I kind of creeped myself out with the Jack in this fic...
Title: The Key to His Heart
Author: Penemuel (
Pairing/Characters: Ninth Doctor/Jack, Master/Jack
Rating: R for suggestions of violence
Spoilers: 3x11 Utopia, 3x12 The Sound of Drums, and 3x13 The Last of the Time Lords
Warnings: none other than spoilers
Disclaimer: I don't own them -- If I did, Jack would have shown up sooner, Eccleston would have been around longer, and the two of them would be dealing with the you-know-what now. :)
Summary: There's one thing Jack won't let anyone take from him...
Word Count: 814 per MS Word
Author's Notes: This... went somewhere other than I expected it to.
Challenge: Runes - 23 - Othila
Meaning: Symbolism: Home, inheritance, heritage, property, land. Nine worlds of Yggdrasil.
Upright position: Money, material gains (donations, gifts, inheritance) Money may be owed to you or hidden in the strangest places such as refunds on deposits, overpayments, or in a forgotten place.
Inverse position: material loss, misfortune, damage, accident, failure, Something is preventing you from receiving what is due you, or something will happen so that you wont receive what is due you.
Use for:to complete business deals involving land and property, to strengthen family ties, anything to do with family, inheritance and property, home.
Color: White and Gold
Read the fic at the comm )