn April 18 2010, 16:45:56 UTC
Happy to hear it and Thanks!


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