Rebirth- Chapter 31

Aug 08, 2008 01:09

Title- Rebirth
Author- Kimberly
Rating- R
Summary- Izzie sees herself for her true colors, the guys plan a surprise, someone gets cold feet and Callie is a mess.

Chapter 31

Alex was glaring at Izzie. Sometimes he just couldn’t believe her. She had pushed and pushed until George had removed her from his life, because she left him no choice and still she continued on “Izzie, George isn’t your play toy or something and neither is Callie your puppet that you can do whatever you please too. Why don’t you just stay out of their lives? Oh wait, that would be simple! You can’t do anything the simple way, can you? I mean you couldn’t wait for Denny to get a heart, no, you cut his LVAD wire to get him the heart at the moment you wanted it. Classy.”

“Don’t you dare bring Denny into this!” Izzie exclaimed. Denny was dead, Denny couldn’t defend himself and she couldn’t bear hearing his name from other people when they were being uncaring towards him. She still loved him so and when you loved someone you did whatever you had to get them what they needed. At the time, Denny had needed a heart and she did everything in her power to get it for him.

“I’m not bringing Denny into this, I’m bringing what you did to Denny into this. You’re a doctor. You should understand the difference.”

Callie gently reached out and placed her hand on Alex’s shoulder, “I can handle this,” she said softly. She didn’t want to make a scene. She really just needed to tell Izzie off, because obviously she needed to hear it from several people before she could comprehend.

Alex turned around and couldn’t believe that Callie was standing behind him. This fight with Izzie was the last thing she needed right now. She was right on the edge. She needed to stay calm for the baby so she didn’t go into premature labor. She knew all of these things. She wasn’t a dumbie. “Callie, as your doctor, I am going to have to ask you to step away from the situation and let someone else handle it,” he said as calmly as possible. He wanted nothing more than to step out of the way and watch Callie beat the shit out of Izzie, because that was what she deserved, but he knew it could cause harm to the baby and there was no way he could allow that.

Callie nodded her head, she knew not to push when it came to Alex, because he would not stop short of throwing one of them over his shoulder and carrying one away from the other, if it came to that. “Alex, I just wanted to tell Dr. Stevens, not to fuck with me, my husband, my son, my life or my career anymore. I am sick and tired of the way she has treated me and I did nothing to deserve it. She seems to me like the type who wouldn’t say anything if she had nothing nice to say, but I guess I thought wrong about our sweet and innocent Dr. Isobel Stevens. I am sorry, it was my mistake.”

“I am very sorry Dr. Torres-O’Malley. It does seem that Dr. Stevens isn’t the person we all started with during our first year. The Dr. Stevens I knew was kind and caring and would never hurt an innocent child or try and loose her best friend on purpose. But I suppose people change,” Alex stated with a shrug.

“I suppose you are right Dr. Karev,” Callie stated with a smile before turning around and walking away. She was going to grab some lunch. She was pretty sure her and Alex had just tagged team Izzie Stevens once and for all, by stating the fact in her character, the biggest one she had.

Alex looked helplessly at Izzie, shrugging his shoulders. He wasn’t going to jump into her boat and bail her out. Not this time. He had let his anchor up with her a long time ago and let his boat sail away. He turned away, grabbing a chart on his way and headed off for an exam room.

Izzie couldn’t believe what had just happened? Had she really turned into this monster everyone was making her out to be? Had losing Denny affected her so much that she couldn’t help but meddle in other people’s happiness? Was that what her life had become? Was this monster who she had become? She raced off to the nearest bathroom and stared at her reflection in the mirror. It was in that moment she realized that George and Alex and even Callie weren’t lying to her. She was merely a shell of a person she used to be.

Derek had paged Richard, Mark, Preston and Alex to the nurses station. He had gotten word that Addison and Miranda were throwing Callie a baby shower. That had to mean that they needed to throw George one. They could not and would not be out done by the ladies.

“What’s this about?” Richard question.

“We need to plan a baby shower.”

“Are you nuts?” Mark questioned chuckling. Derek wanted to throw a baby shower? That was insane. None of them were having a baby. “Women give the showers Derek, or did you miss Addison always running around buying those gifts for her friends and making you sign the card?”

“I didn’t miss it Mark. And we’d be throwing the shower for O’Malley. A Manly shower. I’m going to book Joe’s. For Monday, everyone bring a gift.”

“So what, we’re having a party and giving him baby gifts?” Alex questioned.

“Well I’ll get a cake,” Preston offered. He had attended a few baby showers for friends and such. The usually always had a cake and games. He had a feeling he knew why Derek was doing this. All the women had some sort of bond with each other and the men could really care less about each other. Things like a baby brought people together. And they, could not be out done by the ladies.

“Do we have to play any games?” Richard questioned.

“I believe those are a little too fruity for our tastes,” Derek stated. “But maybe we could play darts or something,” he shrugged. He really hadn’t thought all of that out. He just knew that if the ladies were giving Callie a baby shower, it was only right to give George one. “There will be plenty of beer to go around and food. Now we need decorations. Preston already offered to get the cake and I’m getting the location. Mark? Alex?”

Mark glanced over at Alex, “I’ll let you scrub in for a week straight, on anything and everything you want if you do the decorations.”

Alex sighed. That was a sweet deal. He couldn’t pass it up. Mark never wanted to let him into the OR. So he would have to go buy some balloons with rattles and babies on them and crap. It would be so worth the OR time he would get out of it, “No problem.”

“Well great, it’s settled. Joe’s at 8 on Monday, be there,” Derek said before heading off to check on some patients.


Meredith smiled as she watched George at the nursery window. They used to come up here at the beginning of their internship and peak in at the babies. It always seemed to make them feel better when they were having a down day. Never would she have guessed that George would be becoming a father. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder, “Hi,” she whispered.

“Hi,” he said softly, not glancing up from the babies.

Meredith studied him for a moment, something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was. She reached down and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. “Is everything okay with you and Callie?”

“No,” he whispered.

“What happened?”

“I don’t want to be a dad. I’m not ready. I’m not good enough. I can’t do this. I know I’ve thought this before and everyone has told me I’ll be fine, but I didn’t want this Meredith,” he said quickly. He didn’t want anyone to overhear this.

“George, calm down,” Meredith assured him. “you’re just getting cold feet. You’re going to be a great dad. I’ve always know that about you. You love Callie. You wouldn’t have married her and promised forever to her if you were unsure.”

George swallowed hard as Izzie’s words echoed in his head. He wasn’t ready for this and he couldn’t do this. He couldn’t be a father. He had to run. He had too. He let go of Meredith’s hand and raced off, not bothering to say goodbye to her. He just had to get out of here and not hear everything that she would tell him and how he was acting crazy.


Callie smiled when she walked into the house. She could smell dinner cooking and knew that Louise was making something wonderful. It was already making her mouth water. She set her bag down and hung her coat up, rubbing her hands over her belly as she made her way into the kitchen. “Hi Louise. Is George home?”

“Hi sweetie. How are you feeling today?” Louise questioned turning away from the stove for a moment to look at Callie. “And no, I haven’t seen George since this morning.”

“I wonder where he is. I looked for him at the hospital before I left and I couldn’t find him. No one had in a few hours,” she explained sitting down and putting her feet up. She was exhausted and wished George was here. She could really use a back rub. “What’s for dinner? And I’m exhausted. It was a long day.”

“The first day back always is,” Louise said with a smile. Even at the beginning of the school year, the first day was the most exhausting, she had no idea why. It was like some law of nature or something. “Chicken with a lemon sauce and rice and cauliflower,” she told her as she checked on the items cooking.

“That sounds amazing and smells even better,” Callie said getting up. She went over to the cabinet and picked out two plates and two cups, bringing them over to the table. The least she could do was set the table since Louise had gone out of her way to cook dinner. She loved coming home to a home cooked meal though. It was so much better than take out.

“Callie, you don’t need to do that sweetheart. You can sit and rest, I don’t mind. You’re pregnant and in your third trimester.”

“I want to Louise. I’m not crippled. Just pregnant,” Callie laughed as she got their forks and knives from the drawer and set them on the table. “It’s not hard work.”

Louise shook her head as she turned her attention back to the stove. Callie had more than enough on her plate right now than to worry about setting the table for dinner. She was growing a human life and growing full time. Louise didn’t mind taking care of her and George, and Baby O when he was born, actually she loved doing it.

“I’m going to go upstairs and see if George is there,” Callie said softly.

“Alright. Dinner should be ready when you come back down,” Louise told her.

Callie nodded as she made her way to the stairs, holding onto the hand rail. She slowly made her way upstairs and then into their bedroom. She smiled seeing a folded piece of paper on the bed. She sat down and picked it up, placing a hand over her belly.

Dear Callie,

I love you more than I could ever put into words. You are my world, you are my everything. But, I’m just not ready. I can’t handle being a father right now. I know I’m not ready to be responsible for another human life. I know I told you I was ready all those months ago, but I’m truly not. I know you might think this is selfish, because you need me. But let me tell you something, you are going to do an amazing job all on your own, without my help. You will not be like your mother and that I promise you. You love Baby O more than anything in this world and I understand that. I hope that one day you can forgive me for my actions and what I have done to our family.

All my love,

Callie was shaking by the time she finished reading the note. The tears were streaming down her cheeks. George had left her. He had left her alone in his mother’s house, two weeks from her due date? There was no turning back now. She had to have this baby. To have this baby she needed George. “LOUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs through her tears.

author: tonysgirl02, shipper: george/callie

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