Whispers - For lover100 - 031: Wrong

Feb 09, 2007 19:20

ETA: Author's note under the cut

Title: Whispers
Claim: Jack Harkness
Prompt: Table C, 031 - Wrong
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Jack; [spoiler]/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 698 per MS Word
Warning(s): Dirty naughty sex
Author's Note: Under the cut to avoid spoiling story
Summary: It feels so good; he's been depriving himself for too long.

There's a scent in the air -- hot, heavy, winds over sun-baked sands; the spice of musk and the richness of ancient incense resins. It wraps around him, warmth blossoming in his groin, flaring between his legs, making him writhe and whimper with need.

Hot hands slide over his skin, coaxing pleasure from every nerve. He groans and arches in his bed, moans hungrily as two slick fingers press inside. "Ohhfuck..." he hisses, muscles clenching and relaxing on the penetrating fingers. He squirms in bed, his partner's free hand sliding over sweat-slick skin, raking nails down his side. "More..." he begs, squirming again.

He knows he's being wanton, knows he's being a slut, but he can't stop himself. It feels so good; he's been depriving himself for too long. "More, damn it!" he begs, his body punctuating his demands with bucking hips and a bounce of his cock, blood-dark and leaking freely.

"Oh yes..." a voice hisses, and another finger slips inside, then the fourth. He whines and presses back, demanding more harder deeper now!

The other hand claws at him, nails digging into his skin, sharp pain an exquisite counterpoint to the deep throbbing heat of pleasure. His cock jumps again as his lover draws blood on the next pass and leans down to lick it from the curve of his hip. "OhfuckDoctoryesss!" he hisses, and what he really wants is for his lover to work his way back up, licking and biting, until they can kiss and he can feel that delicious hardness sheathed inside him once more. It's been too long, too terribly long...

He whimpers as the fingers slip from his hungry arse, but a wicked chuckle makes him realize this might be a good thing after all. And then his lover is shifting, cruel hands sliding up his torso to pinch and tweak his nipples while the blunt head of his lover's hard cock presses against his twitching hole. "Yesyesyes..." he pleads, relaxing his muscles as much as he can to take it in almost dry.

"Easy, Jack," the voice purrs as he's speared, that deliciously hard cock pressing deep in one brutal thrust. Heat and pleasure/pain floods him, that dry ancient scent wrapping around him and pulling him down, down, down into a maelstrom of lust and hunger and need. He wraps his legs around his lover's narrow hips and surges up into every brutal stroke, surrendering to the urges that rule him; surrendering to his lover.

There's a flash of something across his mind's eye. The sun beating mercilessly down on the sands above an enormous cliff; something powerful struggling against chains that bind it at the bottom; a flare of fury as it tries to break free...

He's so close now, his body hungrily demanding its defilement as his lover fucks him hard and fast, but as he looks up he sees clearly for the first time. Instead of close-cropped hair and an endearingly big nose -- instead of those beautifully intense storm-blue eyes he sees his nightmare made flesh.

The Djinn laughs wickedly, still whispering his lies and temptations against Jack's lips, promising him eternity together with his Doctor, promising him perfection and bliss and unending pleasure. Jack cries out in horror, tries to push him away, and is startled to find that he's far stronger than his appearance would indicate. "No!" Jack gasps, but he's so far gone he can barely think; knows that he can't allow himself to give in to this because then all would be lost...

He cries out and bolts upright in bed, gasping and trembling; grimacing as he feels the stickiness on the sheets and his belly. The Doctor rolls over next to him and softly asks, "Jack? What's wrong?"

He reaches out, strokes the Doctor's cheek and smiles sadly. "Nightmare... everything was... wrong. I... it was just a nightmare."

"Yeah, not the first one you've had since I came and found you, either," the Doctor says, watching him carefully. "C'mon, lie down, I'll hold you."

He nods and lies down again, and in the back of his mind he brutally murders the little voice that's wondering which part of this is real...

Author's Note: I'm afraid I might have made this too obscure -- I'd cut out a beginning part that I thought would give it away too easily, and now I'm worried that people might think I'm just generalising instead. There isn't an outright reference to a Djinn in Torchwood, but I'm one of the folks who strongly believes that Bilis was actually Iblis, who is sometimes considered to be a Djinn (and the primary devil in Islam).

doctor who, fanfic, torchwood

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