
Aug 16, 2006 13:30

Yes I promised it before, better late than never as we say (actually I don't know if the translation is correct, oh well, it works in Spanish =D ). OK, here is a list of all of my resources but I'll surely will be updating it since I always find more and more stuff to add to my poor computer's hard drive.

My Resources

*Tutorials/Advice I used or that inspired me:

laury_kos, sweetgirl26, lu_thien, pippins_mcgee13, grrliz, bea_lost @ onlydreamers, chaoticfae @ onlydreamers, mangoninja @ onlydreamers, threeeyespei, taylorbeauti, fightstarr, 0oh__snap___xx, psychedelico_, brokenrecord__, nastia_icons, halleeluuia, mycautionfix, mouseykins1, modernsecret, x_ohmyfluff, , emily_malfoy, _chokeanddie , perfectalibi, noregrets722, soulspring, _wesleyy_, woofed, acrossthe_pond, my_givenchy, _oceansong_, m1ch1ru, __beautifulday, kisuncha, avardrobe_icons, _chokeanddie, theshinygirl, giraffe_kisses, threestories, chouchoune, toxxxicgurl, byjove, eyes__x__rot, eledhwen_girl, unmasked_icons, xcatrionax, dancinggoldfish, halleeluuia, ambrosian_crypt, loleiasbits, misses_turner, psychedelico_, bite_me_cold, deadly_mask, bingomassacre, rlf_2583, annesaname, dancinggoldfish, valliegurl, miggy, ___cynic, 10pt1_graphics, reealifin248, amorxtentia, ewanism, silaquiholimon, navras_rheya, fashion_victimx, xallatonce, miss_bloody, fadingxmondays, xiaoyu_icons, ealias, wastedfairy, lipsofanangel, potter_maniac7, lipsofpoison, fearkills, _jems_, silentrainfall, ressie_noldo, exotik, silvertaste, bitter___sweet, riseoverrun, far2far_away, hollow13, bluesoul92, forwardshuffle, daphneejen, faciegirl23, infinitiva, thedarlinggoes, smugfaction, dubified, pa_0205, princofwhales, whatifmaybe, garfreak, grrliz, hpsensations, mistyrainicons, wesaucereyes, vickix, sietepecados, eighteenvision, michl87, dekolette, arbuus, loverunway, tropical_crush, glazingpink, explore, findme_icons, peach_icons, missandrony, silent_scream19, teh_indy, inexorablyhere, __red_lipstick, tresmoron, eomir, mata090680, blinkcarouseltd, tinamishi, sanami276, sweet_nonsense, newexistence, kiryt100, evitaporter, dreams_secrets, twistedlaletz, tangled_girl, momentaryxthing, alina_crystal, kat641, crumblingwalls, xthemusicbox, huyuhuyu, glamourfix, omgitskrissy, simsi, 35roses, chuckaholic, junedreaming, persailo, prehistoric, kirjava17, qtmjbcs, kindaOpunk, ravenrogue, berry_love, thelightbox_x, wednesday_icons, kirstiemyatt, lit_glitter, mouthfullofdust, elliptica, shortiegirl106, lovelamp, passing_girl, chosenxone, unmixy, xthemusicbox, changetje, adall, redlighttt, g_a_fanatik, hardgoodbyes, iconick, Imagination, The Butterfly, Immortal Memories, The Magic Box, Elucidation,


tsukicon, illusionized_, unmasked_icons, masquerade_arts, amethystia100, crumblingwalls, yumei_k, 77words, inxsomniax, persailo, eledhwen_girl, anglesey, sanami276, slut_doll, anglesey, cofeeebreak, the_testimony, anon_chan, eledhwen_girl, midknight_starr, pepsi_icons, twisted_fruitie, ewanism, gender, pippins_mcgee13, karanna1, liars_dance, toybirds, forwardshuffle, rxyangl, icon_extras, Imagination, Immortal Memories, Anthropomorphic Fruit, Secret Loft,Beautiful Sin, The Magic Box, Portfelia, Echoica, The Butterfly, The Colorbox,


crumblingwalls, unusualgeek, seleneheart, 77words, colorfilter, cooldecade,


pink_1lady, xswaniconsx, ianthinae, bea_lost @ onlydreamers, mangoninja @ onlydreamers, colorfilter, mrs_spock, unmasked_icons, anglesey, kaien_kun, yumei_k, threeeyespei, grafikitty, awmp, crumblingwalls, glendora, ewanism, 77words, luthien_black, textures_r_us, gender, ___hidethefact, myrasis, gypsymc813, our_wreckage, sanami276, persailo, victoriaely, evil_leela, wicked_avis, jordannamorgan, crazedhypocrite, elitenobody, tragic_icons, filmowe, fragmentx, xxkuu_chan, ytiralc, eledhwen_girl, peoplemachines, immoral, inxsomniax, amethystia100, kissedpaper, arisubox, grafikitty, _iconographer, lovelamp, damnicons, futurelights, lil_brokenangel, fragmentx, mewful, sugarplumkitten, nohairforoil, sowicked, jubilli, so_out_of_ideas, iconxgallery, sunshineclouds @ londonsunshine, willowtree84, wonderland__, extremefangirl, jadedicons, tragic_icons, Hybrid Genesis, Soar Above The Sky, Life For Rent, Textura, Elucidation, Digital Bristle, The Magic Box, ZombieStock, MermaidsHaven, Tre-xture,
There's a texture set I have called "Darkdreaming" but I don't have the name of the person who made it =( , if anyone knows please leave a message with the info so I can give the proper credit, thank you.


Every Day Icons, Pattern4U, pippins_mcgee13, promande, Digital Bristle, Daydreaming,

*Icon Table Generator:


*Stock Photos:


*Icon Bases:

unusualgeek (Spiderman bases)
lemon_craze (Xmas Bases)
kpurkiss (V For Vendetta)

@ dont_be_so_base:
karanna1, (StarWars bases: Episode I, Episode II, Episode IV, Episode V, Episode VI, Promos) - (Buffy bases: Random, Becoming PII, Faith Hope & Trick, I Robot You Jane, Surprise, What's My Line?) - (Marie Antoinette) - (Little Mermaid) - (Narnia: The Lion the witch & the wardrobe) - (PrisonBreak) - (River Phoenix) - (Underworld) - (Wolverine) - (Wolverine & Rogue) - (Harry Potter: Goblet Of Fire, 47 HP bases) - (46 Cities) - (A Walk To Remember) - (Gladiator) - (Jared Leto) - (King Arthur) - (The Last Unicorn) - (LOTR: Elves) - (Smallville: Episode 'Hydro') - (Japan) - (The Covenant) - (Roswell) - (Memoirs Of a Geisha) - (Order Of The Phoenix part 1, part 2 & part 3) - (Gerard Butler) - (Phantom Of The Opera)
anarya_snow (Elektra)
jotomedia (30 Amelie bases)
punkette4vab (300) - (Labyrinth) - (LOTR: 400 bases in 2 zip files) - (U2) - (Gilmore Girls)
pinkmelons (Hilary Duff)
shizukuchan (Nelly Furtado)
lt_sp (The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants) - (Veronica Mars & Wallace)
the_vixxmeister (HP: Random) - (Goblet Of Fire) - (HP & The Goblet Of Fire) - (The Order Of The Phoenix) - (Bones)
crashingg_down (Plain Flowers)
famouslstwrdsxx (My Chemical Romance: Tons Of Bases, 7 bases, 30 bases, 24 bases, 15 bases) - (Pride & Prejudice) - (Keira Knightley)
fruity_taste (The OC: Episode 1.01) - (Keira Knightley) - (134 Flowers)
shine_shine (Garden State) - (CSI Miami) - (Heroes)
tattooed_pies (Purple Bases)
wakeupem (Pan's Labyrinth) - (Billy Elliot) - (35 Natalie Portman Bases)
hllywood_drmr87 (POTC 3)
shesaysplease (Grey's Anatomy) - (Prison Break) - (Supernatural) - (Heroes) - (Veronica Mars)

*Screencaps & Pics:

cap_it, gerardcaps, The Pensieve, LOTR Caps, Padme's Wardrobe, Secret Obsession, Seriously Smiling, Annon Nan Galadh, LOTR DarthScreencaptures, SW Destiny, McHeathers fansite for Gerard, Anthropomorphic Fruit, Motioned Stills, Schala's Room, The Leaky Cauldron, Screencappiness, Caps?, dj_capslock, carmiana (Dear Frankie screencaps), spikesbint (Gerry caps), killanidea (300 trailer screencaps), lamaudite (300 trailer caps), desert_sky (Pride & Prejudice), edele (X-Men 3 caps), sgavin (X-Men 3 caps), iconofilth (300 trailer caps), Anthropomorphic Fruit (Pride & Prejudice caps) - (Hex caps), NataliePortman.Com, Screencap Paradise (Roswell Caps & more TV shows), SW Destiny (Star Wars), Gerard Butler.Net (all things Gerry), Miami Ink, Roswell Screen Grab Gallery, QOTD/Underworld/Interview with the Vampire (Queen Of The Damned caps), Max & Liz Shrine - Images Of Love, Roswell4fans, Granolith,


DaFont, Fonts 4 Kids, Wanted Fonts, My Font

*Custom Shapes:


This list will be updated since I always find more stuff on the web! =)

If any of this info is not correct please let me know and I'll make the changes.

If you use any of these people's stuff please credit them.

resources: my resources, resources: bases, resources: gradients, resources, resources: brushes, resources: credits, resources: textures

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