Murphy's Law/What did you do on your day off?

May 06, 2008 01:47

So. Today was our day off, so we stayed up late Sunday, went to bed around 7am-ish. I took a pill for my back, and was pretty loopy at that point.

And, OF COURSE, the maintenance guy showed up around 8am-ish to work on the tiles that fell off around the tub. Honestly, I should have known -- as a matter of fact, I did know, because I stuck the towel in front of the door (it's my 'if the towel is moved, I know someone's been in the apartment' thing). But honestly, I didn't need to bother with that, because of course I woke up.

The guy was in the bathroom taking the taped-up tiles off the wall and I kind of blinked at him and said, "So, you're doing that today, huh?" to which he said something along the lines of 'Yup.'

I staggered back into the bedroom, shut the door, and crawled back into bed. leviathanmuse went back to sleep pretty quickly, and because of the pill I was kind of in this weird half-awake, floaty, half-asleep state for a bit. Heard a bit of sawing and all so I hope he was replacing the water-damaged wall behind the tiles, too. I remember hearing him mixing the grout, and that's really about it.

Woke up around 3pm, and I know I spent a little while off and on in that weird twilight haze thing. I think next time I take those pills I take them earlier, 'cause that was weird. Burned a DVD for irreparable and checked my delivery confirmation on my BPAL order, and w00t! It was delivered!

So, I go into the bathroom to get ready -- the maintenance guy is done, and the tiles are white-ish instead of the olive green, which honestly, I don't care because it's just an apartment, and all I really care about is that I can USE the tub/shower. As you can tell from my previous post, use of the bathing facilities is very important to me ;) Got washed and dressed, and we headed out at about 4:30. (This, for us, is early on our days off, btw.)

Off to the post office, mailed a box of envelopes to my Mum, and the DVD, and found out that the package had been picked up by our friend who shares the box -- that's cool, figured we'd head over there and get it sometime during our outing. From there, it was off to Starbucks, where while we waited for our order a scary wasp creature with dangly legs (*shudder*) decided it was my best buddy and wanted to get in. EEEK! Windows went up, and for a bit I watched it buzz around, land on the car, buzz around again, wiggle its antennas at me, etc. Finally, we got up to the window (we have the only drive-through Starbucks around) and it fell behind. We got our drinks (venti iced Caramel Macciato, mine with soy to avoid the evil cow juice), and headed off to Target and Giant.

Shopping shopping shopping -- it was getting pretty warm by that point, and we really weren't interested in staying out too long. Went to Ricky's Rice Bowl for dinner (and I jumped into the Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get a laundry bag to wash my microbead pillow and got a folding laundry rack thingo while we waited.) Got back, picked up the package, and then I had to sit on my hands to not tear it open before we got home. And OMG everything smells too good. One of my favourites is the scent for the Violet Ray (scroll down, it's the last one), which, seriously, is a Steampunk violet wand. I love it. Even if I didn't love violets, I'd have to get this scent, because seriously, a Steampunk violet wand!!! Also the Antikythera Mechanism scent is INCREDIBLE. I haven't sniffed the other ones, because I had to take a bath (mmmm -- Uluru bath bomb) and wash my head. I put on the deep conditioning Cocoa Pink stuff before I went in there, and let it soak in for about an hour or so. Then the bath, and shower to wash it out, and oh yeah, the maintenance guy must have snaked the drain, too, because yay! It actually drains!

And then, it was time to start the laundry! Woo! (Yes, this is what I do on my day off -- exciting, yes?) Got everything except one load of dryer stuff done (and my pillow, because gosh, I figured by the time I got to that it would be 2:30am. Well, it's 2:14am right now, so I might as well have, but eh. Tomorrow.) And I have some Antikythera Mechanism on my nose, and it smells so good...

Yes, I live an exciting life. But I smell good :)

And I have to wake up in... 5:30 for work. Ugh.

coffee, decadent stuff, real life, bpal, sleep, lush

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