Hey, did anyone know conservatives are
banning books which depict homosexuality or which are written by homosexuals? But since it's Alabama and only about three people are literate there, I guess it's not that big a loss. How far back are these Christo-facist asswipes going to take this country? When are we gonna see the legislation bringing back witch burnings? In a perfect world we'd just read about these people and laugh. Problem is these are the guys in power. It's like some cult is in charge now, it's not Christianity because whatever part of the bible they don't distort to fit their narrow, ignorant world view, they just flat out ignore. All that stuff about loving your neighbor and helping the poor, and not judging, well, forget all that. The funny thing is, when you ask some of these people to find bible verses where it says that God hates gay people and they can't find it. Sure they pull out the Soddom and Gammorah verse but there was a hell of a lot more going on there than just cornhole-ing. This shit is getting scarry. Anytime you have a president looking forward to judgement day with his finger on "The Button"... well, you know.
Here's a look at our future. Prepare to abandon all hope.