Can I Make It Any More Obvious? (girl!ChenHun, girl!LuKai) [2/2]

Aug 01, 2014 10:48

Title: Can I Make It Any More Obvious?
Pairing: girl!Chen/girl!Sehun, girl!Lu Han/girl!Kai
Rating: NC-17 overall
Genre(s): romance, fluff, humor, angst, smut
Warning(s): girl!Chen, girl!Sehun, girl!Lu Han, girl!Kai
Word Count: 12,631 overall
Summary: She was a girl, and she was...also a girl. Nonetheless, it was pretty damn obvious. Lu Han wants to know what happens when a skater girl asks out a cheerleader. Fortunately, both she and Jongdae will find out. (sk8er boi AU)
Written for the amnesty round of femmexo.

Part 1 | Part 2


The wheels of Jongdae's skateboard hit the pavement with a clack, and Jongdae internally congratulated herself on landing the newest trick she was working on. If it had just been her and Lu Han at the skate park like it sometimes was, she would have cheered out loud, but she didn't want to break the concentration of the other skaters there. And since it was a Saturday, there were quite a few.

“Hey,” Lu Han said, rolling up on her skateboard and pushing off the ground to skate around Jongdae in a circle, “Your thing is here.”

Jongdae quirked a brow, “What? My thing?”

Despite the fact that they were best friends, Jongdae had no idea what Lu Han was talking about half the time.

Lu Han nodded like Jongdae was the strange one for not immediately knowing what she meant and gestured over Jongdae's shoulder.

Jongdae turned, expecting to see something...well, she wasn't sure what. But what she was not expecting to see was Sehun hovering uncertainly at the entrance to the skate park.

They locked eyes then and Jongdae felt her heart leap in response.

Their date the previous day had been amazing- better than Jongdae had anticipated. They'd had plenty to talk about despite having different interests and Sehun had seemed to enjoy Jongdae's lame tour of the wonders of their town. But Jongdae was kicking herself because she had to go and ruin what would have been the perfect evening by trying to kiss Sehun and probably scaring the shit out of her.

Sure, the date had gone well, but Jongdae wasn't sure whether Sehun had even realized that Jongdae was treating it like a date. That was definitely something she should have made sure of before she'd gone and tried to kiss her without having any idea of whether or not she was even interested.

In Jongdae's defense, though, Sehun had seemed interested at the time.

Still, Jongdae was doing everything in her power not to fixate on her own dumb, impulsive mistake.

Taking a deep breath, Jongdae dismounted her board and picked it up to walk calmly over to Sehun. She didn't want to appear too eager, but she couldn't help the hope that flared in her chest at the simple fact that Sehun was there, on Jongdae's turf, looking extremely uncomfortable and also like she'd tried to dress appropriately so she wouldn't stand out too much. Unfortunately, oversized t-shirts with Paris screen printed in Helvetica font weren't super commonplace in the skate park. Nor were pristine white Keds. Jongdae gave her points for trying, though.
Hey, Sehun,” Jongdae greeted her, smiling at the taller girl and hoping that Sehun couldn't see the nerves she was feeling just by looking at her.

“Hi,” Sehun replied shyly and Jongdae was overcome with fondness even as she prepared herself for the worst.

“What's up?”

“I, uh...” Sehun reached back to fiddle with her ponytail as she glanced to the side at the other boarders practicing, “I just...wanted to thank you again for...yesterday.”

Jongdae smiled, watching Sehun fidget and smooth her hands over her denim-covered thighs.

“It was no problem,” she told her, “I had a lot of fun.”

“Me too,” Sehun giggled before quickly schooling her expression back into something more neutral.

Was it normal to be so endeared by Sehun trying so hard to keep her composure all the time?

“I'm sorry for leaving so fast though,” Sehun hastily added, cheeks pinking and gaze everywhere, but toward Jongdae.

“It's fine,” Jongdae said, going for a light-hearted chuckle and wondering how she was supposed to assure Sehun that it was safe to spend time with her without worrying about Jongdae trying to kiss her all the time, “I was...I shouldn't have-”

“No!” Sehun cut her off before she could even figure out how to end that sentence, “I...”

Sehun swiped over her lower lip with her tongue, finally looking Jongdae in the face.

And then, before Jongdae could even process what Sehun might have been gearing up for, Sehun had surged forward and pressed her lips against Jongdae's so quickly that Jongdae thought that maybe she'd imagined it when it was over. Except she knew it had really happened based on how red Sehun's face was and the fact that she looked like she wanted to jump out of her skin.

“Sorry, I-”
ongdae saved her the trouble of apologizing when she grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her forward so their lips could meet again, longer this time and more enjoyable considering they both had the time to actively participate.

When she pulled back, Sehun looked shocked, but pleased, and Jongdae couldn't stop her grin. Not that she had any reason to.

“Do you want to get dinner?” she asked, fingers still wrapped around Sehun's slender wrist.

Sehun giggled nervously and didn't stop herself so forcefully, “Okay.”

Jongdae beamed.


Lu Han was happy for Jongdae. She really was. Jongdae was her best friend, after all. So the fact that Jongdae and Sehun had gotten together was a good thing. Except it just reminded her of how much progress she wasn’t making with Jongin.

It just pushed her to be that much more motivated to get a date with Jongin come Monday morning.

Even thought Lu Han was far from a morning person, she found herself approaching Jongin’s locker before the first bell had even rung. Though Jongin looked even more exhausted than Lu Han felt. Maybe this wasn’t the best plan, but by then, Jongin had already seen her, so there was nowhere to go but forward.

“Good morning, Jongin,” Lu Han greeted, trying to overcome both her tiredness and Jongin’s with enthusiasm, “How was your weekend?”

Lu Han couldn’t tell if Jongin seemed more disinterested or alarmed by her presence, which was a pretty weird combination.

“It was okay,” Jongin said, not meeting her eyes.

Based on her body language, Lu Han had a feeling that it hadn’t been so okay, but didn’t push it.

“So I was wondering if you wanted to come to a concert this Friday,” Lu Han continued, figuring she might as well get right to the point.

Jongin looked at her with an unreadable expression, so Lu Han pressed on with her best argument in favor of Jongin attending.

“Sehun is coming,” she told her, “So it’ll be Sehun, Jongdae, me, and hopefully you…”

“I have to cheer on Saturday morning,” Jongin told her, posture tense.

“Sehun does too, then, right?” Lu Han ventured, “I don’t think we’ll be out that late-“

“Sehun can do what she wants,” Jongin cut her off, an edge to her voice that Lu Han had never heard before, “Why do you keep talking to me?”

Lu Han gaped. She hadn’t thought her blatant interest in Jongin could have been a mystery.

“I like you,” she said simply.

“You don’t know me,” Jongin argued, brows furrowed.

Lu Han shrugged, “I like what I know so far, and I want to get to know you better.”

Jongin was still frowning.

“I don’t have time to get to know people.”

Lu Han laughed before realizing that Jongin was completely serious.

“How is that po-“

“I just don’t, okay?” Jongin snapped and then immediately looked down like she was ashamed of her own tone, “So just…just stop, okay? Please.”

Lu Han was speechless.

She’d never thought that she’d been bothering Jongin so much.

She nodded slowly, heart sinking, “Okay. I’ll stop.”

Jongin let out a breath and her shoulders slumped.

“Thanks,” she said, sounding tired, “See you around.”

“See you,” Lu Han replied hollowly, watching Jongin walk away as the bitter ache of disappointment weighed her down.

It was weird to see Sehun so openly bubbly.

Typically, she reserved her unabashed smiles for when she was around only her closest friends, but ever since she and Jongdae had started dating, Sehun had been walking around with a skip in her step and a little smile on her face that grew when she either saw Jongdae or mentioned her. Or sometimes even when she thought about her. Though that last one was just conjecture considering Jongin didn’t actually know what was going on in Sehun’s head.

Jongin was glad to see her best friend so happy, but seeing her greet Jongdae with a kiss was going to take some getting used to- for her and the rest of the student body as well, it seemed, since their relationship had been all anyone could talk about for two days.

It wasn’t everyday that a cheerleader started dating a skater and even less often did a cheerleader date a skater girl.

Jongin wasn’t surprised to see Jongdae in the bleachers with her skateboard during cheer practice, watching Sehun with a fond look on her face, which in turn, was making Sehun blush.

It seemed that Jongdae was going to become a fixture at their practices.

She was also not surprised that Jongdae was there alone. It wasn’t like she’d expected Lu Han to show up. Especially after she’d told her to lay off. Lu Han really had seemed like she’d heard what Jongin told her loud and clear.

Jongin had to remind herself not to feel guilty and that she was within her rights to tell Lu Han that she just didn’t have the time to make a new friend. She really didn’t with dance and cheerleading and studying. She just didn’t have time to be social. The only time she was even social outside her extracurriculars was when Sehun invited herself over or forcibly dragged Jongin out.

She just didn’t have time.

And that was most definitely not disappointment she felt when she left the locker room and wasn’t accosted by an enthusiastic Lu Han on her skateboard.

Whenever she’d had guys show an interest in her, she told them no and they’d always go away. She’d never felt guilty before. She’d never felt the absence of any of the guys when they stopped pursuing her. This was ridiculous.

She just needed to focus. She needed to throw herself into cheer and dance and her studies until she wasn’t feeling so off balance.

And until that happened, she’d just have to avoid looking into the bleachers during cheer practice so she couldn’t see the empty spot next to Jongdae.

There was one thing that Lu Han and Jongdae liked more than skateboarding and that was music. Neither of them were really the choir type, so the only way they really got to experience music, outside of their ipods and laptop speakers, was by going to concerts to see local bands.

That Friday, their favorite local band, the Hellcats, whom they’d been following since they’d formed about a year prior and had even developed a friendship with were playing, so in theory, Lu Han should have been in a wonderful mood as she stood in the crush of people in the cramped venue, waiting for the band to come out to play their set. However, the sting of Jongin’s rejection hadn’t quite faded yet and Lu Han couldn’t stop herself from wishing that Jongin had taken her up on her offer to attend.

In addition, Jongdae and Sehun were being super touchy, which only served to remind Lu Han of what she didn’t have.

At school, the new couple seemed to keep the affection at a minimum since they were in public. But here, where everyone was just there for the music, they didn’t give half a shit about what Jongdae and Sehun were doing. So they were free to be as disgusting as they pleased while Lu Han had the misfortune of standing by and watching them.

It was a tight fit with all the people in the venue, but did they really need to be plastered together like they were?

And did they really have to keep planting teasing kisses on each other's lips?

None of this seemed very rock and roll to Lu Han. Though to be fair, she was biased in the sense that she was bitter.

But still.

Finally, after what seemed like ages of having to endure Jongdae's and Sehun's new found couple-ness, the lights dimmed and the crowd roared and Lu Han let herself get swept along with the opening guitar riff- all too eager to forget about the disappointment that had been clinging to her for the last four days. She could ignore it for now, at least.


Sehun unlocked the front door to her house and led Jongdae inside. Her parents were out of town for the weekend- at the wedding of one of their college friend’s daughters- so they’d told her that she could have a friend stay over. She supposed that they didn’t mean for her to have her girlfriend stay with her, but given that they didn’t yet know she had a girlfriend, they hadn’t specifically said not to either.

They’d been dating for two weeks by that point and Sehun was dying for some time alone with Jongdae. They saw each other every day at school and had hung out two days each week after school as well as on Saturdays. They’d managed a few makeout sessions in Jongdae’s car that had left Sehun weak-kneed and dizzy with want, but that had been all.

Jongin had looked at her with raised brows when she’d told her that she was having Jongdae stay over for the weekend with the intention of doing more than makeout, asking Sehun if she thought they were moving kind of fast. And they were. But the difference was (at least based on Sehun’s analysis) that they were both girls. And girls tended to open up and get close a lot faster than boys did (not all- Jongin was a perfect example of that not holding true). So Sehun wanting to have sex with her girlfriend after dating for two weeks was the equivalent of a girl wanting to have sex with her boyfriend after dating for two months. Which, Sehun had learned talking to the other cheerleaders in the locker room, happened all the time.

And even if she was totally wrong about all of that, she still wanted Jongdae, so fuck the rest.

“We’ll sleep in my room,” Sehun said, leading the way up the stairs- stomach twisting and heart pounding now that she really did have Jongdae all to herself with no one to interrupt them.

Jongdae set her bag down on the floor and flopped on Sehun’s bed. “Comfy,” she commented.

Seeing Jongdae in her ripped up denim skirt, her band tee, and her knee-high tube socks, sprawled on her pink and white striped comforter was kind of surreal, but that didn’t stop the rush of heat that washed over her at the visual.

She must have been staring pretty obviously because Jongdae shot her an amused smirk.

“Care to join me?”

Sehun flushed, but sat down on the edge of the bed as Jongdae sat up, their eyes meeting before their lips pressed and Sehun allowed herself to be swept away by kissing Jongdae- the slide of lips and twist of tongues familiar by then. But when the heat between them was enough to have Sehun craving more, shifting on the bed to ease the ache between her thighs, they weren’t forced to pull away and calm down before Jongdae drove her home. Instead, Sehun felt Jongdae’s fingers tease her hip where the waistband of her mini skirt met her skin and the touch had her shivering.

Sehun allowed herself to be maneuvered so she was lying down with Jongdae half on top of her, lips still moving together as Jongdae’s hands roamed over her torso and her own hands clutched at Jongdae’s shoulders. The need in her was rising and it was getting harder and harder not to start begging for Jongdae to touch her where she wanted it, how she’d imagined Jongdae touching her  as she’d brought herself to orgasm multiple times in the past couple weeks.

“Just because we’re here alone doesn’t mean we have to do anything,” Jongdae told her, lips disengaging from Sehun’s with a wet smack, “If you want to wait, we ca-“

“No!” Sehun said and then flushed at how desperate she’d sounded, “I don’t want to wait. I want- unless you want to wait!”

Jongdae’s lips curved up in that way that had Sehun’s pulse thundering in her ears.

“I don’t want to wait either,” Jongdae told her, fingers lightly drawing patterns against her stomach and making her muscles jump, “I really, really like you, Sehun,” Jongdae added, serious now as she met Sehun’s eyes dead-on, “I’m not fucking around.”

“Me too,” Sehun breathed, head light and heart fluttering at Jongdae’s admission, “I mean, me neither. I mean,” she flushed under Jongdae’s amused gaze, “I really like you too.”

Jongdae grinned and then kissed her again- a knee-weakening, passionate kiss that had Sehun whimpering into her mouth as she grasped at the back of Jongdae’s neck to keep her where she was.

When Jongdae’s fingers danced up the inside of her thigh and dragged along the edge of her panties, Sehun couldn’t stop the way she angled her hips into the touch, so desperate to have Jongdae’s fingers on her. But while it was a little embarrassing to be so eager, Sehun could see how blown Jongdae’s eyes were as she pulled back to look at her, and she knew that she wasn’t the only one wanting.

Spreading her thighs in invitation, Sehun groaned appreciatively as Jongdae rubbed her through her underwear- the fabric already damp with her arousal.

“Please, please,” Sehun begged, less worried about sounding too needy than she was about getting those fingers where she desperately wanted them.

Jongdae rolled off her to settle on her side next to Sehun, urging her to face her. Then she hoisted Sehun’s knee onto her hip so her thighs stayed parted before she reached between them and slipped her hand into Sehun’s panties.

Sehun sighed at the slick slide, rolling her hips into the movements of Jongdae's hand to get as much friction as possible. It was so good and oh, it wasn't going to last long. Not with the way Jongdae was nosing along her jaw and pressing kisses to her neck as her fingers worked against Sehun like she'd touched her countless times before.

“I'm-” Sehun tried, feeling her groin tighten with her impending release, “Jongdae, I-”

“Go ahead,” Jongdae murmured into the skin of her throat, sending another pulse of need through her.

With a whimper, Sehun climaxed against Jongdae's teasing fingers- body clenching and pleasure drenching her until she was sucking in greedy lungfuls of air as Jongdae brought her down.

“Oh my god,” she whined, torn between embarrassment at coming so quickly and deep contentment from how satisfying it was.

“You're so gorgeous,” Jongdae told her, leaning up to connect their lips again.

And while Sehun may have been blissed out and lethargic from her orgasm, she couldn't forget about how Jongdae had yet to find her release. So Sehun brought her leg down and hesitantly reached between Jongdae's thighs to knead against her core through her underwear. It was with a moan that matched Jongdae's in volume that she felt just how wet the other girl was against her palm.

“Can I-” she started, thumbing along the elastic waistband of Jongdae's underwear only to be cut off by Jongdae's pleading yes.

It was her first time touching another girl like this, but her nerves fell away as she realized how much she enjoyed Jongdae's responses- breathtaking moans and gasps as she held onto Sehun's arms with a vice grip. Jongdae threw her leg around Sehun's hip, heel digging into the back of Sehun's thigh as Sehun fingered her- feeling the way Jongdae's slick walls clenched and squeezed around her long fingers.

She loved everything about bringing Jongdae pleasure, from the way her eyebrows were furrowed and her mouth hung open as she panted to the way her toes curled in her socks with every pass of Sehun's fingers over her clit. Sehun couldn't help that she could feel herself pulsing again- worked up from just experiencing what Jongdae looked like when she was about to come.

With her left hand, Sehun hastily shoved the crotch of her own panties to the side to press against her aching center- sighing in relief as she continued to pump her fingers in and out of Jongdae until the other girl started babbling that she was close.

Sehun watched as Jongdae shook through her orgasm- thighs trembling and moans spilling from her kiss-swollen lips as she curled in on herself from the intensity of her release- and found herself nearly at the brink again as well.

When Jongdae opened her eyes, she didn't miss the way Sehun's fingers were desperately working against herself- eyebrows raising in surprise before she smirked.

“Again?” she asked and Sehun whined, lower lip clamped between her teeth and too turned on to be embarrassed.

Jongdae knocked her hand away and rubbed circles over Sehun's clit that had Sehun arching and moaning brokenly through her second orgasm, her release dribbling over Jongdae's fingers as she throbbed with the pleasure that was even greater than the first time around.

Relaxing back into the mattress as Jongdae pulled her hand away, Sehun felt like she might never be able to move again.

“Before this becomes an endless cycle,” Jongdae said, leaning over to press a kiss to Sehun's lips, “Or before you fall asleep, let's get cleaned up and get dinner. I'm hungry.”

Sehun made a few token discontent sounds before allowing Jongdae to drag her from the bed and toward the bathroom.

As they ate pizza at Sehun's kitchen table later, Sehun couldn't help but wonder if it was possible to be any happier than she was right then.

(When she voiced her thoughts out loud, Jongdae suggested that maybe it was possible with three orgasms instead of two. Sehun threw a grease soaked napkin at her, but had to admit that she had a point.)


You work too much, they'd said to her, Just come out tonight. You'll have fun. I promise.

Sehun was lucky that she was Jongin's best friend. Somehow still after all these years.

When people told Jongin that she worked too hard, she found it very difficult to see their point of view. Because while she did work extremely hard, she did it for a reason. She'd taken the maximum number of hours every semester in college and worked full-time in order to save up money. After college, she'd used her savings to open up her own dance studio, and now she worked constantly in order to run and maintain it, as well as teach half the classes herself.

So, maybe she worked more than most people. But that was because she was working toward something. If she didn't work so hard to keep her studio running, who would?

But Sehun had bugged her incessantly to keep this Friday free, so she had. If only so Sehun would stop flooding her phone with texts that threatened to tie her up and throw her in the back of a van to take her out if she didn't come willingly.

Jongin supposed that it could be worse. They could have wanted to do something stupid, like drag her to a bar to hook her up with someone. As it was, she was at a bar, but it was to see the band who Jongdae was the manager for play a showcase to celebrate getting signed to a major label. It was a big deal and Jongin knew that Sehun was thrilled for her girlfriend, so it was the least she could do to come show her support as well.

Though she was regretting it a bit as Sehun looked at her judgmentally.

“That's your idea of dressing for a rock concert?” Sehun asked disdainfully.

Jongin looked down at her black tank top and black skinny jeans.

“What's wrong with it?”

Sehun scoffed like dignifying that with an answer would pain her. Though considering what she was wearing- a nearly see-through white tank top with a neon yellow bra, black leather leggings, and giant platform heels- Jongin could see how her outfit might not have been up to Sehun's standards. But based on what the rest of the people were wearing, Jongin thought she looked fine.

“I really hate those shoes,” Jongdae complained to Sehun, coming back from the bar with drinks for all of them. She wasn't dressed nearly as ostentatiously as Sehun, though that wasn't a surprise. She was in a pair of wingtip loafers, a tweed mini skirt, and a chiffon blouse through which her black bra was visible. Apparently Jongin had missed the bra must be visible at all times memo.

“Why?” Sehun pouted, fiddling with her waist-length rainbow hair unhappily, “These shoes are awesome.”

“I feel even shorter than usual next to you,” Jongdae replied with a self-deprecating smirk.

“Aw,” Sehun cooed, reaching out to pat Jongdae's cheek only to have her hand slapped playfully away, “That's cute.”

“Anyway,” Jongdae turned toward Jongin, bright red lips stretching across her teeth in a friendly smile, “I'm really glad you could make it.”

“It was no problem,” Jongin assured her and Sehun scoffed.

“Please, I practically had to threaten you to get you here.”

“No, I said I'd come, but you threatened me anyway,” Jongin reminded her.

Sehun shrugged, “I had to be sure you'd really show up.”

“Have you told Jongin about your new project?” Jongdae asked, putting a hand on Sehun's waist and adjusting her thick, black-rimmed glasses.

Sehun beamed before putting on her I'm an artist, take me seriously look.

“I'm working on a series of abstract paintings of vaginas in faded neon,” she said airily, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

Jongin blinked, “Don't you mean pastel?”

Sehun made a sound of derision so loud the people next to them turned to look, “No, I mean faded neon.”

“I asked the same thing,” Jongdae assured Jongin with a conspiratorial smile.

“It's obvious why I'm the only artist among us,” Sehun observed haughtily and Jongdae just laughed, pulling Sehun down for a kiss which had her cooler than thou attitude dropping in an instant only to be replaced by a giddy smile.

Jongin kind of wondered if Jongdae got annoyed with Sehun sometimes since they lived together, but then Jongin remembered that she and Sehun had been best friends for fifteen years, so she really couldn't judge.

“So, how about the band you manage?” Jongin asked, glad when Jongdae stopped grossly teasing Sehun to look over.

If she wanted to see her friends be all lovey-dovey, she’d make more time to hang out with them, to be honest.

“They’re called the Hellcats,” Jongdae told her, face lighting up, “And I’ve actually known them since high school. They’ve had some line-up changes, so after my friend took over the spot of lead vocalist, I kind of became the unofficial manager. That was in college and I was in school for econ at the time, but then I switched to music business and became their actual manager. Obviously, we’ve been shopping around for a good record deal and about a month ago, we got a great offer.”

“Wow, that’s amazing,” Jongin marveled, honestly impressed, “I can’t wait to hear them play!”

Jongdae smiled and Sehun preened as though she could take some sort of credit for any part of that story. Perhaps she thought that her presence inspired success. Or maybe, Jongin allowed as she saw the way Sehun’s arm curved around Jongdae’s waist, she was just really proud of her girlfriend. The sweet look they exchanged made Jongin feel like she was intruding on a private moment.

But then the lights dimmed as the crowd started cheering, and Jongin, along with every other person in the room, found her eyes drawn to the stage.

When the band came out and the stage lights hit them, Jongin felt her breath catch. And it wasn’t because of the gangly drummer with the big ears and the pretty face. It wasn’t because of the lead guitarist’s dimples when he smiled out at the crowd. It wasn’t due to the intimidating presence of the bassist and the insane amount of piercings he had. No, it was all because of the lead singer whom she had recognized immediately despite not having seen her in over six years.

Center stage with bright blonde hair and a charismatic gaze that had the room under her spell was Lu Han. Her hair was cut to above her ear on one side and angled down to come to a point that ended below her chin on the other (Jongin thought that almost anyone else would have looked ridiculous with that style, but Lu Han looked undeniably good), she had a few piercings that glinted in the light in each ear, and her eyes were lined with black, but it was definitely her.

Dressed like a rockstar, she was in an oversized muscle t-shirt with a lacy, black bra underneath that was very visible when she turned to the side (seriously, where was the rule that everyone’s bra had to be showing?), short, short, short denim cut-offs, black thigh-high stockings, and chunky leather combat boots.
            There were so many things that were the same as Jongin remembered from high school, but at the same time, Jongin couldn’t get over how sexy and womanly she looked. Maybe it was the fact that she was jumping around onstage and belting out lyrics into a microphone, but Jongin couldn’t look away, not even to ask Sehun to make 100 percent sure that this gorgeous, hypnotizing woman was, indeed, Lu Han from high school.

Even though she knew it was her without having to ask. There was just no mistaking it. And Jongin had, admittedly, thought about Lu Han over the years.

She still didn’t tend to date due to her busy schedule that left her unmotivated to waste her time on someone who would probably disappoint her, but she had at least gained some insight into her dating preferences since high school- namely that she was attracted to women, which explained why turning Lu Han down was so much harder than it had been to turn down any of the guys that had asked her out.

The rest of the set went by in a blur with Jongin unable to look away from Lu Han the entire time. Not only was she...well, hot, (and boy, was she damn hot) she was also really talented. As was the rest of the band. She could see why they'd gotten a record deal and why Jongdae was so excited about them.

When the Hellcats exited the stage after their encore, Sehun turned to her and excitedly shook her shoulder.

“They're good, right?” she demanded and Jongin nodded, taking the opportunity to tell Jongdae just how much she'd enjoyed the show.

But then they were interrupted by someone body slamming into Jongdae from behind and knocking her forward as arms wrapped around her shoulders.

Jongdae laughed and stepped aside to let Lu Han into their little circle of conversation.

“Lu Han, you remember Jongin from high school, right?”

Jongin froze, wanting to be swallowed alive by a wildebeest. She should have immediately known that she'd have to come face to face with Lu Han given that Jongdae was the Hellcats' manager and also Lu Han's best friend, but nonetheless, she hadn’t been prepared for this.

“Of course,” Lu Han said, managing to sound a lot cooler than Jongin would have been able to in that moment, but her expression gave away her surprise at seeing her there.

“It's nice to see you again,” Jongin managed to choke out, feeling her face flame at the way all three women were staring at her like they were waiting for her to do something socially acceptable.

“You too,” Lu Han replied, sending her a smile, but it was a much more guarded smile than Jongin remembered.

“Jongdae, come with me to the bathroom,” Sehun whined, tugging at Jongdae’s wrist and pouting like a kid.

Jongdae barked out a laugh.

“Excuse me a moment, I have to take the child to the bathroom.”

Sehun made a protesting noise, but dragged her off anyway, so Jongin and Lu Han were left alone.

The look Sehun shot at Jongin over her shoulder immediately told her that it was no accident.

She was going to kill Sehun.

“So, guys were really good,” Jongin started, not liking the way Lu Han's eyes seemed almost sad even as she could see the defensive set of her jaw.

It was dumb because it wasn't like they'd dated. Or even known each other that well. And it had been years ago. But Jongin still felt all of the nervous anticipation surge up like she was seventeen again and she guessed that Lu Han was taken back to that time as well.

“Thanks,” Lu Han nodded and Jongin wasn't sure if it was worse to pretend that she hadn't rejected Lu Han in high school or worse to acknowledge it.

After a moment during which Jongin wanted to die from awkwardness, she decided to just bite the bullet.

“Sorry about…back in high school,” she said and Lu Han’s face tightened, “I was really rude to you and I’ve regretted it a lot over the years.”

Lu Han nodded, “It’s fine.”

“It wasn’t you,” Jongin tried to explain, “I mean, it was you because I didn’t have any problem turning anyone else away.”

By the look on Lu Han’s face, Jongin wasn’t doing a good job of expressing her feelings.

She huffed in frustration at herself and tugged angrily on her ponytail.

“I didn’t have any interest in dating during high school,” she tried again, “So whenever anyone tried to ask me out, I just brushed them off. And I never had any second thoughts about it because I didn’t feel any attraction to them. But you…you were the first person I actually…was into, I guess. Except I wasn’t really ready to deal with anything like that- dating or liking women or anything. So I was just frustrated with myself and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.”

By the time she’d finished, Lu Han’s expression was less closed off, though she still seemed a bit wary.

“I really am sorry,” Jongin repeated, suddenly so desperate to right the wrongs of her past, “I’ve…thought about you a lot since high school, and I regret…I don’t know.”

“Is this an apology or are you trying to ask for another chance?” Lu Han asked then and Jongin’s eye widened.

“U-uh,” she stuttered out, caught off guard by the familiar twinkle in Lu Han’s eyes, “Both?”

She hadn’t actually been asking for a second chance because she never, ever thought she’d be granted one. But if Lu Han was maybe, possibly willing to give her one…?

“Hmm,” Lu Han hummed, mischief in her eyes that had Jongin’s heart pounding in anticipation, “And why should I give you another chance? I could have anyone in this room right now.”

Jongin didn’t doubt it.

“I could even have Zitao and he has an exclusive interest in dicks,” she added when the bass player brushed by them on the way to the bar.

The bass player, Zitao presumably, scoffed, “You wish.”

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten that time you got drunk and propositioned me,” Lu Han reminded him with a devilish grin.

“I was wasted,” Zitao huffed and Lu Han shrugged.

With a roll of his eyes, Zitao continued on to the bar and Lu Han looked back at Jongin.

“So, as you can see, I could have anyone,” she reiterated with a pleased smirk, “So why should I give the one person present who’s rejected me another chance?”

Jongin opened her mouth and closed it again before finally saying, “I don’t know. I can’t think of anything.”

Lu Han seemed to dramatically ponder that for a moment before she smiled, that same smile she’d had in high school that always had Jongin’s heart racing.

“Well, I can think of some,” she told her, stepping forward, “You’re just as cute as you were in high school, for one.”

Jongin flushed, sucking her lower lip into her mouth.

“And you’re sweet,” she continued, sliding the palm of her hand down Jongin’s arm, “And you have a really nice ass.”

Jongin laughed in shock at the last one, but Lu Han was just grinning at her- hand clasped loosely around her wrist.

“Will you go out with me this time?” Lu Han asked, so close that Jongin could see the places where her makeup had smudged from sweating onstage.

She nodded and Lu Han closed the gap between them, kissing her chastely before pulling away.

“It’s about time,” she teased and Jongin giggled, resting her forehead against Lu Han’s and feeling Lu Han’s laugh huff against her lips.

Maybe it should have been obvious from the beginning, but better late than never.

As Lu Han pressed a kiss to the corner of Jongin’s mouth before pulling away to smile at her so widely the skin around her eyes creased, Jongin couldn’t contain her answering grin. And this time around, she felt no need to.

-Thank you to Lonio for helping me plot this out <3
-I want comments almost as much as I want to date girl!Lu Han.

!multishot, fandom: exo, p: lu han/kai, p: chen/sehun, #genderswap, !request

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