Apr 20, 2004 00:18
lol sorry grant, had to steal it....
I n F o R m A t I o N
.:. name: Adam
.:. single or taken: single :(
.:. sex: male
.:. birthday: 5/5/88
.:. siblings: missy b!!
.:. hair color: brown
.:. eye color: i donno, i've heard blue, gray, green and even silver!!
.:. shoe size: 10.5
.:. height: 5'9"ish
R e L a T i O n S h I p S
.:. who is your best friend?: Grant
.:. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
F a S h I o N
.:. where is your favorite place to shop: uhh....CINNABON!!
.:. any tattoos or piercings: nope
S p E c I f I c S
.:. do you do drugs?: no
.:. what kind of shampoo do you use?: some weird shit my mom buys...
.:. what are you most scared of?: dying before being able to tell everyone how much i love them
.:. who is the last person that called you?: robyn
.:. who is the last person you called?: umm....grant?
.:. where do you want to get married?: church?? anywhere but vegas!!
.:. how many buddies are online right now?: 34, not bad for 12:30am on a school night
.:. what would you change about yourself?: the flub on my stomach!!
F a V o R i T e S
.:. color: blue or black
.:. food: wendy's and benihana's
.:. subjects in school: school can kiss my ass!
.:. animals: my dogs???
.:. sports: diving and snowboarding
H a V e Y o U e V e R
.:. given anyone a bath?: no :( haha
.:. smoked?: no
.:. bungee jumped?: no, but i want to!!
.:. made yourself throw up?: not unless i was sick
.:. skinny dipped?: yepp
.:. ever been in love?: yes
.:. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: haha last resort
.:. pictured your crush naked? what're u trying to get me in trouble or something??
.:. cried when someone died?: yes
.:. lied: NEVER...umm....
.:. fallen for your best friend?: not in THIS state
.:. been rejected?: o ya...too much for my liking lately
.:. rejected someone?: probably
.:. used someone?: not on purpose
.:. done something you regret?: life's too short for regrets!!
C u R r E n T
.:. clothes: gap boxers
.:. music: none playing
.:. make-up: n/a
.:. talking to: no one
.:. annoyance: it's too hot in this room!!
.:. smell: fresh air
.:. favorite group: no fav group...lots of good songs though
.:. desktop picture: somethin crazy from bougal.com
.:. book youre reading: some stupid thing for my research paper
.:. in cd player: mix tape
.:. in dvd player: 2 fast 2 furious!
.:. color of toenails: haha don't paint um
L a S t P e R s O n
.:. you touched: grant...washing his car!!
.:. hugged: liz
.:. you imed: nova
.:. you yelled at: my mom
.:. you kissed: dont' remember, been a while since that's happened
A r E y O u
.:. understanding: very
.:. open-minded: i try to be
.:. arrogant: don't think so...
.:. insecure: depends on who i'm with
.:. interesting: ask my friends
.:. random: HAHAHA yes...
.:. hungry: always
.:. smart: i like to think i am
.:. moody: only at early hours of the morning
.:. hard working: when there's enough iniciative
.:. organized: nope
.:. healthy: like an ox!!
.:. shy: not really
.:. difficult: i am if u cross me
.:. attractive: another one to ask someone else
.:. bored easily: not really
.:. messy: well, i'm def not a neat freak...
.:. obsessed: ya
R a N d O m
.:. In the morning i am: a pain in the ass if it's early!!
.:. all i need is: love and purpose
.:. love is: something to never let go of or take advantage of
.:. i dream about: flying!!
O p P o S i T e SeX
.:. what do you notice first: eyes, the doorways into the soul
.:. last person you slow danced with: can't remember
.:. worst question to ask: not too many touchy subjects with me
.:. makes you laugh the most: grant for sure! jay's up there too!
.:. makes you smile: loooong list
.:. who do you have a crush on: the people who should know, already do
.:. who has a crush on you: not the one i want to
D o Y o U
.:. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: ya i've done that before...
.:. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: maybe just for a second so i might UNDERSTAND THEM!!
.:. wish you were younger: naww, i screwed it up enough the first time...
.:. cried because someone said something to you?: ya
N u M b E r
.:. of times i have had my heart broken: ummmm....4 or 5
.:. of hearts i have broken: couldnt' tell ya, i hope it's 0
.:. of guys ive kissed: 1....dont' ask...
.:. of girls ive kissed: 8...and only 1 didn't mean a thing to me!
.:. of continents i have lived in: just this one
.:. of tight friends: only 2 people i can call my tight friends!
.:. of cds i own: quite a bit, but mainly from when i was younger, i mostly burn now
.:. of scars on my body: 2 from stitches...plenty more from stupid shit i did that never healed right
F i N a L q U e S t I o N s
.:. do you like fillings these out?: ya, every once in a while
.:. gold or silver: silver
.:. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: walking tall
.:. favorite cartoon/anime?: FAMILY GUY!!!
.:. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: didn't have breakfast:(
.:. who would you love being locked in a room with?: depends...prolly grant though
.:. could you live without your computer?: ya, i'm sure i could
.:. would you color your hair? been there, done that
.:. could you ever get off the computer?: well, i'm about to...
.:. habla espanol? iie, nihon.
.:. how many people are on your buddy list?: 200