You could say that January has been my month of optimism (whether or not it pays off? Quite another story). I've been humbled to silence by the transition of power in Washington. I've seen MILK twice and have been rendered furious at the cyclical nature of civil rights, the profoundly harmful nature of apathy and obliviousness.
It becomes an
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I'd be the first to tell you I'd need a new scene. And the minute the economy eases some of its wounds and I find the right job, I'm out in the wind and not looking back regardless. the best I can do here is holding capacity, and I've known that for quite a while.
Though I'm more concerned about making the lives of others less potentially riddled by such shrapnel as the sort I briefly mention here. I'm not on the ledge right now, but I'm cognizant of those that have less and suffer more. I'll be fine in any case, but I want to do more to make sure kids who don't see the bigger picture aren't as doomed as the hegmonic and the oblivious seek to make them. I don't want to watch anyone else be marganlized the same way.
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