Have Them in:
dreamscreamerjaimekeanekcitysongkidney_stoneslu_thienradon_reconcilersserenityonesnowdrop03 Don't Have Them in:
incripacu commented on the skipping post before I posted this challenge and said they would be out of town until the 14th. I'm not sure what to do about this, if they have already left I may have to let them (and only them) skip this challenge since they didn't know.
Now that you have made it to the top 10 that means NO MORE CHALLENGE SKIPS. That's right. I want everyone to get their icons in for the remaining challenges. If your some reason you cannot make this deadline (and that means you are going to be out of town the entire time or something like that) leave me a comment
{AT THE CHALLENGE SKIP POST} to let me know when you are leaving and when you will be back. I may be able to extend a deadline for you. If you have a little time before you go then please get your icon in early! If you are going to be gone for a long time (too long for me to extend the deadline for you) then I may make an exception but I'm not sure if I will.
Are you ready for your 9th challenge?
Use this picture of Katherine Heigl and Patrick Dempsey
(Click again twice for full size)
If thumbnail doesn't work:
http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/8465/katherineandpatrickqy6.jpg You can also use this version of the image if you want. It's smaller and of lesser quality but it shows more of the background if you want to put that into your icon.
If thumbnail doesn't work:
http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/985/6314ty7.jpg You do not have to put both people in the icon but I would guess that you might want to.
1. You can only enter one icon per week.
2. You cannot post the icon anywhere else until after the voting has taken place.
3. The icon must be new for this community.
4. Do not let anybody know which icon is yours until the voting is over.
5. If you do not post your icon by the due date, you will be automatically eliminated unless you tell me why you can't participate in this challenge first.
6. Brushes, Textures, Stock Images and Text are allowed but not required. You cannot however, use any other pictures besides what I have provided for you.
7. All icons must fit livejournal requirements (100x100 or less, less than 40k)
Comment here with your icon. All comments will be screened.