2007 - Things I've learned this year

Dec 12, 2007 13:13

As this year comes to a close I look back over my experiences and think about what I have learned, what I should have learned, and what I have yet to learn.

Everything is a trade off. You can’t get anything unless you give something. Even if it’s a simple gesture, you have to work, give, and/or compromise to get anything you want in this world.
Happiness is a decision, not a state of being. You can be miserable in the best of circumstances if you decide to be, and the same is true in reverse. I am not in the ideal situation, but it could be worse, and I have the most important things to me, so I choose to be happy.
Love is a verb (not a predicate noun).
Being loved is really nice, but loving others is better.
There is nothing more fascinating than a child when they are learning something.
Your own child is the cutest one in the world, even when they are throwing a tantrum.
Family is most important.
GOD is even more important.
Prayer works.
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