Title: Ready For A Fall (7/?)
Author: Chelle Storey-Daniel
Pairing: Addison/Mark, Callie/George, Callie/Alex (friendship), George/Izzie (implied) Alex/Izzie (??)
Summary: Sometimes it hurts to fall, but if you're lucky someone may catch you. And they may be falling, too.
One Two Three Four Five Six (
My daughter doesn't drink! She hates the taste of alcohol! )
I hated writing that scene where Louise came down on Callie. HATED IT. But Louise just lost her husband and she doesn't want to see George lose his wife and she's willing to say and do *anything* to prevent what she feels is wrong. She's a stubborn woman and I think she'd throw down in a heartbeat with Callie. Georgie is her pookie. :)
I loved the writing the twist with Izzie. I think it worked out pretty good and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Oh... and Izzie's not off the hook, either. Louise may visit with her. :)
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