And Dusty Donovan Is My Hero For The Day - Today's Recap, 1/18/10

Jan 18, 2010 15:31

First, lemme talk about previews for tomorrow:

Um, Luke looks hot as shit.
Noah needs to take a vacation from his anger. Stat.
Damian's trademark deviousness actually comes in handy.
Luke looks hot as shit.
Holden and Molly team-up!
Boys are actually ON tomorrow! World = flat.
Who was that person Holden was threatening? The Deer Brook dude? Exciting!
Luke looks hot as shit.

Prediction (also known as spoilers): Luke blackmails Doc Oliver into helping Noah. Holden and Molly find out the truth about NutMeg. Luke looks hot as shit.

Hopefully: Holden will karate-chop someone in half! I loves me some Aggressive!Holden. Woot, woot!

And I would like to see: Luke makes Doc Oliver sleep with the fishes. :-P Thanks for the advice, Don Corleone Damian.



Okay, on to the real recap for today. I just had waaaaay too much fun with those previews. :-D

So let's start with why Dusty Donovan is my hero for today.

That would be because HE'S FRICKEN AWESOME!!!

So Liberty would have totally been sitting in the corner eating her hair if Dusty hadn't helped her face her situation and get angry about it. Dusty encouraged Liberty to use her anger to FIGHT, which I think it a pretty good idea. Not to mention that he encouraged Liberty to break the law with the whole throwing-rocks-at-windows thing, which was so cute and so fun and helped Liberty alleviate some of the emotional pain. Oh, Dusty. Mr. Fixer-Upper to the END! And plus, the scene where he kept telling Liberty to give him her best shot and she started pounding on him and telling him to shut up and then they hugged? Oh, God. Dusty = hero of the world. :-)

I hate to harp on him, but I think Noah and Liberty need to cross paths right about now. I'm pretty sure Liberty would trade her left arm in exchange for just being blind. Noah needs a little perspective (and I'm really only saying this for my own selfish purposes, because I miss Swootie!Noah like you wouldn't believe.)

(Sweetie + cutie = swootie. :-P)

But Janet is driving me up the fricking wall. For real, woman...when are you going to tell Jack?! As Ronnie says, holy Jesus and all his donkeys...TELL JACK!!! "He has other things to worry about." God, I wanted to kick her in the shins! Stop pussy-footing around and GO TELL YOUR HUSBAND WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON. My patience for Janet's behavior? Non-existant, if you couldn't already tell. XD

And now, my lament: SIMON. Or, more accurately and in high-pitched whining fashion, SIIIIIMONNNNNNN! *sniff* I didn't want him to leave, dammit! And he and Henry hugged and they were all BFFLs and it was so damn cute and I'm so ANGRY! I didn't want Simon to go. Damn it all!


So Margo and Henry's party plan to guilt Katie into staying in Oakdale completely worked, even though they were more transparent than a transparent thing. Katie had them pegged the minute she walked into the Lakeview, but she herself admitted that even though the party was fake, the feelings it evoked were not. So, she's staying, and now Simon's cut off. PBLTBLTBLTBT ---> that's me throwing a raspberry at Katie. You shoulda held on to him, girl! Especially since the two of you kept making major googly eyes at one another through Margo's front door. Sheesh.

And, Jack and Carly! Hehe. I suppose the kiss from Friday tasted like more, yes? They picked up RIGHT where they left off! Haha. Those were some nice damn kisses, gotta say. I'm torn now between who I want Jack to be with, because he and Janet are so cute (but she's pissing me off), and I really like the Carly that Jack brings out. And when Jack said to her, "You know me so well." AMEN, BROTHA. Carly knows you better than you know yourself. And vice versa. Though whenever they get married things seem to have this habit of, y'know...going KABLOOEY in their faces. :-P

And HAHA! Margo, Henry, and Craig were toasting Katie before they knew she was going to stay, and they all were like, "Whee," and gagged their drinks down. Totally made me laugh! :-P

And Emma Snyder kicks ass for making a family tree book for Katie as a present, and for already having Jacob in the book. You go, girl!


liberty, dusty, jack, simon, recap post, margo, katie, carly, henry, craig, janet, jacob, written by g

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