Rebirth- Chapter 19

Apr 25, 2007 18:20

Title: Rebirth
Rating: NC-17
Author: Tonysgirl02 AKA Kimmer
Summary: With a baby on the way and a wedding pending, George and Callie must deal with becoming husband and wife and mom and dad along with juggling their careers, their friends and living with Louise.
Pairings: Mainly Callie/George. All the friendships and what not.

AN 1- So this has taken waaay longer then I expected and you wanted. My plan was for this to be the finale chapter before the wedding, but iot won't be. I had meetings, my nanny was in town, prom and friends drama, which all hindered the writing process. Sorry for the delay and chapter 20 will be another chapter before the wedding, with the wedding being chapter 21.
AN 2- I have selected two wedding dresses for Callie, now it's up to you to vote for your favorite.
Dress 1----->
Dress 2----->
So just in your comment tell me dress 1 or dress 2, that easy! Now onto what you've been waiting for.....

Chapter 19

George walked into the bedroom and saw Callie sitting in the middle of the bed, with a blue book with blue pages in her lap and random papers scattered about her. Then he saw the three pregnancy tests they had taken as well. “What are you doing?” he questioned walking over to her and tilting her head to kiss her softly.

“Starting Baby O’s baby book,” she smiled rubbing her belly. “I want him to have it to look back on when he gets older. And I’m doing my own since I didn’t like any of the pre-made ones.”

He nodded and sat on the edge of the bed, picking up one of the test sticks and tapping it against his palm, the word pregnant staring back at him. “Were you scared? When you thought you were pregnant?”

“Yeah, I was scared. I was scared before I told you, I was scared when I told you, I was scared when we laid on the bathroom floor waiting for the test. George, that stick saying ‘pregnant’ changed our lives. I’m still scared, but not of being pregnant.”

He nodded, still tapping it against his hand. One word had changed everything for them. “I was scared too,” he admitted. “When you did the tests, I wanted to be there and to not upset you, but we were talking about having a baby we didn’t exactly plan, ya know?”

She picked up one of the pregnancy tests and placed it in the front of the book, the space had almost been made for it. “He changed our lives, for the good though. We’re just growing and learning and being a couple and all this stuff rolled into one. Some days I wonder if we’re doing it right though.”

George glanced over at her, raising an eye brow. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? “You mean, if I didn’t want it….?”

“I don’t know what I would have done if you freaked about it. I’m not sure I could or would want to do this without you. But considering how, when, it happened,” she shrugged, “I’m not exactly sure. I’m happy I didn’t have to make that decision.”

He leaned over and kissed her softly, gently rubbing her arm. “I’m glad that you didn’t have to make that decision either,” he whispered leaning his head against hers. His other hand moved to rest on her belly, “It’s going to be the three of us soon and maybe we should get a place of our own instead of living here. That way Callie, we can do the nursery and not have to do it again and……”

She pressed a finger to his lips, “No, we’re not moving.”


She took his hands in hers and held them tightly, lacing their fingers together. She needed him to understand this. “I’ve watched my mother be a mother to all my brothers, but never to me. I’m so afraid that I’m not going to be able to do this on my own….”

“I’ll be there,” he assured. “I’m going to take the first week off so you’ll have me around and then you’ll be with Baby O for the next five weeks….”

“I may take eight since I don’t know what we’re going to do with him when I do go back to work,” she sighed. “But I need your mom. I need the comfort of knowing that she is just down the hall and not a ten minute car ride. I need to know that if you’re at work and if I need a minute that she’ll be there. I need the comfort of someone who already is a mother,” she whispered, gripping his hands in hers.

As she had spoken to him, he had been looking in her deep brown eyes, she was scared of becoming a mother. The fear was written all through her, but he had been trying to neglect those feelings, trying to push her into something he was ready for, but she wasn’t comfortable with. He didn’t understand why she doubted her abilities. He had watched her with Cinco, she was nurturing, loving, caring, kind, everything a mother was supposed to be. He knew in his heart of hearts, she could handle Baby O with a hand tied behind her back, but she didn’t believe the same thing. He had to find a way to make her see that and give her what she needed, which meant dropping the subject of moving until after the baby was born, “Alright, we’ll stay here for a little while. By the time he’s a year old though Callie….”

“We’ll see.”

“We can’t live here forever.”

“No, we can’t, but I’m not rushing out.”

As George changed out of his scrubs in the locker room he watched Callie pace back and fourth, half undressed. They were meeting her family for dinner in an hour. His mom and brothers were coming as well. She had been like this all day. “She’s pregnant George!”

“So you’ve told me. You said they don’t believe in birth control.”

“No, they don’t. They use the rhythm method and we know how well that works,” she replied shaking her head and running her fingers through her hair. “Our baby is going to be born before theirs! It officially makes my family white trash!”

“Ask Izzie,” Alex grinned seeing a half naked Callie in their locker room. “She grew up in a trailer park,” he added licking his lips as he took in the site of her. She had on a deep purple bra and her breasts were swollen from the pregnancy. Her scrub pants rested just below the belly she was beginning to form. He nodded at George and continued toward his locker.

Callie burst into a fit of giggles. “I only talk to her when I have too,” she said rolling her eyes. “Did you bring my dress in?” she asked George.

“Yes, I did and Izzie hung it up for you,” he stated grabbing the hanger from his locker and handing it to her.

“Are two going to fight like a married couple? And what’s the occasion?”

Callie turned toward Alex who was getting changed, “We can’t fight like a married couple, because we aren’t married, yet. We have to meet my trailer trash parents who dinner. They flew in this afternoon of the wedding that is in four days.”

Alex chuckled at her, “Well you are the one who allowed his sperm inside of your body and said yes to that pretty ring on your hand. Now your family, them you didn’t choose.”

Callie rolled her eyes as she untied her scrub pants, Alex was so obvious at times and corny. Why was she even talking to him? Probably because he made her smile when she was in this mood because her mother was in the same town as her and that was stressful in and of itself. “I did choose George and I love him. He’s my babies Daddy.”

“You could have a real man,” he winked at her before pulling his scrub shirt over his head.

Callie felt herself watching him, his muscles flex with every move on his body. He was hot and she couldn’t deny him that. She tore her eyes away from him and slid off her scrub pants and slid her dress on. “George, zip me.”

He and Alex both turned their head up at her comment, drinking in the sight of her. She wore an empire waist dress, which hid the baby belly pretty well. The top was cut straight, showing minimal cleavage. It fell just below her knee. The dress was a mix between a blue and purple and her hair hung loosely around her shoulders and face.

“Drooling over the man candy I see,” he winked as he zipped her dress.


George chuckled, “Those crazy pregnancy hormones baby. You want Alex Karev. Just watch out for the syph, I don’t want it again and it isn’t good for Baby O.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be pitching a fit that I’m finding him remotely attractive?”

He shrugged as he finished buttoning his shirt and tucked the tails into his pants. “I trust you. You might find him attractive, but you won’t touch him. Now, him finding you attractive, that I have a problem with. I don’t trust him and he is not to be trusted, got it?”

Callie chewed on her lip as she watched him, was he giving her orders? Or was he just trying to look out for her? She couldn’t say much against it, because she didn’t know Alex that well. He and George had known each other longer so she supposed she just had to go with that. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said sitting on the edge of the bench and sliding on the small white heels she had purchased to go with the dress. Louise had talked her into them.

George stuffed what he would need into his backpack and grabbed her bag as well. He extended his hand to her when she had her shoes on. “Ready?”

Callie took his hand and slung her purse over her shoulder, lacing her fingers with George’s. “Bye Alex.”

“Have fun with your families,” he smiled evilly waving at Callie

“Later man,” George called.


Louise, Ronny and Jerry all approached the restaurant. Callie and George sat outside on the bench, waiting for either part of their families to show up. “If I could drink, I would be toasted right now.”

George laughed and rubbed her shoulder before standing to greet his mother and brothers. “Hey Mom, Callie’s family should be here any minute,” he explained hugging her.

“We’re fine, in no rush. Callie, you look beautiful,” Louise said moving to Callie. She brushed her bangs out of her eyes and hugged her close. “How is my grandson today?”

“We’re good, we had a good day at work,” she smiled running her fingers through her hair before beginning her pacing again. “I’m just wishing my parents weren’t in town. Did you know my wedding is four days away? Four days!”

Louise placed her hands on Callie’s shoulders and rubbed them gently. She was stressing out for no reason and she did not that need now. “It will all be fine. We’ve both handled the plans. Everything is in order.”

“My mother is pregnant,” she blurted out.

“Excuse me?” Louise question taking a step back.

“Your Mom and Dad still get it on?” Ronny questioned. ‘Aren’t they old?”

“My mother is only 46, she had me when she was 16 and I’ll be 30 in a few months,” Callie shrugged. “It’s just, I’m having a baby! I’m giving her a grandchild and she’s having another child, that is screwed! Royally!”

“Callie, just calm down. This is not worth being upset over, stressing over a wedding that hasn’t been very stressful yet. Just cool it. It’s not your problem,” George assured taking her hand and rubbing her knuckles. “Everything will be just fine sweetie.”

He didn’t understand, she went through this every time her mother got pregnant. She was willing to have, love, nurture another child, but she wasn’t willing to do any of those things for Callie. It was a jealousy feeling and she got it every time. She resented all of her brothers, because they had the one thing she had longed for all her life. No matter what she did, she had never gotten in and a locket didn’t fix it all. “It’s a jealousy thing, George,” she whispered.

He quickly pulled her into his arms and held her to him, gently rocking her. He may not have understood it all, but he got what she was saying. He couldn’t fix the past, but he could allow her to feel the love he had for in that moment and that was what he intended on doing. “I love you Callie.” Those words made up for nothing her mother had ever done to her and could still do to her, but Callie allowed Rosa to have that power over her and it needed to end. He just wasn’t sure how to help her end it. Rosa’s rein of terror on Callie’s life needed to be over.

“Holy shit,” Ronny gasped seeing the family of seven making toward them.

“And she’s pregnant again?” Jerry questioned.

“Boys!” Louise scolded.

“Calliope!” Hector called rushing ahead to meet his daughter. He held his arms opened and Callie rushed toward him, allowing him to hug her close.

“Hi Daddy,” she smiled.

“How is my Princess?” he whispered kissing the top of her head

“I’m good Daddy,” she said pulling away from him. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and held her hand out to George.

“Mr. Torres, it’s nice to see you again,” George addressed shaking the older man’s hand.

“George, it’s Hector,” he smiled. “Have you been taking care of my Princess?”

“I have,” he said with a nod. “Callie, do you wanna introduce everyone before we go in?”

“Mom, Dad, my brothers,” Callie addressed, “This is George’s family, Louise, Ronny and Jerry. Louise, Ronny and Jerry meet my family, Hector, Rosa, Alberto, Diego, Mario, Pablo and Cinco.”

Everyone politely exchanged hellos and headed inside. Diego pulled Callie aside before they went in, “You’re glowing Cal,” he whispered hugging her tightly.

Callie smiled, “You haven’t told them yet, have you? Did they make the big announcement?”

Diego shook his head, “Not yet, but Alberto says it should be soon,” he shrugged. “We should head inside before they wonder where we are.”

Callie nodded and they headed inside and were seated at the large round table with everyone else. The waitress came by and took their drink orders. Everyone glanced around at each other, all unsure of what to say. “How was your flight?” George finally interjected.

Hector smiled at the young man, glad someone had directed a topic of conversation, “It was good, a little long. It was Cinco’s first time flying and he wasn’t too found of it. Hopefully he’ll be better on the way home.”

“Flying is hard on the ears for little ones,” Louise stated.

“I have six children,” Rosa replied. “Where’s that wine I ordered?”

Callie kicked Diego under the table and arched an eye brow at him. When her mother was pregnant, she didn’t touch a drink, usually. Diego shrugged it off, not being able to say much at the point in time and kicked his sister in return.

Their waitress brought over their drinks and took the order for appetizers. “Louise, what is it you do again? I believe Calliope mentioned it once and I can’t seem to recall,” Hector said.

“I teach home economics in high school,” she explained. “I taught English for a number of years though. And don’t you have your own business?”

“Three actually,” he said with a nod of his head. “Callie, George, how are things at the hospital?”

“Surgeons, patients,” Callie shrugged.

“Is it getting harder to work now?” Rosa questioned. “I’d assume you’re getting big under that tent you choose to wear tonight.”

“Because moo-moo’s are so much more attractive,” Callie said taking a sip of her water before setting it down. “Excuse me.” She pushed her chair back and rose from the table, grabbing her purse and heading in the direction of the door.

As she walked she pulled her cell phone from her bag and flipped it open. She was grateful she had Karev’s number from the week before when they had a patient together. She pressed call and waited for him to pick up. She wished she wasn’t pregnant, because she desperately needed a few smokes and a beer to two.


“Where are you?”

“Who is this?”

“I need you to come get me.”


“Come get me in five minutes,” she replied before hanging up.

She sat down on the bench and crossed her legs, watching the shoe balance off her toes. This had all been a dumb idea. The wedding was going to be horrible, she should have eloped. Her mother would never change, even after a locket story in the middle of the airport. It would never change and she had to find peace in that, somewhere.

Diego sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “Ronny and Jerry wanted to come out here with you, as did Louise, Daddy and George,” he laughed.

“I guess you won.”

“You should come back inside, Callie. Have a good time, don’t let her bother you.”

They sat their in silence for a few minutes. Callie wasn’t really sure what to say to that. She had always pretended it didn’t bother her until now. She usually would have sat there and dealt with whatever her mother had to dish out and bitten her tongue about all of it, but with Baby O on the way, she couldn’t take the backseat anymore. Plus Rosa was attacking her new family, it was only days before she became an O’Malley, but she had always felt welcomed by all of them.

“I intend on going to have a good time, just not with my family. I thought this could work, my family, George’s family, who are going to be my family, who feel like my family before my own family does. I just thought she could be civil toward me for once, for a few hours, but it’s impossible and I can’t do this, not tonight.”

Diego nodded and held onto her hand, squeezing it gently. They were the misfits. They didn’t fit in with the rest of the Torres clan. When it came out what he was or wasn’t, he was sure he would be treated then the unwanted teen age pregnancy. A car pulled up a few seconds later and the passenger side window rolled down, ”I heard of a pretty lady in distress,” Alex grinned.

Callie rose from the bench and turned toward her brother, “Tell George I am fine and not to worry, but I couldn’t do this tonight and that I’ll be home in a little while.”

Diego nodded and watched his sister climb into the car, laugh at something the other guy said before they drove off. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his dress slacks knowing that explanation would not go over too well with his soon to be brother in law. He hung his head and went back to the table.


Promo for chapter 21: Not a single word, huh?”

“Nope, just called me and said come get me. That is all I know. We went to Joe’s and hung out and here I am, returning her to you,”

Rosa has something to say and meets a friend in the process.

A bachelor party and a bridal shower.

author: tonysgirl02, shipper: george/callie

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