I had a decent, "drama"-free weekend...

Mar 11, 2007 21:25

...some people needed me and I was able to help them. I've actually started looking forward to Allen Alert nights because I enjoy working with his doorgirl, Sica. The force runs strong in that one! I hope some of her door-fu rubs off on me.

I got tied up on Friday night. I had a feeling I'd like it, and now I know.

Saturday I helped forgottenwoods move from one region of bumfuck to another. We had some trouble getting his couch through the door at his new place...bottom line, I need to start lifting weights if I'm gonna do this kind of shit. Somebody's gonna get hurt; likely me.

That night I showed up for the rave to make sure they didn't need staff. elvis asked me to hang out with him, then disappeared on me. I waited around for a bit, but I was tired and cold so eventually I took off. Two minutes after I hit the road he calls looking for me...story of my life.

This morning he didn't feel like cleaning alone, so he paged me. I came by before and stopped back after my concert. We had lunch. He disparaged my cassette tape player. :(

I think management tends to discount the value of having people that are free to walk around the parties and oversee. The center smells like a wet ashtray today. Friday I could see people smoking from the door, but I couldn't exactly leave my post to chase them down. This morning there were cigarettes, and cigarette burns, everywhere. The DJs had been smoking...there were burn marks on the floor of the stage (which really fucking pisses me off).

It's not something the promoters will pay for, and there are very few people out there stupid enough to do it for free. They got lucky when they found me.
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