Title: Lightning Strikes Twice Author: AriaAdagio Rating: M Pairing: Mer/Der Summary: Post Time After Time. Derek takes Meredith to visit his family in Connecticut, but nothing goes as planned.
I haven't reviewed before now, but I had to tell you how much I love your story! It's funny and heartwarming and adorable and a tear-jerker and so many other things. You've done so well with the characters that it makes the story seem like it's continuing the show. So thanks for writing.
Thank you so much :) I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the fic! I try very hard to match up my characterizations with the show. Good fanfic is fanfic you could see happening on the television, I think. So, I'm incredibly flattered that you think I've done a good job with that!
Comments 4
Derek can walk and pee by himself and he is feeling better. Thank God.
But I am kinda pissed that I've been checking your journal all evening long for an update and unbeknownest to me it was here all along.
But that's ok, coz Derek Annie and the butterflies and his own kid....awww..did I mention that I love you for this. I did, well ok then.
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