What happens if you suddenley get the urge for Cantonese food around 7:45

Oct 24, 2004 21:43

Okay, since we were too lazy to make something, we decided to go to Chinatown for dinner. We made a list of good Cantonese restaurants to go to and chose one that we thought was the best. So, once we get there, we were met with loud blasting techno music and hoards of chino-thugs and their ugly-ass dates. It took us a moment to realize that we were in a wedding and that the newly weds reserved the entire freaking restaurant for their party. Okay - weird but it could happen to anybody. So, we then consulted our list of restaurants and picked our second choice place and went there only to find a similar party of the same size going on there. Okay, by now, we were hungry as hell and slightly annoyed because even though weddings are supposed to be happy events, the two that we ran into were nothing short of a freak-show. Allow me to explain:

1) everybody had dyed hair of various colors
2) everybody was fiddling around with their cell phones
3) nobody really knew anybody more than being a friend of a friend
4) the newly weds were all butt-ugly
5) people need to ease it with the makeup
6) the music made me want to say nice things to Yani, and lastly
7) certain people just don't get that when they're drunk, its best to just shut up and not make an ass out of yourself

So, little did we know, our third, fourth, and fifth choice restaurants were all taken by parties which were all wedding parties. Simply put, we were fucking pissed. We finally sufficed with a mediocre Shanghai restaurant where we ate food so bad that it would make Sarah get an anneurysm. On the way back home, I guess although we were really fucking grumpy, we just weren't quite grumpy enough not to realize that six of the restaurants we passed by were also hosting wedding parties.

LEARN THE LESSON, PEOPLE: If you suddenley decide to go to Chinatown for Cantonese food around 7:45, you'll end up eating bad Shanghai food and experiencing a supreme moment of understanding in which you learn for the first time, just how many weddings could possibly be going on at once.

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