Читаю некоторые статьи Ленина. На душе такое чувство, словно я окунулся в навозную яму. По-другому воспринимать слова человека, который БУКВАЛЬНО требует убивать миллионы людей, я не могу. Причём не просто людей, а опытных и преуспевающих крестьян - так называемых "кулаков". По мнению Ленина, если из 15 миллионов крестьян кулаки составляют 2 миллиона, то они - меньшинство. Этих "паразитов и пиявок" нужно безжалостно убивать. Причём, похоже, "судом Линча". Нет ни слова ни о законных мерах воздействия, ни о воспитательной работе, ни о каком-либо компромиссе..
Охуенный у нас был лидер, товарищи. До сих пор поражаюсь миллионам, простите, мудаков, которые до сих пор с пеной у рта доказывают, как хорошо всё было при коммунизме, каким мудрым и человечным был "великий вождь" В.И Ленин, и что всё испортилось только при бяке-Сталине.
Увы, на русском текста не нашёл, как ни странно.
http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1918/aug/x01.htmSource: Lenin’s Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, Volume 28, 1965, pages 53-57
"There is no doubt about it. The kulaks are rabid foes of the Soviet government. Either the kulaks massacre vast numbers of workers, or the workers ruthlessly suppress the revolts of the predatory kulak minority of the people against the working people’s government. There can be no middle course. Peace is out of the question: even if they have quarrelled, the kulak can easily come to terms with the landowner, the tsar and the priest, but with the working class never.
That is why we call the fight against the kulaks the last, decisive fight. That does not mean there may not be many more kulak revolts, or that there may not be many more attacks on the Soviet government by foreign capitalism. The words, the last fight, imply that the last and most numerous of the exploiting classes has revolted against us in our country.
The kulaks are the most brutal, callous and savage exploiters, who in the history of other countries have time and again restored the power of the landowners, tsars, priests and capitalists. The kulaks are more numerous than the landowners and capitalists. Nevertheless, they are a minority.
Let us take it that there are about fifteen million peasant families in Russia, taking Russia as she was before the robbers deprived her of the Ukraine and other territories. Of these fifteen million, probably ten million are poor peasants who live by selling their labour power, or who are in bondage to the rich, or who lack grain surpluses and have been most impoverished by the burdens of war. About three million must be regarded as middle peasants, while barely two million consist of kulaks, rich peasants, grain profiteers. These bloodsuckers have grown rich on the want suffered by the people in the war; they have raked in thousands and hundreds of thousands of rubles by pushing up the price of grain and other products. These spiders have grown fat at the expense of the peasants ruined by the war, at the expense of the starving workers. These leeches have sucked the blood of the working people and grown richer as the workers in the cities and factories starved. These vampires have been gathering the landed estates into their hands; they continue to enslave the poor peasants.
Ruthless war on the kulaks! Death to them! Hatred and contempt for the parties which defend them-the Right Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks, and today's Left Socialist-Revolutionaries! The workers must crush the revolts of the kulaks with an iron hand, the kulaks who are forming an alliance with the foreign capitalists against the working people of their own country."