Rebirth- Chapter 34

Dec 22, 2008 12:11

Title- Rebirth
Author- Kimberly
Rating- PG-13
Summary- It's that time of year and no it isn't Christmas.
Disclaimer- I do not own ABC, the characters of Grey's Anatomy, the actors who portray the characters or any other real life person/object that may appear in any given chapter of this story.

Chapter 34

Callie groaned as another contraction hit her. She felt sick to her stomach and hated the idea of having her eyes opened. Addison and Alex along with nurses were in the room. They had paged Mark to the floor as well, to be with her, while she gave birth, without George. Addison made sure they had everything in order, to make this as easy as possible, to ensure there were no sudden movements in the room. Callie was already fighting this the best she could and Addison was beginning to worry about the baby.

“Callie,” Addison said softly as Alex wiped her face off with a cool wash cloth. “He’s ready to come out. I know you aren’t ready for this, but it’s time. I can’t leave him there without hurting him and you. I know that isn’t something you want, so when I tell you to push, I need you too.”

Callie groaned in response, she didn’t want to do this without George. It was going to be so hard. He had gone to all of the classes with her. He knew how to talk her through the contractions. He was prepared to go through this labor and delivery with her, not anyone else. “Addison, please just give me a c-section,” Callie begged quietly as she stared at the ceiling. If Addison took her into the OR it meant she wouldn’t have to do any of this.

“There is no reason for me to give you a c-section besides you not wanting to do this….”

“Brittany Spears got it her way!” Callie yelled raising her head and giving Addison the evil eye before lying back down.

Addison rolled her eyes, “I am not doctor to the stars. There is no reason for me to cut you open and take this baby from your womb. He’s too low anyways Callie. He’s right here, he’s ready. Give me your hand, you can feel the top of his head.”

“I don’t want too.”

Addison sighed, “Just relax and with the next contraction, I want you to push,” Addison told Callie.

George raced up the hall and found Callie’s name on the door. He didn’t even bother knocking. She had been screaming for him a few minutes before, despite everything she wanted him here with her. “I’m here,” he panted as he opened the door. He saw Addison in position and Alex wiping Callie’s forehead.

“George!” Callie exclaimed

“I’m here,” he said wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. “I’m so sorry. I was so stupid. I got scared, but we can do this, I can do this,” he assured her.

Callie just nodded her head. She couldn’t have a conversation about that right now. She was burning. The ring of fire, as Louise had told her about. “Oh my God, Louise you didn’t tell me it would hurt this bad,” she groaned.

“Words will never describe childbirth,” Louise assured her as she stepped next to George, gently rubbing Callie’s leg. ‘We’re right here with you though and that is going to be one beautiful little boy if you’d ever let us see him,” she teased.

Callie laid back against the pillows and tried to catch her breath. She felt as if she had been at this a long time. She knew she needed to focus, because that was something she hadn’t been doing. She had been worried about the fact that George wasn’t with her, but he was here now. What it all meant, she would figure out later. She had plenty of time. The matter that was pressing was getting her son delivered.

“With the next contraction, I want you to lightly push. His head is almost out,” Addison instructed Callie.

“You’ve done awesome. Keep going,” Alex whispered.

Callie gripped onto George’s hand and when she felt the next contraction, she sat up, using about half the effort she had in her. She could hear Alex counting to ten, feel Louise touching her leg and feel George’s hand in hers, his lips kissing the top of her head. She was going to bring life into this world.

“Stop,” Addison said loud enough to be heard, but not to scare Callie. “That was amazing. He’s going to be out in a matter of minutes, but we do have a cord around the neck,” she informed everyone in the room. She had promised Callie that she wouldn’t try and hide anything about the birth.

Callie laid back against the pillows and George smiled down at her as Alex wiped her face with the wash cloth. “You’re doing great Callie.”

“She wasn’t until you got here,” Alex admitted. He wanted to hurt George for what he had put Callie through, but now wasn’t the time. She needed him for some odd reason. Likely because he was the father of her son, despite what an idiot he had been to her. He knew she would get it all sorted out after everyone in the hospital hurt George.

George gently ran a hand through her hair, “I’m so sorry I left you two,” he said as he touched a hand to her stomach, feeling how hard it was. “I was being a coward when everything I’ve ever wanted is right here.”

“Callie, I need you to push again,” Addison said as a nurse laid a blanket across Callie’s stomach.

“Wait, the babies heart rate is going down,” Alex said as he looked at the fetal monitor. He had been watching it almost the entire time Callie had been in labor and Baby O had yet to have his heart rate go down.

“He has probably just moved off the monitor,” Addison said. “Give her the oxygen mask just to be sure,” she added. Alex reached for the oxygen mask and placed it on Callie’s face. “Callie, just push. I want to get this baby out.”

Callie nodded and pulled her body up, once more. She began to push as the nurses had instructed her to do before, bearing into her bottom. She heard everyone around her, encouraging her, telling how well she was doing, but in that moment, she didn’t feel it.

Addison kept a straight face. The baby was stuck. His shoulders weren’t coming out. His shoulders were too big. If she mentioned anything, Callie would freak out and stop pushing. It wasn’t an option to take her to the OR now. Addison was going to have to do this herself, without letting anyone know what was going on and hope for the best.

As gently as she could, she rotated Baby O, bringing one shoulder out first. Callie was still pushing, which helped. Once she got one shoulder out, the second would come out easy. “This is going to be a big baby,” Addison beamed as she tried to move the baby. Finally his first shoulder slipped from his mother, closely followed by the second. Before Addison knew it she was holding Baby O in her arms. “Happy birthday Baby O,” she grinned with tears in her eyes as she suctioned his nose and mouth.

She laid him on Callie’s stomach and began to help dry him off. Callie pulled the oxygen mask off her face and smiled at her baby boy. He was finally here. In the beginning, she had no idea if she would even keep him, but now she knew that this was the only thing in the world she wanted, to be a mother. The tears were already falling from her eyes as he opened his eyes and began to cry, staring at his mom.

George watched as Addison pulled the baby from his wife and then laid him down on Callie’s belly. He instantly reached out and began helping everyone dry the new baby off. The tears were falling out of his eyes and onto the bed. He had run away from something so perfect, something he had been looking so forward to for months with his wife. He glanced up at the ceiling and for a second he swore his father was staring down at him, smiling. “Thank you Dad,” he whispered.

“Hi sweetie, I’m your Mommy,” Callie said as she took him into her arms and held him close to her for the first time. “Happy Birthday.”

“And I’m your Daddy. I’m going to teach you so many awesome things,” George promised looking down at his son. The tears moved freely from his eyes. He didn’t care who was standing in the room with them, this meant the world to him. He was so stupid to ever run away from this. He wrapped an arm around Callie’s shoulder and he gazed down at their beautiful baby boy. He was perfect in every single way.

“Can we please know his name now?” Addison questioned. She knew that Callie and George had known the name since they knew he was a boy, but they had been keeping everyone waiting.

Callie glanced up at George and just smiled at him, knowing that despite everything today got to be their perfect day, where they showed their baby off to everyone and celebrated the first day of a new chapter in their lives. As she held her son, she realized her entire life had changed in a matter of minutes, that everything she had lived for until this point had lead her to this perfect moment right here where she became a mother to the most wonderful baby boy in the world in her eyes. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t born into the perfect family she had pictured, she knew he was surrounded by so much love. “Welcome to the world Owen Harold O’Malley,” she announced to everyone in the world.

AN- If you read this chapter, please give feedback, not because Im like a feedback whore or anything, because it does inspire me and lately I've had nothing for this. If you know a real good Callie/George fan vid or something leave the link.
AN2- Sorry this took so long. College got in the way of writing. This would have been much more fun then writing a religion paper or any of the others I wrote.

author: tonysgirl02, shipper: george/callie

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