Jun 21, 2004 10:08
wooo yeah havent updated in a while. school is finally over =) i think i did pretty decent on my finals. then after school on the last day sam came over and we watched the prom wideo. we're only in it a little but it was fun to see everyone. ADAM HECHT lol. then me sam and alex drove to six flags and met troy lauren glen and melissa. it was a really awesome last day of school except for the fact that my cell fell out of my pocket on superman the ride =(. saturday was alex's b-day i was really upset i had to miss it. i heard it was really fun. it was greg cefalo murphy and sam and the birthday boy himself, alex cantwell. i love all of them. then yesterday i went to my aunts house for my grandma's 70th birthday. we had this cake for her with a picture of her when she was five. she was so happy that she cried. i love her so much. when i got home from my aunts i hung out with sam and christi at the pizza place for like 10 minutes and then sam dropped off christi and we went to my house. ::sigh:: great times i must say =). sam and i then went to starbucks and played palace. it was really cool cause i didnt expect to see her. well today i think me and sam are gonna hang out and then maybe go somewhere to eat adn then go to drumline practice. w00t! tomorrow im working til 5 AM!! mad crazy im gonna try to update more over the summer. peace out bitch! (im hanging up lol)