Squeeage and hmmn over DW 3x11 - Utopia (Spoilers, duh!)

Jun 16, 2007 20:17

And don't comment back to this with future episode spoilers, or I will hunt you down and hurt you...

There's just something FUN about watching things like this completely unspoiled. I mean, yeah, I had my suspicions from the beginning, since everyone on the net is SO VERY BAD about subtle hints, and various newsletters have issues with posting casting spoilers in their links often (except for one contributor, who I thank very much for knowing what a spoiler-avoidant nutcase I am! Thank you, irreparable!)...


By the way, this may be a WEE bit disjointed. A bit.

Obviously, it was impossible not to figure out who was going to eventually show up in this series over the span of the last few months, but I still managed to not actually be spoiled and more had a hunch/figured it out on my own.

And it's glorious not knowing these things in advance, because when Professor Yana (hah! Okay, that acronym thing was silly, but still...) pulled out the watch, I actually said "OH SHIT!" out loud -- and I'm at work! Of course, it's Saturday and no one's here, but still!

It's a pity we didn't get to keep Jacobi around longer, because I have loved him ever since I, Claudius, and he's FANTASTIC as the Master, but... probably a wee bit expensive, for one thing.

The Jack stuff -- oh boy, did I ever call it! Almost down to the year! And HAH! I'd made innuendocaptain's userinfo mention that I was ignoring the 'Jack in the box' theory and having him live through the whole time, and I was RIGHT again! Hee!

SO glad they weren't all love and kisses, and that the only hug was actually over Rose being alive and not one of the dead. I'm also kind of oooh! over Ten's attitude towards him, because let's pile on the angst more, please sir! (Still think that our Nine/Jack stuff works because the existing outside his own time via Black Holes Nine is as much 'wrong' as Jack is, so it's all good!)

And so... what now? Fix Jack's Rift Manipulator thing and try to find their way back? That would be my guess, unless they're going to be searching for the Master's TARDIS... Hmn.

Other Things That Made Me Go Hmn...:
1. Um -- bit of discontinuity there between the end of End of Days and the beginning of Utopia, eh?
2. Okay -- that signal. The one that Professor Yana's people got, telling them to go to Utopia. Who sent that? Did the Master do it? Or someone else? Where did it come from?! Is it another Long Game type thing that the Master/Saxon set up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the past in order to set this all in motion? Or what?
3. Um. I know there was a 3. I can't remember what it was, though. ETA: 3 -- Boe, just what were you up to you sneaky bastard. If Yana was found out in your neck of the woods, and you knew there was another Time Lord...
ETA Again - 4. I hate the music during the regeneration scene. It's great to that point, and then it goes completely major key and inappropriate; kind of circus-y. Bah. On the other hand, the music while he's locking himself in the TARDIS -- that part was fantastic! And the 'action' music is also good. But that regeneration scene... do not want! Someone please tell me it's an echo of some previously used piece of music for the Master in some old school episode. Please...

I've got to watch it again to get more of the Jack nuances, but OMG!

And I really, REALLY wish more US shows could grasp the idea of showing elements all along that seem harmless/unimportant, until you hit the big episodes and it whacks you upside the head that you've SEEN that before and discounted it. Things like the watch, which of course after Family of Blood you're thinking oh yeah, neat trick, that was interesting, ah well, on to the next story. And then Professor Yana pulls it out and you go OH SHIT in the middle of your office!

I think the only US shows currently that do this at ALL well are Heroes and Lost, and even Lost is kind of iffy on it. They're good on the who-met-who-when, and the one thing they ever did that made me have the same kind of reaction was the thing that actually brought down the plane (Yay Desmond!), but overall, it seems that US shows don't really get it. B5, on the other hand -- oh man, they had it down pat.

UK shows, and anime (at least Old Skool anime -- dunno really about the newer stuff...) always seems to be better at seeding those little elements in throughout the entire year, and then making you go 'Shit -- how did I MISS that?!' at the end.

doctor who, episode reactions

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