Apr 19, 2005 18:13
hmm...ok well i tried to give up the lj but it seems its not as easy as i had thought...the lj is a worthy foe, and apparently some people do read this so i will continue to use it. today was a fun day, i heard my friends talking about some porn he saw called lord of the g-strings. then later on we played unreal tournament in computer class. and in 4th period my friends attempted to test my star wars knowledge and asked me questions on the back of some cheetos bags. they asked how many languages c3po can speak (he's fluent in over 6 million forms of communication) and how old queen amidala was when she ruled naboo (14)....yes so anyway i should be writing my research paper but i needed a break and that is why u are currently reading this, i'm sorry. oh for anyone i haven't told yet i've lost 20 pounds so far and now im down to 195, i am indeed very sexy now.