Title: Just Another Girl [1 / 8]
Word Count: 693
Rating: PG-13, swearing
Fandom: iKON | Bobby / B.I, Jinhwan / Junhoe, Yunhyeong / Donghyuk
Description: iKON turns into girls one by one.
girls!auAuthor's Note: /leaves this here/
Everyone has heard rumours of the strange curse placed on every boy band but no one has actually stepped forward and confirmed it so it was generally regarded as just that - a rumour made up by someone with a highly active imagination. After all, logically and scientifically, it couldn’t be true.
That was what Bobby had always thought when he had first heard of that rumour and he found no reason to believe it. Until one fine morning, Bobby woke up with a jolt and felt emptiness between his legs.
What? Bobby sat up in the darkness and his hand dove into his pants, searching for his missing part but to his growing horror, he found nothing. Shocked, Bobby jerked his hand from his pants but brushed against something unfamiliar on his chest.
Oh, no. No, no, this cannot be happening. Bobby thought in increasing panic as he (she?) cupped the two mounds of flesh on his (her?) chest. They were soft, warm and undeniably part of him (her?).
Then, Bobby realized that the back of his (her?) neck was abnormally warm and he (she?) instinctively made a blind grab at the back his (her?) head, only to grip long, thick hair. Bobby tugged at the hair in his (her?) hand and found that it was in fact, growing from the back of his (her?) head. Bobby forced himself (herself?) not to scream before he (she?) jumped out of bed and switched on the bedroom lights.
As light flooded the closed bedroom, Bobby felt all colour disappeared from his (her?) face as he (she?) stared down at the newly developed pair of boobs on him (her?), obvious despite the wife-beater he (she?) was wearing, and the long curtain of hair brushing the sides of his (her?) face.
All of the sudden, there was the sounds of sheets ruffling from Junhwe’s bed as the taller boy turned to face Bobby by the door. Mind still muddled with sleep, Junhwe started to complained, “What the hell, hyung? It’s still too early - Who the fuck are you?”
Bobby snapped his head at the suddenly awake and confused Junhwe. “Erm...” He (She?) tries to speak but the sound of his (her?) new, higher pitched voice surprised him (her?) and the words died in his (her?) throat.
“How did you get in here?” Junhwe demanded loudly, still confused but also angry at the fact that some random girl had somehow managed to sneak into their dorm and into his bedroom. Then, he caught sight of Bobby’s empty bed and his voice grew even louder, now fuelled by panic and fury.
“Where’s Bobby hyung? What did you do to him?” Junhwe released a series of rapid fire questions at Bobby who is still too shocked to answer any of the questions. “Who are you? Are you a sasaeng? What did you do to Bobby hyung?”
Then, without any warning, Junhwe darted from his bed and shook the bunk bed Bobby and Hanbin shared. Despite Junhwe’s yells, their leader was still dead asleep in his bed and Bobby knew that was because Hanbin had only returned to the dorm at three like he always do after a night of composing. It was a general rule in the dorm that no one but Hanbin himself wakes Hanbin up.
However, in his panic, Junhwe seemed to have forgotten that and was currently still screaming. “Hanbin hyung! Bobby hyung’s gone and there’s a strange girl - Mmph!”
“For fuck’s sake, Junhwe, shut up!” Bobby hissed between her teeth as she clamped a hand against the younger boy’s mouth. “Don’t wake Hanbin up!”
But it was too late and before Bobby knew it, Hanbin was sleepily stretching as he groaned softly, “Okay, Junhwe, what did Bobby hyung do this time?”
For the briefest second, one part of Bobby was offended. Why does everyone always think I started it?
Then, Hanbin’s brain registered the queer scene before him and his eyes widened in shock before he let out the most shrill scream Bobby has ever heard.
Bobby sighed in disappointment as the sounds of the other members waking up reached his (her?) ears.