(no subject)

Feb 20, 2005 08:39

Ashley had moved out when Spinner was out of town. She hadn't even told him.

He sat in his bedroom, fiddling with a slip of paper he'd scrawled his notes from Craig on. He was debating whether it was worth it. Maybe he should just break it off. He couldn't be what she needed, he was sure.

But the baby.

"Gavin, you're going to be late."

His mother was in the doorway, rousing him from his reverie. He grabbed his jacket and left the house.


He was always slightly... amused at how Dr. Baxter managed to take mass amounts of notes on everything he said, but never looked down at her notebook. He guessed she couldn't read the notes afterwards.

He was also amused at himself. His equally screwed up frineds knew more about his problems than his shrink did.

"...And she moved back in with her mother, and I haven't talked to her in... weeks. I don't know if I should just let her go, be herself, or what. But I think I still love her. I know I still love her... and the baby. I don't want to lose the baby... I know that it's not my baby or anything... But I still... For the longest time we thought it was my baby, and I can't just leave her alone like that. But if she wants me to leave her alone, I don't know what I should do."

Dr. Baxter nodded.

"And this is all very stressful for you."

"Yeah. Plus... While I was out of town... wasting all the money I'd saved for... the baby... one of my best friends... sort of one of my only friends... He got diagnosed with Bipolar Whatsit... Disorder. And I wasn't here for him... but he was there for me."

Dr. Baxter gave a long hmm.

"And sometimes I just need someone there to tell me what to do. But that doesn't happen, this isn't like a movie or a tv show. It's real life, and I don't have a cricket or an angel following me around giving me advice. But I don't know what to do. I need someone to tell me... And I don't have anyone left."

I miss all my friends. I miss the old me.

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