G and Honey Live from the Eastern Seaboard - 2

Jul 18, 2009 14:20

[Cut conversation on fanfic, our uncle, and her coming home for a week]
G (2:15:14 AM): question for you
Honey (2:15:20 AM): Yeah?
G (2:15:39 AM): you think we're actually gonna see Nuke's apartment? Or do you think it's just going to be referenced to all the time
Honey (2:16:03 AM): Probably not for awhile...until they can spend the money on a new set
G (2:16:19 AM): you think they haven't started builgin it yet?
G (2:16:23 AM): *building
Honey (2:16:36 AM): I'd guess not
G (2:16:42 AM): damn it
G (2:16:53 AM): so I guess my next question is kind of a "duh" question
G (2:17:13 AM): but we're probably not going to see them together in bed - in any sort fo capacity - for a long, long time, if even at all
G (2:17:33 AM): you think the show would take a risk like that? Showing them in bed together
Honey (2:17:46 AM): Probably not T-T
G (2:17:50 AM): damn it
G (2:18:07 AM): I'm not talking about sexytiems....I mean just something like them waking up together in the morning
G (2:18:14 AM): them reveling in the fact that there are no more rules
G (2:18:43 AM): and you know what pisses me off? We don't think we'd even get Nuke in bed together, but the previews for next week have Emily sucking Paul's face off
G (2:18:47 AM): WTH?!
Honey (2:19:37 AM): Yeah, seriously >.> though I can't say I'm not glad that they're together. Keeps them from destroying everyone else's lives
G (2:19:50 AM): I wonder what percentage of the ATWT audience is made up of Nuke fans
Honey (2:20:08 AM): I was on the Soap Central forums and it seems split...
Honey (2:20:39 AM): Most people seem to like them okay, a handful adore them, and someone refered to them as "the Gruesome Twosome"
Honey (2:20:44 AM): Obvs not a fan
G (2:20:57 AM): oh God. Really? Wow, people.
Honey (2:21:03 AM): They did not have many kind words for Noah all around, either >.>
G (2:21:19 AM): Even if you don't like male-male stuff, both Van and Jake are the farthest things from gruesome
G (2:21:47 AM): PS - that moniker is totally dumb. What, are you nine?
Honey (2:22:02 AM): Haha! I figured you'd rag on them
Honey (2:22:10 AM): Also, one pster said something that really pissed me off
Honey (2:22:29 AM): That as a young gay couple it wasn't "realistic" that they hadn't yet dealt with infidelity
G (2:22:53 AM): umm...wut? not every couple deals with infidelity
G (2:23:06 AM): there are people who don't cheat on one another
Honey (2:23:09 AM): And not every gay couple faces it, either
G (2:24:16 AM): maybe in the soap cliche of everyone sleeping with everyone, it hasn't been "realistic", but other than that....
G (2:24:31 AM): I think it's been incredibly realistic
Honey (2:24:43 AM): One person was bitching about wanting a love triangle (which, it has been confirmed, IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN) because they didn't want stories dealing with Iraqi refugees, psycho fathers, goth twins, or creepy grandfathers...in other words, more original and in some cases more relevant stories
G (2:25:08 AM): how could a storyline about a gay couple NOT BE RELEVANT these days?
Honey (2:25:09 AM): Don't get me started on all the Janet hate, either
Honey (2:25:43 AM): Apparently depicting Teh Icky Gaymosexuals as perptual cheaters is better storytelling
G (2:25:57 AM): and if they didn't want all the stories ATWT has already given us, what the hell do they want? Why don't they write the stories then?
G (2:26:41 AM): It is SO NOT better story telling. There's a reason why people write stories and poems and songs about LOVE. What better storyline is there in life, really? Isn't love what most people are looking for?
G (2:26:46 AM): How could LOVE not be relevant?
G (2:27:05 AM): Bah. I do not understand
G (2:27:14 AM): and the Noah hate....wut?!
G (2:27:22 AM): why do people hate on him so much?
Honey (2:27:34 AM): The phrase "sad sack" was used more than once
Honey (2:27:47 AM): Also, "the gay [version of] Meg"
Honey (2:27:51 AM): "Megoah"
G (2:27:52 AM): I can understand them thinking that maybe Luke is a little more affectionate and a little more open, but think of what Noah has overcome!
Honey (2:28:12 AM): And apparently Luke is "high maintenance"
G (2:28:14 AM): he's really come full circle, I feel
G (2:28:42 AM): would I like to see Noah fight a little harder for Luke's love? Yes. But that doesn't mean that he hasn't been a good boyfriend so far.
Honey (2:28:54 AM): Also, some people want Noah to get with Mason because of Mason being older and having a father figure vibe, which is just icky Electra complex
G (2:29:04 AM): If anything, I think people should appreciate the differences between Luke and Noah, otherwise it would be boring, yes?
G (2:29:14 AM): I LIKE that they're different. It's real that way
G (2:29:43 AM): they ARE two separate people, why would we want them to be the same?
G (2:30:06 AM): PS - this is a soap! Who isn't "high maintenance" on a soap?
G (2:30:10 AM): *coughCarlycough*
Honey (2:30:26 AM): Yeah, pretty much everyone worships the ground Carly walks on
G (2:30:59 AM): don't get me wrong, I like Carly. Her storyline dragged a bit, but towards the end, it was so sad.
G (2:31:32 AM): but she was very high maintenance, yes? She needed her son, her sister, her ex-husband, and her soon-to-be husband ALL there just to admit she had a problem!
Honey (2:32:16 AM): Extremely high maintainance!
Honey (2:33:11 AM): And emotionally manipulative >.>
G (2:33:37 AM): bah.
G (2:33:52 AM): It makes me angry that people spoil it for everyone else
G (2:34:32 AM): like the people who don't enjoy the Nuke storyline because it's "gay". So the rest of us have to deal with the censorship and the "get-arounds" that the show pulls to try to tell us what's happening instead of showing us
G (2:34:46 AM): frankly, if I wanted to hear about what Nuke was doing, I'd rather read it in a book
G (2:35:01 AM): A TV show should "show", yes? Not have the characters talk about it
Honey (2:35:10 AM): True
G (2:36:03 AM): so we can see Emily sucking Paul's face off because that's accepted as the social standard, but heaven forbid we see an emotionally committed couple waking up in bed together or worse! making love
Honey (2:37:06 AM): Exactly! And apparently said committed couple is supposed to deal with infidelity because they are a "young, gay" couple
Honey (2:37:17 AM): Fuck you very much, anonymous poster
G (2:37:51 AM): young, old, gay, straight, pink, blue, purple, polka dotted, striped, or tie dye! Not everyone cheats on one another!
G (2:38:10 AM): What the eff is up with thinking that's the norm in relationships? How sad is that outlook on love?
Honey (2:39:25 AM): This is why I'd be popping corks off wine bottles if I drank recreationally that Mason's not becoming a part of Nuke...that for once we'd get a couple totally committed to each other!
Honey (2:39:49 AM): Holden and Lily nearly got divorced twice in two years after renewing their vows! Who does that?!
G (2:40:19 AM): yeah, I know
G (2:40:50 AM): sorry I got on my soapbox. don't me to be negative. I'm just frustrated
G (2:40:56 AM): *mean
Honey (2:41:00 AM): I am, too
Honey (2:41:07 AM): Fandom's supposed to be fun, yes?
G (2:41:29 AM): yes
Honey (2:41:31 AM): Why all the complaining?
G (2:41:47 AM): I dunno. People are unsatisfied with their lives?
G (2:42:10 AM): I'd like to see something positive being done....like when the Hershey's kisses were sent to CBS to let them know we wanted Nuke kisses
G (2:42:20 AM): maybe we should send them dollhouse beds, LOL
Honey (2:42:28 AM): Hee!
G (2:42:33 AM): HAHA
G (2:42:50 AM): you know what I mean. NUKE UNIFIED FRONT!
Honey (2:42:56 AM): NUF!
[We begin referencing Eddie Izzard]
G (2:43:09 AM): LOL
Honey (2:43:16 AM): "Were you surprised? I was so surprised."
G (2:43:22 AM): LMAO!!!
Honey (2:43:44 AM): "Crap, they've got yaoi! They've got yaoi!"
G (2:44:07 AM): don't mess with us fangirls. We're serious about our fangirling. "Go ahead punks, make our day."
G (2:44:17 AM): *clicks shotgun*
[We begin referencing Gundam Wing]
Honey (2:46:07 AM): I'd look better soaked in the blood of whiny ATWT fans. HERE'S FOR MY GAY BOYS! *Bang*
Honey (2:46:15 AM): PS Heero gave me this gun!
G (2:46:40 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
Honey (2:47:01 AM): *bows*
[Cut conversation about music; then we go to bed. Conversation starts up again the next day...]
Honey (2:02:13 PM): The boys are on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
G (2:02:26 PM): Holy shit!
G (2:02:28 PM): really?
G (2:02:38 PM): it figures!
G (2:02:54 PM): LOL, thanks hun!
G (2:03:01 PM): this is going to be a great week!
Honey (2:03:26 PM): Want the spoilers?
G (2:03:43 PM): sure, why not
Honey (2:03:51 PM): http://community.livejournal.com/luke_noah/782777.html
G (2:06:31 PM): OOooooohooooh! sounds exciting!
G (2:06:36 PM): what do you think? excited?
Honey (2:06:47 PM): *nodnodnod*
G (2:06:58 PM): whee! THREE WHOLE DAYS! I feel spoiled
G (2:07:15 PM): what did we fangirls have to do to get three entire days?
Honey (2:07:26 PM): I don
Honey (2:07:31 PM): 't know!
Honey (2:07:53 PM): Visit from the Pretty Gay Boy Fairy?
G (2:11:30 PM): I'LL TAKE IT!
G (2:18:40 PM): I'm excited to see the "Alone a bit later" part Sounds like some romance for me from the boys! Whee
G (2:19:00 PM): I miss their romance. It's been a while for them
Honey (2:19:18 PM): I know. ;_;
G (2:19:39 PM): I'm actually very excited also to see Luke start working with Damian
G (2:19:46 PM): I'm interested in knowing where that is going to lead
Honey (2:33:09 PM): Hopefully to far-flung places
Honey (2:33:44 PM): Passions used to send their characters out-of-town for the summer, so maybe Luke will end up at least in Canada? For a change of pace
G (2:35:00 PM): you want him to ned up in Canada?
G (2:35:04 PM): *end
Honey (2:36:07 PM): Well, if they've got boats on Lake Michigan that takes them straight to Canada...
G (2:37:54 PM): why do you want him to go to Canada?
Honey (2:38:11 PM): Just to get out of the country. Change of scenery might be nice
G (2:39:53 PM): you want him to go without Noah? Like a self-retreat?
G (2:40:02 PM): Oooh, he and Damian should go together!
Honey (2:40:15 PM): And get into trouble there!
G (2:40:17 PM): that would be awesome! Bonding time
G (2:40:19 PM): LOL!
G (2:40:31 PM): I like that premise
G (2:41:03 PM): and this time, Luke should save Damian's life!
Honey (2:41:06 PM): Damian's been too good lately. I'd like for him and Luke to face down some sort of Grimaldi trouble standing as eqauls, not with Luke being a hostage
G (2:41:10 PM): hmm. do I smell a fic?
Honey (2:41:17 PM): Maybe...>.>
G (2:41:32 PM): I would love to see them standing together as equal Grimaldi men
G (2:41:37 PM): that would be the shit!
G (2:41:56 PM): so hott!
Honey (2:42:45 PM): ^_^_^_^_^_^
G (2:44:22 PM): oh my god. I would ge down on my knees and worship CBS if they did that
Honey (2:44:50 PM): Should we send them Canadian flags? ^.~
G (2:44:57 PM): LOL!
Honey (2:49:11 PM): But anyway...yeah, I'd like to see them go on an adventure. Just like the Goonies! Luke gets to be Corey Feldman
G (2:52:07 PM): HAHA
G (2:52:14 PM): OMG I bet Van was an adorblae little kid
Honey (2:55:07 PM): Absolutely
G (2:55:36 PM): hehe
G (2:55:44 PM): little baby Luke and Noah running around on adventures
Honey (2:55:58 PM): *Splodes*
G (2:56:10 PM): LMAO
Honey (2:56:26 PM): I saw an icon today of Chibi Luke and Noah and I almost died
G (2:56:38 PM): aw, cute!
[Cut conversation on family; we say "see you later"]

regarding fandom, written by honey, luke/noah, carly, aim post, luke and noah sexytiems, noah, janet, van, lily/holden, paul/emily, speculation post, luke, damian, real life issues post

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