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Comments 32

openended September 22 2008, 03:32:25 UTC
Thank you.


poisoned_candyy September 22 2008, 03:58:27 UTC
Your icon. <3 Kelly is amazing.


poisoned_candyy September 22 2008, 03:58:59 UTC
Thank you for posting this.


stickypearls September 22 2008, 04:02:15 UTC
*smiles* You're welcome.


onlywordsnow September 22 2008, 04:13:46 UTC
Excellent. This is a great!informative. Thanks!


stickypearls September 22 2008, 15:39:41 UTC
You're welcome.


Fuck > 1 time. openended September 22 2008, 04:33:12 UTC
I'm gonna be not a moderator at the moment, because this is a legit question that has been bugging the crap out of me for my own fics and I think it applies to a lot of other authors as well.

Technically speaking, a movie can get an R rating for using the word "fuck" more than once (though I learned this from Be Cool, so my source isn't exactly solid here) so if I have, for example, the following conversation:

Addison: Shit. Motherfucker. Fuck. Shit!
Callie: There's a shit motherfucker fuck shit situation?
Addison: My wallpaper's not straight.
Callie: I prefer paint.

my fic would technically be rated R (and, for disclaiming purposes, requires a nod to whoever wrote those lines in Sex and the City somewhere around S5) according to the MPAA ( ... )


Re: Fuck > 1 time. chris_baby September 22 2008, 07:49:28 UTC
However, if that's the only R-related content my fic has (there is nothing resembling sex and nobody's getting shot multiple times), would I still have to rate it R for language? Or could I get away with the PG-13 rating?

This. Very much seconded. I usually mention it's for language and tend to rate higher just to be safe, but still.

Not to mention MPAA often makes little sense, especially how it varies from one country to another (alas, thank you callalily_love for this post). I just fear I'll never understand the true meaning of PG. Ever.

Re: disclaimer. I'd suggest, if I may, embedding it and sticking it up on the profile page so new posters can spot it and you don't have to nudge people all the time.


Re: Fuck > 1 time. recycledstars September 22 2008, 10:17:05 UTC
I "borrowed" (more like stole) your disclaimer from here for my fic journal (that's kind of ironic no?)

Just wanted to make sure that was cool with you and all.

AND, re: above. Yeah, I never remember to rate for language. So. What's the what?


Re: Fuck > 1 time. chris_baby September 22 2008, 14:54:33 UTC
Ha. For all your fics I have bookmarked and all the hours of subsequent joy, you can take my kidneys and put it on the shelf (as I'm afraid they wouldn't be of much use but for show).

Hmmm, crude language is tricky business, isn't it? Like, is "cunt" R or NC-17? Is penis more polite than cock and should we rate R if one of the OCs is named Dick? Oooooh!

Me, I'm not of the faint-hearted and would happily stick a PG-13 for most language. Alas. I'm not the only reader around. So I basically prefer to thread on the safe side.


leni_ba September 22 2008, 20:12:34 UTC
Hi. Is it okay if I copied that disclaimer to the info page of my writing journal? I've been thinking of writing one, but it never came out serious enough, so I stuck to the 'Assume all contents to be PG-13 unless stated otherwise' warning. (I really don't like having to choose a rating to every.single.story, and since the show is PG-13 anyway.... *g*)

So... is it okay? And sorry for the rambling.


openended September 23 2008, 05:56:03 UTC
Yeah, but you need to pick a rating for each story. I know that it's probably all PG-13, but some people are more prone to reading only porn and some are more of the only wanting vanilla family-safe stuff.

Feel free to copy/paste the "This stuff isn't mine" disclaimer. I think everyone who links to a separate journal has something similar on that journal's userinfo page (OR THEY SHOULD). We'll be spot-checking journals sometime in the near future if the disclaimer isn't included in the header posted here. Not because we're assholes, but because nobody likes cranky copyright lawyers.


leni_ba September 24 2008, 02:31:32 UTC
It's okay. I understand. I do have disclaimers for every story, some more serious than others, but I like the one here because it's all business-like. What can I say, I don't speak lawyer. *g*

Oh, and yeah, if the community where I'm posting asks for rating, I rate every story. It's just something I don't like thinking about when I'm writing/posting to my own journal.

And... I'm sorry, disclaimer in the header? I was thinking of copying it to the community info page. Confused here.


openended September 24 2008, 02:32:49 UTC
Oh. I meant that if the disclaimer isn't included in the header you post in ga_fanfic, then we'll sporadically spot-check the userinfo of the community you post in for the disclaimer.


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