Rebirth- Chapter 30

Jul 31, 2008 23:45

Title- Rebirth
Author- Kimberly
Rating- R
Summary- Diego does his pictures, George is taken aback, a doctor's appointment and a decision. Basically nothing too exciting, but the next chapter will be.

Chapter 30

George was surprised to find the house completely dark when he came home. It wasn’t that late, but all the lights were out. As he went to the door, he opened his cell phone to double check that he had no messages from his mother or from Callie, saying they had gone somewhere or something.

He opened the door and walked inside, hanging his coat up and setting his back down. “Callie? Mom?” he called as he glanced into the living room. No one was in there and there weren’t any lights on in the kitchen. He wondered where the two of them had gone too without calling him. He stepped into the kitchen and looked to see if there was a note anywhere, that’s when he saw them in the backyard with Diego.

George stepped outside and saw Diego look up from his camera. “George!” he exclaimed waving him over.

George smiled. He was glad to see that everyone was safe and sound. He was just starting to worry. He walked over to Diego and then realized that his wife was sitting under the three they had planted when he was three, on a blanket, naked, holding her belly. He then remembered the camera Diego had been holding. “May I ask what is going on here?” he questioned, trying to sound as calm as possible.

Callie smiled and looked up at George. She was glowing. Her hair was softly curled and her hands were placed protectively around her stomach. “I’m helping Diego with a project for school.”

“And what type of project requires my wife to be naked?” he demanded crossing his arms over his chest. Callie could have at least run this by him. It was his son she was carrying.

“I asked Diego to do these shots. He did the ones for his project before,” Callie explained. “There’s nothing to be bent out of shape over,” she told him.

“George, take off your shirt and go sit with Callie. We’ll get some beautiful shots,” Diego said just imagining what it would look like. He could take a picture of the two of them holding her belly and their left hands resting of her belly. It would be beautiful.

“George, come on!” Callie exclaimed holding her hands out to him. Diego had shown her some shots of husbands and wifes together and they were beautiful She wanted some of her own as well. She just never thought George would be home early enough to get in on the photos.

“Callie….” He said firmly, his arms still crossed over his chest.

“George, I want this. Do this for me,” Callie said running her bottom lip out, hoping it would help her get exactly what she wanted. The same way it always had with her father when she was younger.

He sighed. When she said this was something she wanted, there was nothing he could do. Callie knew exactly how to get her way with him. He reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his chest, before sitting on the back of a chair. He went over to his wife and sat down beside her. “Now what do I do?” he asked Diego. He had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.

Diego nodded and set his camera down on the table. He went over to the blanket and moved George’s arm around Callie, around her belly. “Just act natural,” Diego told him before grabbing his camera once more and beginning to shoot off some pictures. He was sure George would loosen up in a few minutes and forget that he was snapping pictures.

“Thank you,” Callie whispered as she turned her head to look at George, smiling at him. She placed her hand on the side of his face.

“You’re welcome, but you still have a lot of explaining to do,” he told her as he rested his forehead against hers and lightly pressing his lips into hers. He would do anything to see her smile and this was obviously something that was important to her, even if he didn’t understand it.

Callie giggled a little. She knew George wouldn’t be comfortable with the idea, so she hadn’t bothered to run it by him. She figured Diego could get all the shots done before he got home and as much as she wanted him in them, with her and Baby O, it just wasn’t going to work out that way. “I promise I will explain to you, later,” she told him touching the tip of his nose.


Callie got up early and showered. She was the first appointment for Addison that morning and she did not want to be late. She always wanted to be ready to go to work, if she could. She had no doubt in her mind that Addison wouldn’t clear her. She had listened to everything Addison and Alex had told her and the baby seemed fine.

George glanced over at Callie and noticed she was staring out the window on their way to the hospital. His shift started after her appointment. One of her hands was on her belly and she looked a little bit lost. “Callie, are you alright?”

“I’m just thinking.”


“Going back to work, how I’ve listened to everything they told me to do. How I want and need to go back to work the little bit of time between now and when Baby O is born. George, I’m not the mother who can sit at home and just nest. I need to be doing my job. My job I trained very hard for. I don’t want to be Mommy Tracked or anything. I did nothing to deserve that.”

“Sweetheart, no one is doing anything to you. Your doctors are just making sure that our son is going to be born happy and healthy. And as his mother it is your job to follow through with their instructions. So if Addison says you can’t come back to work yet, then you need to listen to her and not be upset with her.”

Callie sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. She knew George was right, so there was no point in continuing this discussion until after her appointment. She really hoped she was able to go back to work. She would go crazy if she had to continue to sit at home and nest. There were only so many receiving blankets she could fold.

They arrived at the hospital a few minutes later. Callie got out of the car and made sure she had her bag. George handed her the keys, since if she didn’t get cleared to come back, she would need to drive herself home. They walked upstairs hand in hand and saw Addison waiting for them at the nurses station, with the file in her hand.

“Good morning,” she greeted the two of them. “I already have the exam room ready,” she explained leading them down the hall and to the exam room she had opened and waiting for them. Once they were all inside, Addison opened the file. “How have you been feeling?”

Callie smiled as she sat on the table. She just knew that Addison was going to let her come back to work. “Much better than when I was admitted,” she told her. “I’ve had no more spotting. His movement has been excellent. I’ve been trying to drink as much water as I can and resting, like I was told,” she added rubbing her belly.

Addison nodded her head, “Lets check your blood pressure, measure your belly, check his heart tones and we’ll go from there,” she assured Callie as she placed the chart on the counter and grabbed the blood pressure cuff. She went over to Callie and placed it on her arm before inflating it.

“Addison, I’ve done everything I was told to do,” Callie told her. “I’ve been resting more than I can handle. I am going stir crazy sitting at home and doing nothing.”

“Well then, it’s a good thing that your blood pressure it back within normal range,” she smiled grabbing the tape measure and motioning for Callie to lay back. Addison gently moved her shirt up to under her breasts and laid the tape measure down. “You are measuring about a week ahead now.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Callie questioned. She didn’t think it was, but she wanted to make sure. She glanced over at George and tried to read the look on his face. It didn’t tell her much.

“No, not right now. It means he could be big or he could come a little before 40 weeks,” Addison explained squirting some gel on Callie’s stomach before moving the Doppler around. She smiled when she found the heart beat. “it’s nice and strong.”

“That’s my boy,” George smiled. He was glad that even after everything Izzie had said to Callie that Baby O was alright. He had no idea what he could be capable if the baby hadn’t made it out of this okay.

“I can go back to work, can’t I?” Callie questioned, a smile spreading across her face as she wiped the gel from her stomach and pulled her shirt down.

Addison nodded her head as she replaced the Doppler to the cabinet. “I see no reason why you can’t, but please stay away from Izzie Stevens. You’re getting closer to full term, but he does need to stay in there a few more weeks to avoid the NICU. I know neither of you want him in the NICU and to go have to through that,” she said softly. It wasn’t something she wanted to see happen.

“I already told Chief is not welcomed on my service until I come back from maternity leave and he agreed,” Callie said softly as she sat up.

Addison nodded her head. It seemed as if everything was taken care of. “Well then, I will see you in two weeks. Take care of yourself. George, make sure she’s listening and not over doing it,” Addison said as she hugged Callie and then George.


Izzie sighed when she saw Callie sitting at the nurses station, going through charts. She couldn’t believe that she had come back to work after her “scare” with the baby. She would have thought that the kid would have been more important to her then her job.

Alex came up next to Izzie and saw her eyes trained on Callie, “Let me repeat O’Malley’s words, leave his pregnant wife alone,” he hissed as he grabbed a chart and began to make notes on it.

“Alex, are you sleeping with her?” Izzie questioned glancing over at him. He always seemed to be taking up for Callie. It just didn’t make sense to Izzie.

“No, I don’t sleep with married women. Especially pregnant happily married women, like Callie. We’re friends Izzie. I know it’s hard for you to understand the meaning of a friend, but that is what we are. And I have more respect for her marriage than to try and get in her pants,” he explained clicking his pen and replacing it to his pocket.

“Happily married?” Izzie questioned arching an eye brow at him. “What a joke.”

Alex rolled his eyes, “Just leave her alone. She’s pregnant. She’s here doing her job.”

“She took my best friend away!”

“Well maybe if you hadn’t acted like a two year old and just accepted Callie one of the many times George asked you too, you wouldn’t have this problem now. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just get on with your life. You almost killed their baby Izzie!”

Callie glanced up hearing the yelling. She saw Alex so very close to Izzie and she had caught the tail end of what he had said to her. She wasn’t sure what to do. Staying away from Izzie was probably her best option, for the baby, but could she allow someone to just walk all over her, her son, her husband and her marriage the way Izzie Stevens was right now?

author: tonysgirl02, shipper: george/callie

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