lifted from sean

Feb 03, 2005 16:04

and because i just don't feel like direct communication, here are some things you already know about me

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Created by naw5689 and taken 15108 times on bzoink!
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:The ClashAre you male or female:Jimmy JazzDescribe yourself:The White Man in Hammersmith PalaisHow do some people feel about you:Longtime JerkHow do you feel about yourself:Rudie Can't FailDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Jail Guitar DoorsDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Protex BlueDescribe where you want to be:Safe European HomeDescribe what you want to be:White RiotDescribe how you live:Lost in the SupermarketDescribe how you love:Sex Mad RoarShare a few words of wisdomKnow Your Rights
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