Let me see.... *rubbing chin*

Jan 15, 2006 00:04

Okay... I'll start off with last night...

FREAKIN' SWEET! I had a blast last night... It was me, Steph, Justin, Stevie, and Christina. We went over to Bristol and ate at Outback and Tinsletown... Me and Steph had a blast... I can't say the same for the others... they looked bored out of their minds the whole time pretty much... but Oh well... =0/ Me adn Steph rode in my car *snicker* *wink* and Justin, Stevie and Christina rode in Justin's... overall it was a great night... REAL FRIENDS ARE FUN TO BE WITH...

Which leads me to the thought of the day... umm night... whatever!

I've been thinking a lot here lately and as you regular readers know I'm always putting stuff on here about not having friends and blah blah blah... well I do... just not that many... Okay... everybody that went is my friend... Ambo is my friend... and thats pretty much it... I mean there are others and you know who you are but I need to stop talking about it and do something about it! I'm tired of having would-be "friends" like MOST of mine are... I want real ones like the above mentioned... That's why I can't wait til college! =0) I have always heard you make your real friends there... well thank God! B/c if not then... SHIT!

I want to get an apartment when I graduate but there are several problems there...
1) I want to live with a roommate... but I don't know of any...
2) There's somebody that has invited me to live with them, but Mom would never let me live with a girl... *he he* Even though its a co-ed thing...
3) Not only would mom not let me live with a girl, she probably wouldn't let me move out period... if I did, there would go college help... and Med school isn't cheap... =0/
4) I don't really have anybody I would live with EXCEPT the one who invited me... even though we're just good friends and we wouldn't do anything... besides she likes somebody A LOT, and I like somebody A LOT... kind of... =0/

So anyway, I'm getting tired and I'll leave with that... comments??? HAH! Yeah right... anyway...

Later... *much*
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