Oct 23, 2010 10:59

It's been entirely too long since I've written something in this bad boy. I think it's pretty sad that most of the time you have to keep it short or you only have 140 characters to get out what you really need to say. That's not even a paragraph to me. I've honestly felt like I haven't had a place to really express my real thoughts since the invention of twitter but no one's stopping me from writing: just my own laziness.

Well here's a recap:

Last I checked, I had just moved out of my Mom's house. That's still the same and I'm enjoying the freedom but, I'm ready to move again. I hate my neighbors, they're too loud and never seem to leave. Whenever I go outside, I'm bombarded with a million loud ass people and too many fucking kids and it makes me itch. I like...silence. I enjoy solitude so being thrust into quite the opposite has really made me miss my room at my Mom's where I could be left alone for hours and the only noise is the noise I'm making. Pure Bliss

If you don't follow me on Twitter (which is like, almost everyone). After I found a job last year, I enrolled back into school. I always said I couldn't afford it but now that I had some financial backing, I decided to sack up and give it a shot. It's been 5 months and I gotta say I'm very happy with my decision.
I'm studying broadcasting at City College and It's a 40 min drive to Ft. Lauderdale so that's another reason why I need to move. Making the drive sometimes is pretty taxing. Still, I love the school, the people are great and I'm finally one step closer to getting on the radio which is what I really want to do. Being at the school though has opened my eyes to many other jobs I could do and that's what makes it even more exciting.

I have to stop writing before this becomes a huge wall of text lol. Now that I've started again, I def am not stopping. I forgot how nice it feels to get your thoughts down on paper to make some room in your brain. *hugs LJ* I'll never leave you this long again.

LOL @ My old ass icons.

life stuffs, recap, school

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