Rebirth- Chapter 29

Jul 23, 2008 22:53

Title- Rebirth
Author- Kimberly
Rating- R
Summary- George and Callie are expecting their first child. In this chapter, George tells someone off and Callie agrees to something George might not agree with
Author Note- Oh. My. God. Is anyone still reading? It's finally back. It's been a very, very, very long time. But now it is back and it will be finished (I hope).

Chapter 29

It was early, too early to be up and working a thirty six hour shift in two hours, but this was needed. George looked himself over in the mirror, determining which tough face was needed for the confirmation he was going to have. It was one he hoped wouldn’t come, but seeing Callie in that hospital bed yesterday, worried over their own child, made him rethink this whole relationship.

He marched over to the bed and gently smoothed out her hair. He smiled as she stirred just a little. He placed a kiss on her lips and ran a hand over her covered belly before tip toeing out of the room and shutting the door. He picked up his bag and headed down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake his mother and worry her as well.
He unlocked the door and locked it again as he stepped out onto the steps. He dug his key out and headed for his car. This was going to make a long day even longer, but he had been putting it off since the moment he had met Callie. He had been putting this off, because he thought that Izzie Stevens would understand and accept her place in his life, but she hadn’t. In over a year and a half she hadn’t gotten that she would only ever be his best friend. Today, he would set her straight, for the health of his son and the sake of his marriage.


Izzie stood in the kitchen, pouring pancake batter onto the hot griddle. Meredith and Alex sat at the table, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper. Izzie hummed as she waited for the tiny bubbles to form in the batter. “Iz, is George coming to kick your ass?” Alex questioned not looking up from his paper.

“No, George is my best friend. He would never do that,” she insisted as she tapped her fingers against the counter.

“I wouldn’t bet money on it Izzie,” Meredith added not looking up herself.

“Is the world against me or something?”

Just then, the door bell rang. Alex smirked as he stood up, setting his paper down and walking down the hall. He peeked out and smiled when he saw it was George. Before letting him in though, he stepped outside and closed the door behind him so the girls didn’t hear. “I just wanted to let you know, I wanted to tell you yesterday. Callie asked me not too and I didn’t want to upset her more. I hope you wash the kitchen floor with Izzie’s face, she deserves what she gets,” Alex told him.

“You should have come and told me without letting Callie know. That is my child she is carrying too. I know sometimes she forgets that he is half mine, but he is. And I have every right to know what is going on with the two of them. It’s not like I’m some dead beat dad who walks in and out of her life as I please. I am here in good times and in bad and as a fellow man, who could one day be a father, you should have respected that,” George told him calmly. He was saving all his anger for Izzie. The only thing Alex had done wrong was not coming to get him.

“I’m sorry,” Alex said softly. He wasn’t ashamed of what he did. At the time he thought he was doing the right thing, but hearing what George had to say now, he knew that maybe he hadn’t made the right decision, but in that moment he had honored his patients wishes.

Alex turned and opened the door, stepping back inside, allowing George to follow him in before shutting the door and walking back into the kitchen. Alex grinned at Meredith as he sat down at the table. He picked up his newspaper and sipped his coffee.

George nodded when Alex said he was sorry. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he followed him inside of the house. He knew this house all too well. He stood in the kitchen, watching Izzie with the pancakes. He had no idea how he was supposed to start this conversation. That was not something he had thought about on the way over. On the way over he had focused himself on what he needed to do. He needed to cut her out of his life no matter how much it was going to hurt. He could no longer allow her to come between him and his wife and endangering the life of a baby who had nothing to do with whatever ill feelings Izzie had towards Callie. He could not let her words break him.

Izzie flipped the pancakes and then looked up, she smiled seeing George standing there. “George!” she exclaimed as the smile became wider on her face. Her plan had worked perfectly. “Do you want some pancakes?”

“No, Izzie, I don’t want any pancakes. We need to talk.”


“What you did to my wife yesterday.”

“George…I didn’t…..”

“Lets just get this straight, once and for all, alright? I’ve told you not to bother Callie. I’ve told you to leave her alone. I have told you on more than one occasion to stay out of my marriage. I’ve told you that I am happy and that I am looking forward to being a father, yet you still don’t believe me!” he exclaimed.

“No, George, you don’t understand…..”

“Stevens, shut up and let him talk,” Alex growled at her.

“But yesterday, was the final straw. Yesterday, you brought my son into this when you landed Callie in that hospital bed. What you said to her was unacceptable. And maybe in your strange little world in your head you think that really did happen, but out here in the real world, everyone knows how much I love my wife and child. And everyone knows that I would do anything for them because I love them so much and they are the most important people in my life right now. Everyone but you seems to understand that. Out here in the real world Izzie, we are only friends, nothing more. Out here in the real world you have treated my wife like shit from the moment you met her. You never even tried to like her or get along with her for my sake, no matter how in love with her I was. Even when I married her you couldn’t just put your differences aside and let my life be. I’m really sorry that Denny is dead, but it doesn’t give you the right to take my happiness from me. Meredith is happy with Derek and you’re always telling her it will never work out. Anytime Alex brings a girl around you come up with a reason on why she isn’t good for him. We can be happy. You have to find your own happiness.”

“I do not want to see your name on my phone. I do not want a voicemail or an e-mail from you. I want nothing from you, but for you to stay out of my life. You almost killed my son yesterday and for that I will never forgive you. That is my own flesh and blood and although I might not be carrying him, my wife is and that baby means the world to both of us. There is no longer a place in my life for you. There was until you crossed this line. I can not have you trying to ruin my family with your secret fantasies Callie and Baby O are more important to me then you ever could be. If you have a problem with me, come to me. Don’t go to my pregnant wife. But your problem is I married Callie and not you. I was never in love with Izzie. I never even liked you that way. You were my best friend and where you came up with this crazy idea, I have no clue, but get it out of your head and I am out of your life!” George yelled the last part before turning around and marching out of the house. He slammed the door behind him and climbed into his car, squealing his tires as he backed up. That was one of the hardest things he had ever done in his life, but it had to happen.

“Did George finally just grow a set?” Meredith whispered to Alex. They had watched everything unfold and not said a word.

“Yeah, seems having a kid makes you a man,” Alex chuckled.

“This isn’t funny!” Izzie whined. “The pancakes are burnt.”


Callie smiled as she glanced over at the clock. It was almost 11. This was the latest she had been able to sleep in a long time. She rubbed her belly and felt the baby move underneath her hand. “Hi Baby O,” she whispered. “Are you doing okay?”

She giggled when he kicked a little harder, meaning he was doing just fine. She sat up and got out of bed. She had no idea what she was going to do all day because she was supposed to stay at home and relax. Relaxing had never been a true word in her vocabulary, but surely there was something she could do around here to entertain herself all day long.

She slowly made her way down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, she was surprised to see Louise and Diego sitting at the kitchen table, folding laundry, the babies clothing. “What are you two doing?” Callie questioned pressing a hand to her belly.

“Well, you didn’t call me and told me you had a scare with the baby,” Diego pointed out as he turned to look at his sister. He was not pleased that he had not received a phone call.

“There was nothing you could do for us,” Callie reasoned as she poured herself a cup of coffee and joined the two of them at the table.

“I’m your brother, I wanted to know,” Diego said as he folded another blanket and added it to the pile. “But Louise called me this morning to let me know and then came and picked me up after my class, so I could spend some time with you and she said she had some baby things she needed some help with,” he explained.

“Louise, you didn’t need to do that. You could have woken me and I would have helped or done it myself,” Callie said setting her coffee cup down. She was pregnant, not broken and she hated when they treated her as such

“I wanted to and as he said, he is your brother and he did have a right to know, so I took it off your to do list. And no one is saying you can’t help us, but you also need to be resting and following the orders you were given at the hospital so that way you and my grandson stay safe,”: Louise explained to her. “Now what would you like for breakfast? You at least need to eat a little something How about a blueberry muffin? We picked some up at the bakery on our way home,” she said standing up and going over to the counter. She grabbed a plate and placed the muffin on it, cutting it in half and placing some butter on each side before bringing it over to Callie and going into the laundry room to switch the washes.
Callie shook her head as Louise fixed her muffin and then hurried off to do something else. She was amazed that this women had a career her entire married life while she raised three amazing boys. She was sure that Louise had done this with all of them while they were growing up. She took a bit of her muffin and smiled. These were to die for.

“I have a favor to ask,” Diego stated as he folded a pair of tiny socks and added them to the pile.


“I want to do some photographs of you, pregnant and happy and glowing. I want you to be my subject,” he explained. “Of course they’ll be tasteful, nothing I don’t want to see as your little brother, but I’ve been doing some research and if done right, these are beautiful pictures and something you can have forever.”

“Diego, are you serious?” Callie questioned arching an eye brow at him. She could not believe that her little brother wanted to take nude pregnancy photos of her. It might have been strange to admit, but she was down with the idea. He was right, it was a memory she would be able to keep forever. She figured she would have more children after this, but nothing was for certain.

Diego nodded his head as he set the blanket down in his lap. “Callie, I would not be asking you this if I wasn’t serious about it. I’ve been thinking about it or awhile, because I wasn’t sure how to ask you and I’ve wanted to do research about how to take the pictures and get different ideas. Well I think I have it all together now and it’ll be great. I have so many ideas I want to try. If you don’t like any of the photos after I edit them, we can throw the whole idea out, but I think it’ll turn out great.”

Callie thought for a moment as she finished her muffin. Diego was really excited about this. It was something she had thought about doing and it would probably help him ace this project. “Sure.”

“Are you serious?” he questioned.

Callie nodded her head. She had no reason to think this was a bad idea. “Yes, but I get to see some of the pictures before you turn them in to your class. Got it?” she questioned pointing a figure at him.

“Deal,” Diego agreed reaching his hand out. Callie shook his hand. Diego let out a squeal of excitement before going back to folding the blankets on the table. This was going to be so exciting.

author: tonysgirl02, shipper: george/callie

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