Title: A Posteriori :: Eppur Si Muove
sweetnarcosisRating: PG-13
Pairing: Mark/Addison
Summary: In the beginning, they have to forget the past and escape in order to start over. Extended The Hermit for
And a note you should probably read: This idea came about after re-reading the Gravity of Love extension requests and discovering that several of those pieces could be strung together quite nicely. Others didn’t and rather than try to wrestle them into this, they’ll be written separately. Each piece will get its own chapter, though some will arc over more than one; I’ll let you know when things show up. Please believe me when I say that this one won’t be a repeat performance (but with a different cast) of other series’ I’ve written. This is a twelve-chapter fic and the obligatory credit goes to Enigma’s A Posteriori. Cut text from John Milton’s Paradise Lost.
Awake, arise, or be forever fallen!