(no subject)

May 06, 2008 16:36

Title: The Heinrich Maneuver
Chapter: My Way Home
Rating: PG-13
Ship: Addison/Derek, Mark/OC, Meredith/Finn
Summary: This is a sequel to Half Love, which can be found here. Keep in mind that if you haven't read Half Love at all, you're not going to really know what's going on, but Half Love is 56 chapters, so feel free to try this one without its predecessor. People have been trying to get me to write this for a while now, and I finally caved. For those of you that don't know Half Love, Eliot Grey is Meredith's half-sister (via Ellis, not Thatcher), and was friends with Addison and Derek before they moved to Seattle.

how are things on the west coast, i hear you're doing real fine

ETA: My journal was accidentally locked; it's no longer that way.

author: liquid_courage, shipper: derek/addison

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