BPAL + TV Characters

Apr 27, 2007 16:03

Okay, you all know I'm crazy, right? Yeah, yeah, all right, shaddup already! :D

So. Sometimes it's casting ice skaters as comic book characters (the Duchesnays make the perfect Aurora and Northstar, for example, while Marina Klimova is Jean Grey...) or tv characters. Right now, it's:

What BPAL scent is [character] from [tv show/movie]?

(link to the BPAL website so you can see scent descriptions if you're not familiar with them: http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/welcome.html -- most of the 'god/goddess scents' are in the Excolo section; some of them are in the Diabolus section; there's a 'locations' section called Wanderlust with scents like London, Baghdad, and Neo-Tokyo, etc. All kinds of cool stuff -- poke around, and if you're having trouble locating a scent, there's a search, too.)

Heroes characters
Czernobog is Sylar
Velvet sounds like it would be good for Mohinder
Neo-Tokyo is Hiro
Ides of March is Nathan
The Hamptons is Angela Petrelli
I'm a little stuck on Peter, and London is so NOT Claude. Claude is not roses in any way, shape, or form!
ETA 6/5/07:
One to Tie, Two to Win is Peter
Riding the Goat is Claude

Doctor Who/Torchwood characters
Satyr is Jack Harkness, no ifs, ands, or buts :D
Iago is the Ninth Doctor -- someone on the forum described it as Christopher Eccleston in leather, and it really fits. Mmmmm...
Djinn (or perhaps Al-Shairan) is Iblis Bilis ;) (Actually, as Bilis, I think Dorian would be his scent (or perhaps Villain?)
I think Kyoto might work for Toshiko -- haven't smelt it myself to see how light it is, but it sounds nice.

Anyone else want to play?

doctor who, tv, silly, bpal, heroes, torchwood

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