"Этот фильм оскорбляет чувства мужчин, женщин и золотых рыбок")

Jul 25, 2009 17:11

Нет, это не отрывок из рецензии на "Бруно". Смешной абзац в статье критика Miami Herald о романтической комедии The Ugly Truth с Кэтрин Хейгл и Джерардом Батлером:

Heigl, who also served as co-executive producer (with her mother!), had the temerity to decry Knocked Up as sexist shortly after its release. Is this her idea of a corrective? The Ugly Truth is insulting to women, men and even goldfish. There isn't a single moment that bears a remote resemblance to real life. This is an artificial, antiseptic movie about artificial, antiseptic people.
Say no to Hollywood hackery and cynical, demographic-courting filmmaking. Say no to movies made by people who condescend and treat you like bleating sheep. Say no to films so radioactively, offensively awful they could cause permanent damage to your thought processes and genetic DNA. Say no to The Ugly Truth.

Какой напор, какая ярость)

цитаты, критика, кино

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