May 15, 2009 21:50
Weather is turning around and we are getting rid of another bunch of tightly wound hormone soaked gas bags who, right now, are on top of the world. It is amazing how we build them up so they can find out for themselves that they are really on the lowest rung of the ladder we call society. Everyone of them walks through those doors, eager and fresh faced, thinking that they can make things right. That this world is going to bend at their will and provide for their every wish and fantasy. Welcome my the machine.
We age. We become cinical and hide from the facts behind ignorance and our own pitiful, busy, little lives. Everyone too concerned about global warming to care, to worry about what is happening before their very eyes. They give you things like economic crisis and environmental damage and those poor domesticated animals that deserved to be treated like humans. They give us these things to hide, to hide the truth from us and we eagerly lap up this regurgitated drivel because the truth is too hard to understand.
The United States does not torture captives. We MUST uphold our own values to be believed anywhere in this world.
The Federal Government has no business telling me what to teach my kids.
The Patriot Act begins the process of stripping away civil liberties.
The President DOES NOT have the power to declare war.
Have you tried to get ammunition for your handgun yet?