Holy Promo, Batman!!

Apr 29, 2010 17:47

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WOW! Holy crap on a stick - Luke lets Reid HAVE IT! We haven't seen Luke this worked up since he freaked out at the airport and called Damian a stupid, lying son of a bitch!

I LOVE IT! Can't wait for next week even more now! This storyline is so freaking awesome!


doc oliver, written by g, luke

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aoleander April 30 2010, 01:17:20 UTC

I may or may not have replayed that promo several times...

I'm also wishing that this was HBO or something so that Luke could say something a little stronger than 'crap'. :P But I did appreciate the 'you selfish son of a bitch!' very much. God, Van Hansis.


g_and_honey April 30 2010, 01:35:52 UTC

I could watch this promo ALLLLLL DAYYYYYY...oh, wait, I basically have! LOL.

Van fricking Hansis just liquidates my brain with his acting talent. He is so fantastic when he does scenes like this. Especially with the woobie faces!! GAAAAAH, Van.

It's too bad he couldn't say "shit" ---> "I want you to talk to me like someone who gives a shit about Noah!" :-D Much better! :-P



dreamer_98 April 30 2010, 01:45:35 UTC
It could have been just my imagination, but a couple of years ago, I could've sworn that Jack said "shit" on the show. He was using a phrase like "the shit hit the fan." I think they cut it out, though.


g_and_honey April 30 2010, 01:58:15 UTC
Aw, what a shame! I would have liked to have heard that! Silly censors. :-) Why cut out the good parts? LOL.



aoleander April 30 2010, 07:50:42 UTC
"I want you to talk to me like someone who gives a shit about Noah!"

Mmmm yes, much better indeed! :D Hehe. It'd be hilarious if Van accidentally said that on a take instead of the daytime appropriate version. :P Cuz honestly, 'crap' ain't gonna be the word I instinctively use if the love of my life might have brain damage.


g_and_honey April 30 2010, 16:40:28 UTC
I'd totally love to see that outtake with Van, especially since we know he's such a potty mouth! Hee. Love it.

And totally. I'm pretty sure I'd at least say "shit", if not "fuck" or some permutation of "fuck". :-P I'm a potty mouth, too! LOL.



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