Snowpocalypse Feb 2010!

Feb 07, 2010 03:50

So. You may have heard about a little bit of snowfall we got this weekend... The forecasts all told of imminent doom, and OPM actually let us out 4 hours early. They haven't had an early dismissal for weather reasons in YEARS. Turns out, the forecasts were right!

It started coming down Friday afternoon, and at first it was light and wasn't sticking. The roads were warm from all of the traffic, and while it took us longer than normal to get home, it wasn't terrible. It was just starting to stick when we got home, but oh boy, did that change...

I took some (not very good) pictures throughout the storm -- tried to get a few from the same angle so you can see the progression of the snowfall. We took a nap after we got home, so the earliest pics are from the night when we got up again. But first, there are two pictures from our little storm on the 3rd, for comparison...

2/3/10 snowfall:

View across the lot. The twisty vine thing to the left is our dead cherry tomato plant we never pulled out of the pot. Ignore it...

Corner of our building and next block. You can see our azalea on the balcony, and the double cherry in the corner area in front of our apartment.

Remember these, 'cause the Snowpocalypse? Way different...

SO. Snowpocalypse Now!

2/5/10 - around midnight:

Already quite a few inches on the ground (look at the top of the cars!).

The balcony at this point. Not too much yet, mainly because it wasn't all that windy at the first part of the snow.

2/6/10 - around 2:30am:

Ooh -- hey. Azalea blob, and piled up balcony! Didn't get the exposure right to get the parking lot, too. Sorry!

One seriously piled up cherry tree...

2/6/10 - around 4:00am:

Cars are still kind of recognizable as cars, but they're losing definition quickly!

Cherry tree -- there's so much on some of those branches it's almost a solid blob of snow. Plus, those nifty comet trails? Snowflakes. Blowing UP. I think it's because of the weird wind currents in the corners of the buildings, but still. Blowing UP!

2/6/10 - around 7:00am:

Er... Azalea blob and balcony furniture is really piled up now. Cars are... weird blobby things.

I'm actually surprised none of the cherry tree branches broke off under all that! Oh, and the lower right snow mound is the Azalea.

Again, piled up balcony

2/6/10 - around 9:00am:

Daylight pic of car blobs, balcony, etc. Slightly different angle, and yes, it's still snowing up...

Other angle of the car blobs, and look at how high the snow on the shelf is piled up next to the azalea blob!

Looking down at car blobs. The thing to the left is the shelf the azalea is on, not the azalea itself. Only the very edge of the azalea can be seen on the far, far left.

Cherry tree! O_o And yes, still snowing.

2/6/10 - around 5:00pm:

Pretty much done snowing - it was coming down very lightly at this point. Car blobs, parking lot, balcony with blobs.

Hey -- there's a car down there! And a... blob with a mirror on its side. And the balcony is... well, the snow at the sliding glass door was about 6" deep, and that's pretty well protected. You can see the drifts at the front there are up to the edge of the shelf!

The azalea cracks me up...

Cherry tree; balcony. Blobs!

2/6/10 - around 7:30pm:

Parking lot - folks are actually trying to dig things out.

There's an awful lot of snow there. I wonder where the apartment complex is going to put it all if/when they send a plow back through?

Cherry tree & balcony - I wish my camera was good enough to show the real colours. It was peach and purple and it was just stunningly beautiful.

Whew! Sometime tomorrow, maybe, we might dig out. Or, we might just stay indoors and watch the Superbowl! O_o

real life, weather

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