And Luke Commits to Being Noah's Punching Bag - Today's Recap, 11/23/09

Nov 23, 2009 15:56

I'd first just like to say: Bartley Simington?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ahem. Now to the boys. ♥

Okay, Noah. Oh, Noah.

Right now, Noah is throwing himself the biggest Pity Party like, ever. I'm torn between wanting to huggle him to bits and wanting to throttle him a whole lot.

It's not as if I don't understand. I do. Noah's angry, and he totally has a right to be. He's entitled to his feelings, no matter what they are. But I don't think his anger has anything to do with how he really feels. I think it stems from the fact that he absolutely does not want to accept the fact that he's blind. He's pushing everyone and everything away from him because of his denial. It's not because he doesn't still love Luke or the Snyders. He doesn't want to be near the Snyders because he doesn't want their help because he's not ready to accept that he needs their help.

Also, Noah's totally used to taking care of himself. He was raised by a man who basically taught him to be self-reliant. The Colonel himself is self-reliant. So it shouldn't be such a big surprise that just when Noah suddenly needs all the help in the world, he can't handle it and/or doesn't even want it. He went from being totally self-sufficient to not even able to button his own shirt. (Which, by the way, was so sad. I loved that little scene. T_T Except I don't understand why the writers would have Luke trying to kiss him at this point. It was neither the time nor the place! The scene could have been equally (or even more) effective if Luke had just put his hand on Noah's face and after an uncertain beat, Noah took his hand away.)

And let's not forget all the Mason stuff on top of this still. I don't know why Noah's so hung up on Mason getting fired, but apparently he still is. Actually, I'd guess it has more to do with him not being able to finish his film than Mason getting fired. For whatever reason, Noah was adamant about needing Mason for his film, so Mason getting canned totally threw a monkey wrench into his plan. So I'm thinking he's more upset about the whole process getting messed up than Mason himself leaving. Mason had no value to Noah other than to help on Noah's film. So, I think it's more about the film than anything else. (I could be wrong, though...) And we all saw today how Noah couldn't trash his DVD. There's sentimental value that's attached to it, which is totally understandable. (Hey, Noah, in a couple months, you'll look back on this and laugh! Haha. Too soon to mention this? LOL.)

But we saw tiny glimpses of the sweet Noah that we all know and love. First was when he thanked Lily in the living room for everything they've all done for him. That's the calm, polite Noah we love! :-) And the second glimpse was when Noah was pep-talking himself to trash the DVD and then when he realized that Luke wasn't there, he called out for him (with that sweet "I'm lost" face!). GAH. Noah! You're twisting me into knots here!

And now, Luke. Poor Luke. He's in for one hell of a ride, I must say. I'm so SO glad he brought up how Noah wouldn't give up on him when he was in the wheelchair. There isn't any difference in these two stories, I feel. Luke being paralyzed and Noah being blind are basically the same thing. I'm so happy Luke brought it to Noah's attention. There were some rocky times back then, absolutely, but Noah didn't give up. In fact, I recall Noah telling Luke to "get up and make him" leave, and telling Luke that giving up was pathetic. I'm surprised Luke didn't whip out the "I don't want a boyfriend who's terminally depressed" line! (It's probably too soon for that, lol. Noah would probably punch him if he said that right now. :-)) But anyway, the point is, these boys are so good for each other, especially during times of healing. There's no one else besides Luke who could possibly even have a hint of understanding of what Noah's going through right now. Luke TOTALLY gets it. And the same was with Holden's "death" storyline. If there was anyone else who could understand losing a father, it was Noah, and he was there for Luke when Luke needed him. No one else could have taken Noah's place in that situation and have been as sympathetically effective.

But, I have to say...I would love for the boys to have it out. Seriously. Yelling, screaming, crying, throwing things...whatever it takes. I think it would be therapeutic. They could just vent and get everything out in the open and go from there. Noah would probably feel better, since he keeps bouncing between being angry and trying to be grateful, and Luke would probably alleviate some of the internal guilt he feels.

I'd also like to say that I don't blame Luke. I don't think any of this is his fault. The fireworks were not his fault. Damian taking the DVD to the Dean was not his fault. Pretty much the only thing he's guilty of is venting to Damian (which he had total rights to do, and Damian should not have betrayed their father-son confidentiality), and breaking Mason's nose. Everything else is just a series of unfortunate events that happened to be strung together. Honestly, I hate saying this but...if Noah wants to blame someone for the accident, I think he should blame himself. I know, I know, that's harsh, but I think it's true. Noah knew something was going on with the fireworks, but he didn't stop to figure out what. He may try to blame Luke for distracting him, but when he thought something was wrong with the fireworks, Luke had already stopped talking to him and walked away. So, I guess, maybe there is no one to blame. Noah could blame himself or he could just chalk it up to something seriously awful that just happened. Not everything in life has a clear-cut explanation.

Anyway, Holy Tangent, Batman! Back to the show. :-)

I'm worried about Luke. I don't think it is a good idea for him to try to finish Noah's movie. It is WAAAAAAAY too soon for that. If anything, he should pack the movie away (I was gonna say, "Pack the movie away somewhere Noah can't see it" but...) and let it rest for a while until Noah comes to terms with everything. Then sometime in the future, Noah can pick it back up (or not) when he's ready. Also, if the "Noah is not happy with Luke" spoilers are any indication, I'm thinking that Noah does not appreciate Luke trying to finish the film for him. :-/ C'mon, boys!

Okay. There are other characters on this show, yes? Yes. Almost forgot. :-)

Jack and Carly. Sigh. I enjoyed their scenes today, I really did, but I'm upset about what poor Janet is going to feel. She loves Jack, and this is not going to be good for her. But Jack pulling a gun on Simon?! HELLS YES. Agressive!Jack FTW! But also, if Jack hates Simon as much as he does, I only sort of half-understand why he's trying to bring Simon back to Katie. Okay, they loved each other, and Jack knows this. But Jack HATES the guy. Isn't there someone else who could help Katie? know...JACK HIMSELF? Katie doesn't need a rebound guy right now. She needs someone (or several someones) who's going to be by her side helping her out whenever possible and provide her the love and support she needs. Family. Not a lover/ex-boyfriend/ex-husband. Katie needs non-romantic people right now. Somewhere down the line, when she's accepted Brad's death fully, she can start looking to move on with someone else.

There's a lot of acceptance issues going around on the show right now, isn't there?

And DAMIAN AND MEG. Consider yourselves UNDER THE TRUCK! I AM THROWING YOU THERE WITH NO REMORSE! Arrgghhhh. These two are driving me nuts! NUTS, I tell you!

Firstly, Damian is being unfaithful, which is the biggest and boldest NO-NO in my Book of Life. I think he's just playing Meg for the moment, to get her to shut up, but still. YUCK. And Meg, seriously, where have you parked your brain?! This is the kind of man you want? Really? Think of Eliza, man! Eliza! I'm starting to think (actually, I'm starting to be convinced) that little Eliza is MUCH better off with Paul and Emily. And that's saying a LOT considering how much I disliked Paul earlier this year!!

And Officer Grady, you are a BAD MAN! Letting Damian pay you off like that. Sheesh.

And HOLDEN, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! Traipsing around with Molly (who has yet to work her way into my good graces, although I enjoyed her today) instead of being with LUKE. Remember Luke?! HE NEEDS YOU. HE NEEDS YOU OH SO MUCH. Really. I think Luke has had enough of Damian's influence and is in dire need for some Holden-time. I think Noah would benefit from some Holden-time, too! C'mon, Holden, you're the best father I know. Step up to the plate! Don't let Damian get in your way! Go fix your boys! They need you.

Lily's bitchfit in the Snyder Farm kitchen was pretty funny, though. She went from lovable, sweet, civil Lily to a fire-breathing monster in two seconds flat! Haha. I thought that was funny. But seriously, Lily, get over it. If you can marry Damian and expect Holden to force that down, then you should be expecting to give the same in return. Holden can be with whoever he wants right now. Even though now both Holden and Lily are all, "KEEP THAT PERSON AWAY FROM MY KIDS!" Ahahaha. This is going to be fun.

Okay. Gosh. I've rambled on enough today, haven't I? Yes. Done now. (A huge sigh of relief comes up from the crowd.) :-D But! I will leave you with this video, because I think it fits right now. :-) From rebelchic2788. Enjoy!

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PS - Hey! Today we had the boys in a room with a bed together, alone, and the world didn't end! Did you see that, TPTB?! The world didn't end!!!

video pimpage, jack, simon, recap post, luke/noah, molly, carly, lily, kim, holden, damian, written by g, meg

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