Jack And Carly Revisit Their Roots - Today's Recap, 1/21/10

Jan 21, 2010 15:27

All ye CarJackers who saw this coming, say AYE!

All right, so I'm the first to admit that I once was a huge Jacket fan, but Janet's continual avoidance of Jack lately and his sweet scenes with Carly today have left me feeling quite torn as to who I want him to be with.

Jack's encounter with Janet at Liberty's school today really ticked me off. I don't know why Jack wasn't one of the first people Janet told about Liberty's leukemia. I love that Dusty has been there to support her and help Liberty, but I'm so glad that he's backing off and pushing Janet back in the direction of Jack.

However, Dusty's efforts are not helping Jack and Carly, who today, reaffirmed their undying love for one another, and of course, when Jack went to the farm to tell Janet he's decided to be with Carly, Janet's at the table sniffling into the tissues and is now about to FINALLY tell Jack about Liberty. And poor Carly's going to bear the brunt of this.

I feel really bad for Carly. When she was at her AA meeting, you could tell she was so happy that Jack had kissed her again. And then they had this beautiful scene down by the water, where Jack remembered that Carly said she'd always love him, and then he told her right then and there that he's always loved her. Oh, God. So sweet. I just love how open and honest the two of them are. I wish more soap couples had more moments like that. So Jack's got me completely torn now. I don't know what I want for him!

And off topic, Honey and I have had this continual conversation about Carly's AA meetings. It kind of goes like this:

G: You know, if you say your name at the meeting, you're not anonymous!
Honey: You're anonymous from the outside world, G. That's what it means.
G: But still! You're not completely anonymous!

And we just keep going from there. HAHAHA.

Anyway. :-P

So Liberty today...what'd you guys think of her? "Hey Parker, I'm dying...let's have sex!" HAHAHA. Can't say as I blame her! If I was in Liberty's place, I might have done the same damn thing! HAHAHA. Okay, probably not. But did you see Parker's face? Haha. Poor kid.

I'm having a hard time feeling bad for Liberty. I think it's because I've disliked her for such a long while now, and she hasn't gotten back into my good graces yet. Especially today when she flipped out about Janet going to tell the principal that she's sick. Um, hello, Liberty. Your principal should know this...it's kinda important. See? Even when Janet's trying to fricking help Liberty out, Liberty is still a jerk to her. There's a part of me that wishes Janet would just kick Liberty to the curb. It's not like they have this epic mother-daughter relationship anyway. It's more like Liberty screws something up and Janet has to pull her out of it. Liberty needs to take some lessons at the Holden-Luke School of Awesome Parent-Child Relationships. And Luke and Holden aren't even blood related! Take note, Libs.

And Margo today! It was great seeing her, but she pulled the rug out from under Jack! He finally comes back to get his job, and she tells him to take a hike! I mean, half of me understands why she wants him to get his affairs in order first, but the other half of me is like, you know...what if Jack needs to work right now? And even Jack himself doesn't know how long it's going to be before he gets his personal life squared away. It could take YEARS! Just let him back on the force, Margo. The sooner he can concentrate on something other than Carly and Janet, the more clear-headed he'll be. Right now he's too submersed in everything, he needs to take a step back.

But Margo was so cute with Johnny, and she was ADORABLE with Dusty today at Al's! OMG! I loved that conversation she had about Dusty telling Johnny about Jennifer. And the banter was adorable. "Love 'em and leave 'em." And Dusty's, "Unless they leave you first." Awww, Dusty. ♥ He really loved Jennifer. And I agree, he should talk to Johnny about Jennifer. Johnny deserves to know the truth, and the sooner Dusty tell him, the better. That way it won't be a shock when he's 25 and all this stuff comes flying at him out of nowhere.

And it was great to see Teri! I'm still bitter that my Teri/Dusty fangirl heart has been stomped on by the show, but oh well. I will take their banter ANY DAY. So cute. Teri keeps calling Dusty "Boss" and it keeps pissing him off. LOL. I love it. Dusty is the Bruce Springsteen of Metro. HAHA!

OH YEAH, and BOYS ARE ON TO-MORROW! Boys are on tomorrow! *Snoopy dance*

Unfortunately, I don't think tomorrow's episode is going to go the way we want it, considering recent spoilers/fandom talk about the boys. Strap yourselves in and prepare for takeoff, people. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.



liberty, dusty, jack, recap post, johnny, margo, carly, janet, teri, parker, written by g

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