What is a Mini Bang?
A Mini-Bang is a writing festival in which writers put together a previously unpublished story over a period of time, and stories are posted at once or over brief periods of days. Also during Big Bangs (larger word counts) and Mini Bangs artist are also encouraged to claim stories and design artwork to accompany the story.
Glee’s Other Gays Mini Bang has a minimum of five thousand words and is dedicated to stories which center around the Glee character’s of Dave, Sebastian, and Chandler.
How can I find out more, or participate?
Please refer back to the master post (link) where you found this page, for a complete listing of links, if you do not find what you are looking for please feel free to drop a comment on the Page-A-Mod Post or at the community email:
Can I sign up in more than one category of Artists, Authors, and Betas?
If you feel confident that you can meet the deadlines then, yes, you may.
Do we have to have a LJ account to participate?
This is preferred, if you do not have a Live Journal account then please contact the mods prior to signing up, and we take it on a case by case scenario.
Where is the schedule?
We have a Schedule post here{link}. Any question or concerns about it, please go to the Page-A-Mod page{link}.
Where will the stories be posted?
On each writers posting day they will post the story to their journal and post the story and art master post to the comm. if this doesn't work for you, or if your journal is friend locked contact the mods as we have a back up posting plan
What is the minimum word count? Is there a maximum word count?
The minimum word count required for this festival is 5,000 words. There is no maximum word, so feel free to write as much as you can.
Can I use a story I'm already writing?
Part of the fun is to see how much you can write in the time frame, but to be honest as long as you have not posted any of it any where there would be no way to police it.
Can I write more than just one story?
No, sorry.
Can I write a story with a friend?
Yes as long you both sign up; you star together and finish together, so to speak then that is fine. But youse not write one on your own and then one with a friend though that would be very ambitious if you.
Will my story definitely have art?
There is no guarantee that all stories will have accompanying art. So create a great summary and don’t worry, even if you don’t get a art, we bet you will have a wonderful time.
When are the Check-Ins, and how many words are required for each one?
There are three check-ins. In the first you need to be about 2,000 words. In the second, we will need to know if you contacted your artist. In the third we will need your final header and the tags you will need. Check out the rules for more detailed information{link}. All three check-ins are mandatory for writers and the last two are mandatory for the artists this is to not only keep participants accountable but your mods as well.
What if I don't finish my story?
Then unfortunately you won't be able to post on the comm. hopefully you'll continue to finish and post it on your own journal. If this is scenario we are willing should you let us know we will make. Note of it not on the comm but on the mod journal.
What if I don’t have a beta?
We have a Beta Resource Post {link}, check it out. If you don’t find a beta there, please go to the page-a-mod{link} or send us a e-mail and we will try to help out.
What pairings are allowed for this big bang?
This Mini Bang focuses in Dave, Sebastian and Chandler, and therefore stories focusing on any of them individually, a pair, or threesome is mandatory. All other characters or pairings are welcomed as secondary appearances
May I turn in my story early?
As exciting as that is we ask you wait until your posting date. But if you finish early-- relax enjoy counting the days down to posting.
When can Artists claim stories?
The Artist Claim Post will go up on {date}. There you will be able to scroll through sumarys of all stories been written and claim of of them.
What type of art is accepted?
Banners, icons, fan-vids, traditional drawing (scanned or digital), covers, manips, fanmixes and/or picspams/dividers.
Can I claim more than one story?
After all artist who have signed up have claimed one story then seconds opens up to all artists who have signed up. Please remember to take in consideration the time requirements to ensure both your claims have your equal attention and you will be completed.
What do I do when I'm finished?
When you are finished relax in day of posting send the author the link to where your art is posted on your journal/make sure art is incorporated into the story/ both. Another option is to post early set it as private but still send the link. Just remember to make it public on posting day.
How can I offer my services to authors for this festival?
We have a Beta Resource Post where you can leave your information and help out the writers!
Will betas be assigned?
No, writers will be responsible for contacting Betas so there is a chance you may not be called upon
Is there anything else I need to do?
Inside the Beta Resource Post there will a comment to respon to once you have finished with the story you are working on. Further instructions provided there.
Any other questions?
Go to the Page-A-Mod post and ask away.