Feb 04, 2005 17:55
If you read this, even if i don't speak to you often, or at all, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you...
wednesday. me ana jamie jason and justin went to anas to eat breakdfast and then went to city place. i got to see chupick and marc, joey and mo. i miss you guys so much. and someother people. it was fun. went to movieco and saw white noise. it wasnt that scary but everytime something scary did happen jamie and ana screamed at the top of there lungs which scared me half to death. it was a good day!!!
so yesterday i went to school with all intentions of staying there. i felt like shit so i called my dad and went home. went to the doctors. i hate the doctors so much. rested.
stayed at my dads house and didnt go to school again today which gives me a total of 2 days of school this week. wow.
i slept in today and did nothing till about 2:30. dad dropped me off at my moms and went to work so i coud get some stuff seeing im staying with him till tuesday. t-unit and jamie stopped by cause they didnt got to school either. chilled for a bit then jamie had to leave for work. got t-units birthday gift, two months early but i got it and he gets it soon he know what it is, i got him two tickets to the miami heat basketball game the 16th. whoot whoot. have fun buddy!
so now yet again im bored.
i hope tonight is as fun as i think its gunna be.
im out for now. gotta get my rest! wink