Is It Over Yet? No, Really...Is It? - Today's Recap, 2/16/09

Feb 16, 2010 15:43

I have to admit, I'm kinda at a loss here...I honestly don't know where to start.

Good things first? Okay.

I loved when Mick had Emily at gunpoint and told Paul to beg for her life, and he did. Oh, Emily and Paul...I adore you two. Then later when they were on the floor together and they just held each other and said they loved one another...that was so great. Kelley and Roger really rocked those scenes out.

Then Barbara and Henry later, at the Lakeview. They are so freaking adorable together, I can hardly stand it. Henry is so sweet with her. I love how honest they are with each other. And Barbara better start listening to Henry. She may be older than Vienna, but the girl's still got it! :-) She's beautiful, and like Henry said, much wiser than other women.

But! Did I hear an admission of feelings for Katie from Henry?! I'm not surprised, since we've been speculating on his feelings for a while, but I didn't expect him to say it! And so bluntly, too. But now I guess he's moving on with Barbara? I hope so. I love Katie, but 1) she's not ready to move on with another man yet, and 2) I love her chemistry with Reid. And 3) Henry and Barbara are so cute! :-P

I'm also really proud of Billy today. Casey's scenes with Alison were really powerful and Billy did a great job of conveying his pain. He wasn't too over the top with it. I feel so bad for Casey. He did absolutely nothing wrong and still got clobbered. I think he and Luke need to pick a date and time to commiserate. :-) They could play the "Whose Life Sucks More?" game. (Though I guess Luke could consider himself lucky in love, since Noah's never cheated on him.)

But Casey. :-( Poor thing. But now he can move on and be better for it.

Now on to the bad things? All right.


I said it before, and I'll say it again: why didn't Emily, Barbara, Henry, Casey, and Ali just frigging JUMP ON HIM? For real. They wouldn't have even had to do it at the same time. It could've gone something like this: Barbara jumps at Mick unexpectedly, and with Henry's help, pins him down on his back. Henry secures Mick's gun while Barbara punches Mick in the face to disorient him. Then Casey jumps on Mick to ensure he stays down (maybe gives him another sock in the face or two...or twenty) and Emily helps keep him still. A Manolo Blahnik to the throat could be very menacing, am I right? Then Alison calls Margo and it's all over. Is that too much to ask?! Geez.

Of course, that didn't happen. What actually transpired was Mick ranting and raving about fuck all for a good half hour while I sat on my couch shouting, "REALLY?! REALLY?!? The writers couldn't come up with something BETTER than this?!"

And then later, Alison convinces Mick to come back to the world via a lovely gushing nosebleed, and they run off together and have this bittersweet - ugh - encounter on the street together and Mick tells Ali that he loves her. Then Casey shows up, Mick points his gun at him, Margo pops in and points her gun at Mick, and next thing we know, Mick is doing the "noble" thing and leaping out in front of a truck. Too bad he didn't bite the big one. That's for tomorrow's episode, from what I can tell.

(But hey! My dream of a bad guy on the show getting run over by a truck actually came true! LOL.)

Guys, this whole Mick ordeal in the church has left me so flabbergasted that I can't even articulate my thoughts properly. Maybe if I felt like the whole Mick storyline had a point, I would have liked it better. But I feel like it was just another excuse to bring James back to wreak havoc with no resolution, really. Emily and Paul were happy together before James came into the picture, and hey, guess what? They still are. Henry and Barbara, despite their rocky background, still respected and cared for each other and hey, guess what? They still do. So pretty much the only point of the storyline was for Mick to come in and completely annihilate Casey and Ali. And even though Alison got hurt too, Casey is the one who bore the brunt of all the pain, because he was innocent. And oh yeah, Emily's still not pregnant, and Barbara is still looking age-appropriate. So what was the point of this whole thing? If the writers wanted to break Casey and Ali up, they couldn't have done it in a more modest way? In a more realistic way? Not everything has to be drama and guns and craziness - not when it's not handled well. I'm kinda craving the opposite from this show now. Barring the Damian storyline (because I'm actually enjoying that one), I'd rather have more episodes where the characters sit and talk about their feelings and work through their problems than all the guns and flurried activity. (And even in the Damian storyline, I want that too!)

Argh. I don't even know.

One thing I'm sure of is that I would have rather spent today watching the boys do something together. Or even apart. Even if it was something ridiculous. I would've rather watched Noah do the hula in a muumuu with Maddie while Luke shaves his head and gets drunk off cough syrup while Lily tries to console him. Something. ANYTHING other than the Mick stuff.

Hopefully tomorrow, Paul will quite literally pull the plug on this whole thing and we'll be done with it. I can't take any more! x_x

Anyway. :-P More Carly/Jack goodness tomorrow, and more of the Casey-Ali after effects. And Casey better get that ring back from Ali! She's not allowed to keep such a meaningful heirloom, not after how she treated Casey. And Casey deserves to have it back to give to someone who won't cheat on him and then lie to his face.


EDIT: Look! I was so messed up from today's episode that I put the wrong year for today! See what bad writing and horrible storylines does to your brain?! :-P Thanks, Latoya! *smooch* :-D

barbara, recap post, henry, margo/tom, casey/alison, paul/emily, written by g, mick

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