(your hand across my) Heartbeat (het!ChanKey) [1/3]

Mar 16, 2016 21:24

Title: (your hand across my) Heartbeat [1/3]
Pairing: Chanyeol/Gwiboon(girl!Key), side Jonghyun/Baekhyun, Minjung(girl!Minho)/girl!Suho, Onew/girl!Chen, girl!Kyungsoo/girl!Sehun, Taemin/Kai
Rating: NC-17
Genre(s): romance, fluff, smut, humor
Warning(s): a/b/o, mpreg, f(x) and Red Velvet cameos
Word Count: 21,756
Summary: Even though unplanned pregnancy between a female alpha and a male omega is nearly unheard of, Chanyeol is living proof that it’s possible. Getting pregnant by his beautiful alpha, Gwiboon, is certainly not the worst thing that could have happened. In fact, it might be the best.

Read on ao3.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


Chanyeol leaned against the sink, plastic stick pinched between his thumb and forefinger in his shaking hand.

Taking a deep breath and holding it for four counts before letting it out, he looked again at the two little pink lines.

This couldn’t be real.

Sure, Chanyeol had taken the pregnancy test because he'd entertained the option that he could be pregnant, but he hadn’t really thought he was. He'd just been feeling off for the past few weeks- nauseous in the mornings and extra fatigued the rest of the time.

When he'd complained to Baekhyun, his best friend had teased him, asking if he'd gotten knocked up. At the time, Chanyeol had laughed it off, asking Baekhyun if his alpha was planning to get him pregnant soon. But when he was still feeling like shit a week later, he'd decided to just take an at home pregnancy test so he could eliminate the possibility and then maybe make a doctor's appointment to see if he'd caught a bug.

He hadn't actually been expecting to be-

He didn't think he really was-

Chanyeol closed his eyes against a wave of nausea, unsure of whether it was his now-usual sickness or if it was brought on by the shock.

It could certainly be worse, he reminded himself when he was pretty sure he wasn't going to need to dive for the toilet to empty his stomach. He could have been an unmated omega who'd gotten pregnant from a one night stand. He'd heard the stories, had known an omega in college who had ended up dropping out to give birth and take care of her baby.

Chanyeol was mated, had been for almost three years now, and was in a steady and comfortable relationship. They'd talked about kids- something they both wanted at some point. But him getting pregnant now was certainly not something they'd planned.

It was almost unheard of- an unplanned pregnancy between a female alpha and a male omega. A rare pairing as it was, most in their position had to try for a few months with special devices and sometimes fertility drugs to achieve pregnancy. But here Chanyeol was, knocked up by his female alpha when they hadn't even tried. He almost wanted to laugh, it was so absurd.

The funny thing was that he was pretty sure he could pinpoint when it had happened.

Gwiboon, his beautiful alpha, had been rubbing herself against his erection- sliding against the smooth flesh and making them both moan as her fingers clutched tight to his shoulders as she bit his neck. When she'd come, Chanyeol had felt the way her release dripped down over his balls and perineum to his hole. He'd felt his body clench down instinctively at the wetness against his opening, and he'd come so hard at the idea of Gwiboon holding him open and coming against his entrance so her release flowed into him.

He'd never thought that that little drip was enough to really get him pregnant. The odds were low when a female alpha ejaculated directly into a male omega's anus, even with upwards of a cup of release. So one little drop... Chanyeol had never even heard of this happening. He'd been warned in health class when he was fourteen, mostly of getting knocked up by a male alpha who would want to knot him and come inside him with no protection. And the health teacher had briefly warned that being with a female alpha could also lead to pregnancy, but even the teacher hadn't seemed legitimately concerned that a male omega would be at much risk with a female alpha.

And yet...

Chanyeol set the test down on the sink and made his way to the living room of his and Gwiboon's apartment, slumping down on the couch and pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes.

He thought maybe he wanted to cry. Not out of sadness. He did want kids. But...this just wasn't part of the plan at all. What would Gwiboon think? She'd just gotten a promotion at her job, now one of the head stylists for the clothing brand she worked for. She was constantly busy at photoshoots, styling for catalogues and ad campaigns. Surely she wasn't planning for a kid when her career was just taking off.

Chanyeol's DJ gig at an XM radio station might not have been the worst job to have as his belly grew over the next few months, but there was no way of knowing whether they’d hold his spot when he inevitably had to go on maternity leave.

Blowing out a breath, Chanyeol was at least grateful that he didn't work that afternoon. He certainly didn't feel like he was up for putting on a high energy show when he was so unbalanced that he felt like he needed to lie down.

A glance at his watch revealed that Gwiboon would be home in two hours.

On one hand, Chanyeol was grateful for the time so he could wrap his head around the situation a bit more before he had to break the news. But on the other hand, he couldn't wait for Gwiboon to get back. He just wanted his alpha against his side as he processed everything. He wanted her comforting scent and her fingers running through his hair until he didn't feel like he was going to tremble his way out of his own skin.

Chanyeol was a little worried about her reaction- whether she'd be disappointed, stressed, afraid. But he knew that ultimately they'd figure everything out. He knew that she'd be there for him no matter what.

Just the thought had him tearing up a bit, swiping at his eyes with his shaking fingertips.

God, he was a mess. He really needed Gwiboon, no matter how thrown off he still was. He needed Gwiboon. He wanted to work through his with her. They'd figure it out. They'd figure it out together, and everything would be okay.


"People can be so damn stupid, I swear to god!" Gwiboon exclaimed when she let herself into their apartment. "The new junior stylist basically called the model fat. How fucking dumb can you be? Even I'm not that tactless."

Chanyeol usually would show the right amount of sympathy about whatever Gwiboon was complaining about before gently reminding Gwiboon about the five minute rule Chanyeol had read about and tried to adhere to- not complaining or saying anything negative within the first five minutes of being reunited after either of them had been gone for a few hours or so. Gwiboon often couldn't help herself- very passionate and opinionated- but she did try, too.

That day, though, Chanyeol couldn't even bring himself to act normally for any amount of time. He could feel his news weighing on him until he wasn't sure he could take a breath without it spilling out.

"I mean, of all the things to say to a model," Gwiboon griped, dropping her purse on a chair as she came into the living room. "She might as well hav-"

She stopped mid sentence when she caught sight of Chanyeol sitting hunched over on the couch, his face probably giving his anxiousness away.

"What's wrong?" she asked, taking a couple quick steps toward the couch before hesitating.

"It's," Chanyeol started, voice shaking, "it's not bad. I mean, I don't think it is? I hope you don't think it's bad."

"What is it?" Gwiboon asked again, obviously distressed by Chanyeol’s behavior.

Chanyeol had considered handing over the pregnancy test so he wouldn't have to say anything, but ultimately he'd decided that was a cheap shortcut, not to mention probably not the way to go when he didn't know exactly how Gwiboon was going to react. Plus, he didn't think she would appreciate holding something he'd peed on, even if the part she'd be touching obviously wouldn't be the part he'd peed on.

Chanyeol blew out a breath. He could do this. It was going to be okay. They'd make it okay.

"I'm pregnant," he finally said, watching Gwiboon closely for her reaction.

Brows furrowed, Gwiboon barked out a surprised laugh before she seemed to realize that Chanyeol really wasn't kidding.

"How?" she asked, and he saw the doubt that flashed across her face that maybe he'd been with someone else. It hurt that she even had that miniscule doubt, but he could barely blame her. He knew how unbelievable it was that he'd accidentally gotten pregnant by her.

"Remember that time a couple weeks ago? In the middle of the afternoon on top of the duvet?"

"Yeah?" she replied, looking confused.

"I felt some of your cum drip down into me," he explained, feeling his cheeks heat a bit. Saying it out loud sounded crude when at the time, it had felt so intimate- so right.

"But just a drip? Is it even possible to get pregnant from that?"

Chanyeol shrugged. "Apparently."

Gwiboon dropped onto the couch next to him, exhaling hard enough that she seemed to deflate.

"You took a test? Or you went to the doctor?"

"I took a test," he told her, watching her curvy lips turn down at the corners as she appeared to be deep in thought.

Chanyeol felt his heart drop down to his feet. He didn't want her to be frowning. He wanted her to be happy. But he knew that it wasn't fair to expect that right away. She needed time to process everything like he had. Like he still was.

"We should make you an appointment to make sure," Gwiboon said, nodding decisively to herself.

Chanyeol agreed, but his stomach was in knots not knowing how Gwiboon felt.

"Why are you crying?" Gwiboon fussed, leaning over to put her face in Chanyeol's line of sight, perfectly shaped brows pinched in worry.

"Sorry," Chanyeol said thickly, not even knowing why he was crying and not even having realized that he was until Gwiboon had pointed it out. It had been a long day. He was emotionally and physically exhausted, and having Gwiboon next to him was both a relief and a worry since he wasn't sure if she was upset about everything. "I'm just- Please don't be mad."

That hadn't been exactly what he'd wanted to say, but he'd started crying harder and he couldn't gather himself enough to make the correction.

"Mad?" Gwiboon asked, feline eyes wide. "Baby, why would I be mad? Unless it's not mine-"

Chanyeol immediately and frantically shook his head.

"It's yours," he managed. "Of course it's yours."

"Then why are you crying?" she asked, scooting closer to him so her bare leg was pressed against his thigh, and just the proximity had Chanyeol feeling a bit calmer.

"I don't know," he admitted, sniffling and letting Gwiboon brush the tears from his cheeks with her soft fingers. "I just want you to be happy about it because I think I'm happy. I am. I'm really scared and shocked, but I want to have a baby with you and I want you to want it too-"

Gwiboon cut him off with a soft kiss on the lips, the warmth suffusing through him and untangling one of the knots in his stomach.

"I am happy," she told him when she pulled back, her own eyes a bit teary. "I'm sorry I made you think I wasn't. I just- I'm so dumbfounded because I didn't even think it was possible for us to get pregnant by accident. But I want to have a baby with you. I do. So much. Chanyeol, baby, I'm so happy."

Chanyeol let out a helpless sob, body sagging with relief as Gwiboon wrapped her arms around him, letting him pull her against him as he pressed his damp cheek against her neck.

For the first time that day, Chanyeol felt light.

It wasn't their plan, but they were going to have a baby. And knowing that Gwiboon was on board, that she was happy, allowed Chanyeol to drop the tight and bitter tasting worry that had gripped the back of his throat. They were going to have a baby .

Chanyeol let out a disbelieving laugh against Gwiboon's hair.

"What?" she asked, pulling back to look at Chanyeol, her eyes still looking a little wet.

"We're having a baby," Chanyeol told her, a giddy laugh bubbling up again.

Gwiboon giggled, seeming just as overwhelmed as Chanyeol felt. She pressed her forehead to his and chuckled.

"We're having a baby," she repeated happily, reverently.

Chanyeol felt a tear slide down his cheek even as he smiled hard.

Gwiboon kissed the tear drop away, placing a soft kiss to his lips right after.

They were going to be okay, Chanyeol just knew it.


Chanyeol had first laid eyes on Gwiboon when he'd been a second semester sophomore in college and he'd sat down in his mandatory history class.

Actually, he'd smelled her first- the thick smell of alpha grabbing his attention and making him turn his head to find the source before his conscious mind had anything to say about it.

Chanyeol had just gotten out of a disappointing relationship with an alpha whose opinion of himself was far too high, so he was enjoying the single life despite the promise of heats spent alone. He wasn't looking for anyone.

But Gwiboon's scent had his gaze searching the classroom to find the offending alpha, anyway.

And if Gwiboon's smell had been attention grabbing, the sight of her was even more so.

Chanyeol was used to seeing beauty like hers on the covers of magazines in the grocery store checkout line, not sitting four feet away and tapping against the screen of her phone.

It was becoming clear that Chanyeol was going to have some trouble focusing in class, but that was the only result he'd predicted from having the entrancing alpha in his class.

Gwiboon plopping down next to him a few weeks into the semester and making a comment about the reading was not something he'd been at all prepared for.

Unfortunately, his stuttering reply made that abundantly clear. But Gwiboon's heady scent, like burning incense, was even more enticing up close.

Over the course of the semester, Chanyeol managed to get his shit together enough to talk to Gwiboon without sounding like a complete idiot, which was good because it seemed that, for whatever reason, Gwiboon had decided that right next to him was the best seat in the classroom.

Gwiboon was ideal like becoming a multimillionaire was a dream. Not something Chanyeol, or anyone in their right mind, was going to turn down, but not something one realistically aimed to acquire. Her cheekbones were sharp enough that they seemed to reflect the generic florescent lights of the classroom, and her feline eyes slanted dangerously as she glanced at him in her periphery to make a joke during class. She had curvy pink lips that looked just as gorgeous when they were pursed as she concentrated as they did when they were stretched across straight, white teeth. But for as intimidating and untouchable as she seemed when she was serious, her loud laugh and the crinkle of her eyes when she smiled had warmth curling in Chanyeol's chest.

Intrigue turned into a crush and that crush grew dangerously with every quirk of Gwiboon's lips in his direction and every touch of her hand on his forearm as she laughed.

Just when Chanyeol thought that he was doomed to fruitlessly compare every alpha he ever met to Gwiboon only to be disappointed, Gwiboon leaned over before class one day and asked if he wanted to get coffee with her later that week. Her voice had been casual, but her eyes were heavy on his when he hastily nodded, managing to choke out something akin to agreement.

“I don't...fuck on the first date,” he’d told Gwiboon, words swallowed by her lips, insistent against his, as she pressed him back against her apartment door.

“Okay, but,” she'd replied against his mouth before nipping at his jaw on her way to attach her lips to his throat, “if you think about it, the five minutes before every class is equivalent to a really, really long first date. So this is the second date.”

That was more than good enough for him.

As an omega, he had to be careful; it was all too easy for an alpha to take advantage. But he wanted Gwiboon like he'd never wanted anyone before, and his no sex on the first date rule would get in the way of giving in to Gwiboon like he'd been fantasizing about for months.

So with Gwiboon's logic, he'd ended up on his back on Gwiboon's bed with his pants undone as she stroked him off with nimble fingers, his body surging with every touch and head spinning with the way her scent seemed to have him in a chokehold.

It was like that that he came, choked moans bouncing off her lips where they hovered next to his- her eyes greedily drinking in the way his face contorted and then went slack as the pleasure overcame him.

And with the most intense orgasm he'd ever had still buzzing through his veins and tears caught in his lashes, he'd rolled them over and dove between Gwiboon's eagerly spreading thighs- yanking off her wet panties and feeling a rush of lust anew when the scent of her arousal, like bitter orange, wrapped around him.

“I'm clean, I'm clean,” Gwiboon gasped without Chanyeol having to ask. She must have been able to see how badly Chanyeol wanted to taste her. Or else she wanted that just as badly.

Chanyeol had eaten her out like she was the best thing he'd ever tasted...because she was. And when she orgasmed for him with a cry that must have been audible down the hall, he'd come again untouched.

“You’re staying here,” Gwiboon told him as she'd pulled him up to lie next to her, not protesting at all when Chanyeol immediately cuddled up against her.

It wasn't a request, it was an order. And Chanyeol hadn't had any qualms with following it.

5 years later and he wasn’t going anywhere.


The First Trimester


Chanyeol nervously eyed the waiting room, holding tight to Gwiboon's hand.

As soon as they’d gathered themselves, Gwiboon had gotten on her laptop to research the best doctors specializing in male omega pregnancy, and then she’d made a couple phone calls and gotten him an appointment for the next day.

It was good to get right in and make sure everything was as it should be, but Chanyeol was still reeling from taking the at-home pregnancy test. Forty-eight hours before, being pregnant wasn’t even on his radar, and now he was sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room and staring at a cork board covered in pictures of babies- most of them smiling happily, many of them asleep, and a few who were fussing.

Babies. All these nameless babies served to remind him that this was really happening.

It still hadn’t completely sunken in yet.

“Park Chanyeol?” a nurse in a pair of purple scrubs with cartoon faces all over the top called from the doorway that led to the examination rooms, a clipboard in her hand and an expectant look on her face.

Given that he and Gwiboon were the only ones currently in the waiting room, it was probably pretty obvious that he was Park Chanyeol.

Gwiboon was already standing, pulling Chanyeol up with her and greeting the nurse like this wasn’t all completely overwhelming and unbelievable. But one of them had to keep it together, and given that Chanyeol was still trying to wrap his mind around having a life growing inside of him, it made sense that it was Gwiboon.

Having his vitals taken just felt like a regular check-up, but the sonogram machine looming next to the exam table said otherwise.

“Good afternoon!” the doctor greeted cheerfully as he came in, smile easy like everything was fine and normal and there wasn't anything life-altering in Chanyeol's body. “I'm Dr. Zhang. You must be Chanyeol.”

Dr. Zhang extended his hand to shake, his palm warm and dry against Chanyeol's clammy hand.

“I'm Gwiboon,” Gwiboon introduced when the doctor turned to her. “Chanyeol’s alpha.”

“Nice to meet you both,” Dr. Zhang said with a friendly smile as he went back to pick up Chanyeol’s chart. “So you took a pregnancy test at home, and you think you’re...five weeks along?”

Chanyeol nodded numbly, still unable to reconcile the fact that this was truly his life and he was the one who was pregnant.

“Let's take a look and see if you're right,” Dr. Zhang cheerfully suggested, moving over to the big machine.

The gel that was spread on his belly was cool, though not as cold as he was expecting, but all of his attention was on the monitor as soon as the sensor was against his skin.

It looked like a bunch of fuzzy, wavy lines to him, but he grasped Gwiboon's hand tightly in his own anyway as he watched the movement on the screen.

Dr. Zhang made a sound and Chanyeol nearly jumped he was so tightly wound with adrenaline.

“Yep,” he said, moving the sensor slightly before hitting a key on the keyboard to freeze the image. “Here,” he tapped a blunt fingernail against the screen, “is your baby. And five weeks seems about right.”

Chanyeol felt like someone had squeezed all the air out of his lungs.

“I’ll print this image out for you, and give you a minute.”

It was no surprise to Chanyeol that he couldn't find the words to fit the situation, but Gwiboon's silence was unexpected. She had something to say about everything.

When he managed to look away from the still, black and white smush on the screen, he found Gwiboon with the hand not choking the life out of his over her mouth and tears trickling down her cheeks.

As though that was some sort of permission, Chanyeol felt a sob bubble up as his vision blurred.

They were having a baby. This wasn't a theoretical or a maybe. This was real. This was captured on the screen in front of them- real, tangible proof.

Gwiboon's lips against his were wet, from his tears or hers, he didn't know. But he could feel the smile in Gwiboon's kiss, and that was enough to, at least temporarily, turn all the nerves and trepidation and fear into euphoria that swept through him until he was laughing through his tears.

“I can already tell it's going to be the most talented, attractive baby the world has ever seen,” Gwiboon announced, grinning even as she sniffled a bit.

Chanyeol laughed at her overconfident claim, but secretly, he was in complete agreement.


“Oh my god. You really are pregnant!” was Baekhyun’s response when Chanyeol and Gwiboon showed up at his and Jonghyun’s shared apartment with “news.”

“Way to ruin the announcement,” Gwiboon sniffed before she had an already crying Jonghyun launching himself at her and nearly knocking her off her feet.

When they'd first gotten together, Jonghyun’s tendency to touch and hug Gwiboon all the time had made Chanyeol uneasy, but now he understood that that was just the alpha’s nature, and that his and Gwiboon's relationship was strictly platonic.

“You guys are gonna be amazing parents,” Jonghyun sobbed, unlatching himself from Gwiboon to hug Chanyeol as well.

“Congrats,” Baekhyun told him when Jonghyun had moved back to Gwiboon to cry all over her and reminisce about how they'd played house as kids.

Chanyeol accepted a much less teary hug from his best friend, beaming as Baekhyun pulled back to cuff him on the shoulder.

“You’re gonna be responsible for a real, live person,” he astutely observed.

“It's all still sinking in,” Chanyeol admitted with a chuckle, knowing that Baekhyun was just being a shit and now wasn't the time to freak out about that (again).

“Why didn't you tell me you were trying?” Jonghyun whined as he led them to the living room to sit down.

“Because we weren't,” Gwiboon told him.

Jonghyun’s eyes bugged out as he gaped, mouth wide enough that Chanyeol was sure he must have been able to shove a whole fist inside (though he'd heard enough about things Jonghyun could fit in his mouth from Baekhyun who bragged like it was his own ability).


“Well, Chanyeol said that one time, he felt-”

“Nope, nevermind. I don't need to know how, after all,” Jonghyun announced, and Gwiboon cackled.

“We just came from the doctor,” Chanyeol supplied, hoping to head off any more discussion about his sex life.

“Oh!” Baekhyun sat up straighter. “Did you get one of those picture things?”

“A sonogram?” Gwiboon asked, eyebrow quirked.

“Yeah, yeah,” Baekhyun said, sticking his tongue out at Gwiboon while making grabby hands toward Chanyeol.

“Gwiboon has it,” he informed Baekhyun, who sighed and turned his attention to Gwiboon.

Rolling her eyes, she reached into her purse and retrieved the sonogram.

As soon as Baekhyun had it in his grip, Jonghyun was smushed against his side to get a good look as well.

“What am I supposed to be seeing?” Baekhyun asked, turning the picture upside down and then right side up again, even as Jonghyun teared up.

“It's this,” Chanyeol told them, leaning over to point at the little white spot that the doctor had told them was their baby.

“Looks nothing like you,” Baekhyun cracked at the same time Jonghyun said, “It's perfect.”


“Baby, is it getting worse?” Gwiboon asked, fingers stroking through Chanyeol's sweaty hair as he leaned his forehead against the cool porcelain of the toilet seat.

“Same,” Chanyeol told her, taking a deep breath to try to quell the wave of nausea threatening to surge up and have him retching again.

Gwiboon had been at work in the days since Chanyeol has gone from feeling slightly off to sitting on the bathroom floor every morning. But it was a Saturday, so instead of puking alone, Chanyeol had Gwiboon’s hands soothing against his neck and her soft words as he took a quivering breath.

“My poor baby,” she cooed, nails lightly scratching at his nape. “I'm sorry I haven't been here to take care of you.”

Chanyeol felt his heart swell even as his stomach lurched uncomfortably.

“S’okay,” he got out before he emptied the rest of the contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl.

Gwiboon was really adverse to vomit, even closing her eyes when she threw up and immediately flushing so she'd never have to see it, so it meant a lot that she was there. He'd even tried to shoo her off, knowing how she felt about throwing up, but she'd tsked at him and brushed his hair back from his forehead.

He'd have been able to appreciate it more had he not been clinging to the toilet for dear life.

“Should be done soon,” Chanyeol told her, knowing that he was usually feeling human by mid morning.

Gwiboon hummed sympathetically, gently rubbing his shoulders. Chanyeol focused on that until his stomach finally settled.

“I think it's safe to leave to the bathroom,” Chanyeol said, tentatively making a move to stand.

Helping him up, Gwiboon fussed over him- fixing up his toothbrush for him to brush his teeth and leading him into the living room.

“Do you think you could eat something?”

Chanyeol wrinkled his nose.

“I know, but you should have something in your stomach. It’ll ultimately make you feel better. Saltines? Toast?”

“Toast,” Chanyeol acquiesced, stomach settled enough to eat it by the time Gwiboon brought it to him with a mug of steaming tea.

“Thank you,” he murmured, throat suddenly feeling tight and eyes stinging.

“You’re welcome,” Gwiboon said, sitting down next to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Get used to this treatment,” she teased, wiping at the slight moisture on his lower lashes. “This is how it's gonna be until you have that baby.”

“And then I'll go back to taking care of you?” Chanyeol joked even though Gwiboon normally took care of him just as much as he did for her.

“Naturally,” Gwiboon laughed. “Though I think we both might be kind of preoccupied with taking care of someone else.”

Chanyeol's hands closed over Gwiboon's on his belly, still flat and not giving any outward indication of the life inside.

But they both knew it was in there, and Chanyeol's chest was warm with the knowledge.


As the commercials started to play, Chanyeol took his headphones off and put his head down on the desk.

Up until then, his morning sickness had ebbed by the time he had to go to the radio station in the afternoon, but that day, he was still feeling nausea rising up every few minutes. He should have eaten something more substantial before leaving the apartment. But still feeling mildly sick, he hadn't felt like it. He could practically hear Gwiboon tsking at him.

“What's wrong with you?” Sehun, the assistant producer of Chanyeol's show, asked, poking him in the shoulder. “You looked like you were dying during those last few minutes before commercial break.”

“Stomach,” Chanyeol grunted, not wanting to waste his precious few minutes of rest talking about what ailed him.

“Go home,” Sehun grimaced. “I don't want to get sick.”

“Not contagious,” Chanyeol said.

“How do you kno-” Sehun started before a knock on the glass wall near Chanyeol's head had him jerking upright.

Joonmyun, his producer, was gesturing emphatically that the commercials were almost over.

With a sigh, Chanyeol sat up and put his headphones back on, shooing Sehun away from where she was hovering, still looking at him like he might explode or throw up. He was about 75 percent sure that neither of those things were going to happen, but he was going to have to lower that to 62 if Sehun didn’t stop poking at him.

Sehun finally skulked out to join Joonmyun on the other side of the glass as Chanyeol greeted the listeners and recapped some of the week’s music news, doing his best not to let his discomfort bleed into his voice.

As he read a couple of tweets pre-selected by Joonmyun to be shared on air, he caught movement on the other side of the glass in his periphery.

Glancing up, he saw Sehun with her mouth agape and a finger pointed in his direction.

Chanyeol looked around and down at his shirt. No stains, no bugs, no murderers. He didn’t know what she was getting so worked up about.

But when he introduced the next song and turned off his mic, Sehun burst in yelling, “Oh my god are you pregnant?” That cleared things up pretty quickly.

Chanyeol’s eyes went wide.

“How is everyone figuring this out so easily?” he wailed.

Sehun, ignoring his distress, squealed and started bouncing.

“Oh my god, a baby! Will you bring it to work? When are you due?”

“You’re pregnant?” Joonmyun asked as she joined them, rightfully shocked.

Chanyeol sighed. “Yes, I'm pregnant but this song is only three minutes, so maybe now isn't the right time to discuss it.”

“Let's talk after the show,” Joonmyun told him, and Chanyeol’s stomach turned over with nerves this time. What if they wouldn't hold his spot for him? Technically, they couldn't fire him. That much he knew. But there was nothing he could do if they wanted to permanently give his time slot to someone else, and give him a behind the scenes position. Not that there was anything wrong with behind the scenes, but Chanyeol really loved being on air.

“You’re gonna get so huge. I can't wait,” was what Sehun left him with as she exited after Joonmyun, Chanyeol having no time to reply since he had to grab for his headphones to announce the next song.

It was with an unsettled and still slightly queasy stomach that Chanyeol followed Joonmyun to her office after the show.

Chanyeol generally got along well with Joonmyun, the producer only two years his senior. But despite the fact that she was a beta and not an alpha, she could be a major hardass when she wanted, so Chanyeol was rightfully cautious when dealing with her when she was in business mode.

“So, I’m pregnant,” Chanyeol unnecessarily blurted out when Joonmyun didn't immediately speak.

“I gathered that,” Joonmyun told him with a chuckle. “I assume you were going to tell me at some point, and not just count on Sehun’s outbursts.”

Chanyeol laughed. “Yeah, I was gonna tell you. In...the next couple weeks?”

“How far along are you?”

“Only six weeks. I’m not gonna have to go on maternity leave for a long time!” he was quick to assure her.

“We can work all that out when the time comes,” Joonmyun told him, not appearing particularly concerned.

“I want to keep my slot!” Chanyeol said before he could stop himself.

Joonmyun's eyebrows jumped.

“I know a couple months is a long time to hold it, but I can try to come in really soon after the baby is born. I can-”

“Whoa, slow down,” Joonmyun interrupted, looking a bit bemused. “You can take a normal maternity leave. We’re not gonna give your spot away. We’ll figure something out for when you're gone, but you've got one of the most popular shows. I hope that's not news to you.”

“Well, no…”

“Don't worry so much,” Joonmyun told him with a smile. “And congratulations.”

Chanyeol laughed kind of manically, relieved. “Thank you.”

“Minjung is gonna be so jealous when she hears,” Joonmyun confessed about her mate, slipping out of boss mode.

“Maybe you’ll be going on maternity leave soon, too,” Chanyeol teased with a grin, relaxed now that he knew his pregnancy wasn't going to cost him his position.

“Well, not while you're on maternity leave, anyway,” she hedged. “Someone has to keep Sehun in line.”

The station would surely manage, but Chanyeol knew it was more about Joonmyun’s tendency to be a workaholic than anything else.

“Tell Gwiboon congratulations from me,” Joonmyun said, and Chanyeol knew not to push it. Surely, Minjung would get her way one day.

But in the meantime, he had the support of his boss. And he had Sehun...excited about seeing him get huge.

It was a huge weight off. And just in time considering the weight he'd be putting on.


Chanyeol looked up at the sound of the apartment door being unlocked, unable to stop the grin that spread across his face when Gwiboon stepped inside.

Normally, he'd be on his feet to greet her, but he had a guy from their cable company on the phone trying to figure out why their billing statement wasn't showing up online.

As the guy started rambling about how they'd just switched servers, Gwiboon made her way over to where he was sitting, taking it upon herself to cover the mouthpiece of Chanyeol's cell with her thumb and fitting her lips to his.

The kiss was soft, but heady, with Gwiboon lightly sucking on his lower lip before pulling away and letting go of the phone.

Chanyeol’s head was spinning and he had to ask the guy on the phone to repeat his question.

A cheeky grin was all he got in return when he attempted to shoot her a look that probably didn't look half as put out as he intended.

Gwiboon was peering into the oven at the roast Chanyeol was making for dinner when he finally got off the phone.

“Hi,” he said with a laugh, letting her pull him down for a proper greeting kiss. “How was your day today?”

“Pretty okay,” Gwiboon said with a shrug. “We've almost got everything set for the shoot on Thursday, so that's good. But you know what I was thinking?”

“Hm?” Chanyeol hummed, checking the oven timer and trying to decide whether he should start the vegetables yet.

“We should get pregnancy pictures taken!”

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows. Professional pictures of him pregnant weren't something he needed, especially knowing how many pictures Gwiboon would inevitably snap on her phone. But if it was something she wanted…

“We could get ones where you're naked- what?” Gwiboon asked at Chanyeol's widened eyes. “That's actually pretty common. Lots of people get them.”

Chanyeol blinked, trying to work out how that was even meant to look.

“It’d be super classy,” Gwiboon assured him, waving her hand like she was waving away any thoughts Chanyeol might have had to the contrary. “You'd cover your junk with your hands.”

“That…” Chanyeol started after a pause, “doesn't sound classy in the slightest.”

Gwiboon's cackle let him know she was at least partially joking. Though he suspected that if he was gung-ho, she'd have the whole thing arranged- junk-shielding and all.

“Why are you so eager for naked pictures of me?” Chanyeol laughed, letting Gwiboon crowd him against the counter to kiss him again.

“It does seem like a lot of work when I can just…”

Still pressed against his front, Gwiboon grabbed her cell from her pocket and easily pulled up a compromising picture of Chanyeol that she'd taken a month prior.

Chanyeol felt his face heat.


Gwiboon took her phone back and quickly found a shot that Chanyeol had sent her when she'd been away for work.

“Gwiboon,” he whined, embarrassed.

Laughing, Gwiboon muffled his whines with her lips.

“You sent that last one to me. I don't know why you're acting all shy about it now,” Gwiboon teased.

Chanyeol grumbled, but didn't protest when Gwiboon kissed him again...and again until it was way past time to start the vegetables.


It was hot. So hot. Chanyeol's t-shirt was clinging to him like he'd been sprinting when, in reality, he'd just been sprawled on the couch trying to cool down.

At first he'd thought that maybe the air conditioner had broken before he realized that it was autumn and the air conditioner wasn't even meant to be on.

A glance at the weather on his phone revealed that there wasn't a heat wave.

So that left one thing: he was going into heat.

Of course, it wasn't a real, seasonal heat since he was pregnant. But he remembered seeing something about heat symptoms in one of the pregnancy books he'd read.

A quick internet search confirmed that it was common for pregnant omegas to go into false heats since their hormones were all over the place.

Chanyeol checked the time on his phone. Gwiboon wasn't due home for three hours.

She had a shoot that day, so it wasn't likely that she would even be near her phone, but Chanyeol decided to text her anyway, just in case by some miracle she could leave early

False heat just like the books said...eta?

He didn't want her to feel like she had to rush home if it wasn't feasible. The last thing he wanted was her to get in trouble at work because of him.

But the arousal slithering through him was only getting more potent by the minute.

It would probably only be ten minutes before he soaked through his boxers.

Heats without an alpha really sucked- Chanyeol had been through plenty when he'd been single. Now he was spoiled. But he got himself up to do what he could to lessen his discomfort while he waited for Gwiboon.

After chugging a bottle of water to make sure he didn't dehydrate, Chanyeol rummaged through the dresser drawer they kept their toys in, locating a plug to at least give his body something to clamp down on.

When he'd first started dating Gwiboon, Chanyeol remembered a friend asking if the fact that Gwiboon didn't have a knot, or a dick for that matter, bothered him. And the answer had been a confident no. If he was really craving something inside him, Gwiboon's fingers or a toy satisfied. But the biggest thing was just having an alpha near, touching him and taking care of him.

So having a plug inside him with Gwiboon off at work was doing very little to soothe the flames licking through him.

It was just his luck that this fake heat hit the one Saturday that Gwiboon was off on a shoot instead of lounging on the couch in a pair of leggings.

A loud banging had Chanyeol jerking, startled. Someone was at the door.

For one delusional moment, he hoped that it was miraculously Gwiboon, home and having forgotten her keys. But he knew he'd have been able to smell her.

He was really in no state to be answering the door, so he made no move to get up.

Whoever it was knocked again.

“Chanyeol! Come on!”


In the midst of everything, Chanyeol had completely forgotten that he had lunch plans with Baekhyun.

Grumbling, Chanyeol got up and pulled on a pair of sweatpants, doing his best to conceal his arousal.

“Finally,” Baekhyun exulted when Chanyeol opened the door. “I’m starving. Let’s- holy shit.”

Baekhyun gaped at him, hand coming up to cover his nose.

“You reek,” he complained. “How are you in heat? You're pregnant.”

If he hadn't been so consumed with his body’s need for an alpha, he'd have made a remark about how grateful he was for the information that he was pregnant, since he definitely didn't know.

“False heat,” Chanyeol said. “Hormones.”

“Jesus,” Baekhyun marveled. “Where the hell is Gwiboon?”

“At a shoot.”

“Ouch,” Baekhyun grimaced. “That sucks.”

Chanyeol nodded. More pertinent information he hadn't already been aware of.

“It’d offer to lend you Jonghyun, but...”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. He knew Baekhyun would never “lend” out his alpha, and he knew that Baekhyun knew he didn't want him anyway.

“Do you need anything?” Baekhyun asked, seeming to realize that he had been entirely useless up to that point. “Do you want me to get you take-out?”

“No, I'm fine,” Chanyeol got out, shivering when he unconsciously clamped down on the plug.

“Well, then!” Baekhyun announced, seeming to have noticed the tremble. “I'm gonna leave you to...it…”

Chanyeol thought his cheeks might have flushed, but it was hard to tell when all of his skin felt like it was burning.

“Let me know if you need anything. Or. Not anything. But, like, food, or whatever.”

“Bye, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol said, shutting the door before Baekhyun could ramble anymore. He'd probably give Chanyeol shit for closing the door in his face next time they hung out, but Chanyeol would deal with that then.

Sighing in relief, Chanyeol pushed off his constricting sweats and flopped back on the bed face first, unable to stop the instinctive rock of his hips against the mattress.

Fuck. He really hoped Gwiboon would hurry up and come home.


After two unsatisfying orgasms, Chanyeol almost thought he was hallucinating when he heard a key in the lock and caught a whiff of Gwiboon.

“I got here as soon as I could,” Gwiboon babbled as she burst into the bedroom, already pulling off her dress and stockings.

Chanyeol spurted weakly onto his belly just from the sudden blast of Gwiboon's alpha scent.

“Poor baby,” Gwiboon cooed, seeing the state Chanyeol was in. “I'm here now. What do you want?”

“Anything,” Chanyeol told her, relief and arousal flowing through him as Gwiboon climbed onto the bed, fully naked by then.

She smelled so good. And her lips against his had cool flames licking over his skin.

Before he could even mentally prepare for it, Gwiboon pulled the plug from his body and replaced it with three of her slender fingers.

They didn't fill him as full as the plug, but they felt infinitely better.

With her fingers pumping rapidly into him and her tongue lapping delicately at the tip of his cock, Chanyeol felt his body tighten for release almost immediately.

Gwiboon knew his body as well as he did, pulling back to avoid getting any cum in her hair. But then she was back, licking up the release still clinging to the tip and driving Chanyeol absolutely insane.

The unrelenting movement of her fingers inside him contrasting with the way she lightly teased his cock always had Chanyeol writhing beneath her, trying to get more contact, more stimulation, more.

When he came again, Gwiboon worked him through it with a hand stroking his length in tandem with the fingers pumping into him.

Each orgasm had temporary relief surging through him as pleasure consumed every sense, but he could still feel the need simmering beneath his skin when the ecstasy faded.

Before he even had to ask for more, Gwiboon was rifling through the dresser and stepping into her harness and attaching Chanyeol's favorite toy to the front.

Then she was over him again, bracing herself by his shoulders and sliding the toy into him easily, his body so slick and ready.

Her rhythm had jolts shaking through him with every thrust of her hips.

There was a nub on the inside of the harness that rubbed against her clit as she fucked him, and Chanyeol groaned at the way her brows pinched in pleasure.

Gwiboon’s hips rolled into his, sending him higher with every nudge of the toy into his prostate.

This was gonna be the culmination of the hours of arousal he'd just been through. Chanyeol could feel the way everything built up, up, up instead of dropping off with another release.

Just a little bit more- a little bit more and he was going to come, finally getting the relief he needed.

“Almost there?” Gwiboon asked, breasts swaying with her movements.

Chanyeol nodded, too far gone to speak.

“Baby,” Gwiboon urged. “My baby. My Chanyeol. Come for me.”

Fingers were suddenly around his swollen cock, and that contact along with Gwiboon's breathless urging had Chanyeol arching up, body quivering and tears clinging to his lashes as he came and added to the mess already on his stomach.

Gwiboon shuddered above him, whimpering as her hips ground against him and she found her own peak.

Chanyeol’s eyes were closed as Gwiboon pulled the toy from him and climbed off the bed, returning a minute later with a warm cloth that she used to mop up the remnants of the afternoon from his stomach.

“Feeling better?” Gwiboon asked against his ear, settling herself next to him on the bed.

Humming in affirmation, Chanyeol gathered enough energy to toss a leaden arm over Gwiboon’s waist.

“Hope you didn’t get in trouble for leaving early,” he murmured, relaxing even further into the mattress as Gwiboon snuggled right up against him.

“Don’t worry about that,” she told him, lips ghosting over his jaw as she spoke. “We were almost done with the shoot when I got the text, anyway. And my boss knows my mate is pregnant, so she was understanding.”

“Did you tell her why you had to leave?” Chanyeol asked, feeling his ears burn at the idea of Gwiboon’s boss and possibly co-workers knowing that she had to leave because he was in false heat.
“Yeah,” Gwiboon said nonchalantly. “But I don’t think anyone can possibly be scandalized by anything after that time one of the models went into heat in the middle of a shoot and triggered the other model’s heat…” Gwiboon snickered in recollection. “That was a weird day.”

Chanyeol remembered the story from Gwiboon telling him the day it had happened. Two of the models they used frequently were in a relationship, and it wasn’t uncommon of for omegas who were intimate to set off one another’s heats.

Still, Chanyeol hoped that Gwiboon’s boss would forget about why Gwiboon left early before he had to go to an event at Gwiboon’s work again. Even if no one thought anything of it, Chanyeol didn’t really want that in the back of anyone’s mind when he was making small talk with them over hors d'oeuvres.

“Thank you,” Chanyeol said after a moment, “for coming home.”

“Of course, baby,” Gwiboon replied, lips pressing a path across his neck and palm resting against Chanyeol’s abdomen that was maybe protruding just a little more than normal if he looked at himself in the mirror at just the right angle.

It was with Gwiboon’s warmth and scent surrounding him that he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Part 2

!multishot, fandom: exo, fandom: shinee, girl!shinee, #genderswap

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