Feb 13, 2008 20:08
Hard to post. Digging a hole through frost is a bitch. Never thought I'd feel so bad about some bamn dunny.
Work is work, 32 page IEP's and now thanks to NCLB, if we need to modify the curriculum it'll be another 20 pages on top of the original 32. I personally like having to schedule an 11th grade spedder without transcripts from their other school. Trying to explain to family members that we put them in that math class because you and your student said they could do the work, now we find our your kid's got a 65 IQ, B. O. and an attitude problem (not to mention thousands in needed dental work, might help the breath though), sorry no I really don't understand why they are failing!
Or the parent who wants you to change their kids grade because you made a mistake while correcting someone else's paper.
Or the student who gets mad after being kicked out for shouting swear words in your classroom.
Or the Mom who insists that impulsivity is a symptom of a learning disability (everybody's adhd now! Its the flavor of the month.)
I like the kid who comes to my room and asks for help and then actually listens to me.
The kid in the back who eyeballs you all hour and answers your questions.
The one who admits his mistake and understands his punishment.
The ones who try even though its hard to understand and they might not pass anyway.
For every bad there are ten goods. They're out there, lurking and waiting to be spotted. Like the sunshine on the clean, new snow today. Did anybody see that? Did anyone else appreciate it? I hope so.