Musing about Heroes

Oct 21, 2007 23:08

So, over dinner, leviathanmuse and I were discussing Heroes, and came up with a couple of ideas.

First, because he's near and dear to my little writer's heart, Peter and his predicament. First, I don't believe Peter as we know him would fall for some woman just because she's nice to him (but then again, what reason did he have for falling for Simone? It really wasn't much more than h/c sex for the two of them...) There would have to be more there, there. However, Peter with no memories of who he is? I can see it. He thinks this is the way he should be responding, so he does. In addition, he's an empath. If she's all mooney-eyed over him, he's going to pick that up and echo it. There we go, poor characterization handwaved realistically, and I can feel much better. I just hope this upcoming episode gets his storyline rolling, because so far, zzzz

Second, Peter and the missing 4 months. We strongly suspect that experimentation and testing at the hands of the reformed Company went on. We also strongly suspect that it was very much along the lines of what Bennet fears might happen to Claire, and that it's actually the trauma from that that made him lose his memories, not the Haitian. (Or, the Haitian took the memories of the trauma from him to be merciful...) After all, he can't have been in that crate for the whole 4 months, and he had to have run into the lightning thrower at some point... We also suspect Bob -- and possibly Daddy!Parkman -- was involved. Which... ew. Bob creeps me out. At least Thompson had looks to go with the creepy factor... I'm also wondering if the Company didn't perhaps... harvest some genetic material from Peter while they had him, for whatever purposes they might want it... O.o

Third, the virus. So far, we know Molly and the Haitian had it, and suspect DL and Sylar did/do. We were trying to figure out how it might be transmitted, and none of them are related so it doesn't look congenital/genetic at this point. If it's airborne, a lot more people would have it, because they all would have been exposed at Kirby Plaza, and while we suspect Niki has it, most of the others there haven't shown any symptoms. However, there is one common factor with all four of those people, and I think it would be a fascinating twist if they went with it: Matt Parkman!

No, seriously, bear with me here: Molly had it before Kirby Plaza, so it would have to be someone she met before then. Matt and Sylar are the only two that she had any big exposure to early on. The Haitian had a brief exposure to Sylar when he and Eden captured him, but if Sylar has the virus too it would point to him not being the carrier. The Haitian's exposure to Matt was much more extended. DL and Sylar, of course, both had exposure to Matt (and his blood) at Kirby Plaza... It would be so ironic if Matt were the carrier, and his *ahem* roommate Mohinder were the cure...

And, while we're at it, why isn't Mohinder putting a pint of blood into a freezer once a month? If his blood is the only cure, he should be making certain there's a supply of it banked!


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