Почему взрослые не ходят в кино: 8 причин

Aug 23, 2009 12:34

Комментарий на Jezebel, заслуживает отдельного поста, согласен со всем:

I'm a grown-up and we hardly ever go to the movies, and neither do most of our friends. When is the film industry going to understand that they've trained an entire generation or two to NOT go to the movies? This is how they did it.

1. Most movies are made to appeal to 15 year olds and we aren't interested in seeing them. We actually care about plot, characters, and dialogue and these movies don't. Watching things blow up or listening to fart jokes is not an adequate substitute. And once we get out of the habit, it takes a lot for us to even think about going to a movie theater.

2. The movies made for grown-ups are usually released in November and December for Oscar consideration. Those are the two busiest months of the year. Who has time to go to the movies then? Not us. And if we do go, we go with our families because, duh, it's the holidays.

3. Movies start either between 7:00 and 7:25 or 9:30 and later. There's no time to eat or go out to dinner if we want to make a 7:00 show unless we have dinner at 5:30. That's too early even for us. And a 9:30 show means we don't get home until midnight or later. We have stuff to do the next day and we need to get up early.

4. Movies are out of the theater in a week or two. We don't need to go the first weekend because we don't need to be the cool kids. We'll go when we have free time, but by then the movie isn't in theaters anymore or it's still showing at one but it's 20 miles from our house.

5. We can't stand people who talk, text, phone, or yell at the screen. We came to watch the damn movie. The film industry talks about the importance of the group experience, but they all go to private screenings where some guy isn't kicking the back of their seats all night long.

6. The commercials. If we've paid $10+, we should get to see the movie without a bunch of ads. We remember when there weren't ads and we hate them. And we don't want to see more than 2 previews. We came to see THIS movie.

7. The print quality is bad or the projection bulb is dimmed and the movie looks terrible. If it looks better on our TV than the movie screen, we aren't coming back to that theater ever.

8. The sound is too loud. It's not a good moviegoing experience if we have to watch the entire film with our fingers in our ears. We're not deaf, but we will be if they keep that up.

So that's how we've been trained to NOT go to the movies. And it has nothing to do with marketing or A-list actors or their salaries. It is based entirely on how the moviegoing experience has changed. It's just not worth it most of the time.

приличные люди, баблос, кино

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