In Which Everyone's Life Just Kind of Sucks - Today's Recap, 11/12/09

Nov 12, 2009 15:26

Okay, let's start with the ONE wonderful thing that happened at the beginning of today's episode: Noah walking back to Luke to kiss him and tell him that he loved him. MAJOR SQUEEEEE! Noah Mayer, still the best boyfriend ever. ♥

Now let's talk about how shitty everything's getting on the show! :-D

All right. Carly is absolutely entitled to her feelings, she really is. I don't blame her for being upset or even wanting to hurt Craig and Rosanna back. I don't. But I really don't think Carly is handling this whole thing very maturely. Instead of just being angry and telling them to leave her alone, instead she has to try and play head games with Craig, which, as we've seen at the end of today's episode, is working. What I'm not understanding is why Carly's doing this. Maybe it's because she wants to seduce him (or re-seduce him, lol) and then dump his ass once he wrecks everything with Rosanna. But other than that, I don't see this coming to anything else. Carly should move on. She's a different person now that she's back from rehab, and I'm actually sort of glad that she has this whole "Must Find Jack" thing about her now, because at least it's taking her mind off things with Rosanna and Craig. (However, this does not make me happy for Janet, who is continuously getting the shaft in this storyline!)

Speaking of Rosanna, what the frigging hell?! Why is she like a puppy with a tail between her legs every time she goes to see Carly?! I understand that she's upset that she lied to Carly and hurt her, but c'mon, Rosanna. This is CARLY we're talking about. If you're going to approach Carly right off the bat with no spine, you have NO CHANCE of reconciliation. Carly drives a hard bargain, no matter what the situation is. So if you're trying to get her to forgive you for sleeping with her fiance, I think you need to step it up! Show a little courage and a little confidence! She's your sister, not your queen. You don't have to bow at her feet every time you see her. Argh. Wimpy Rosanna ticks me off to no end.

And Craig, too. WTH Craig! Now you're thinking about Carly while sleeping with Rosanna? *facepalm* Oy gevalt! Pick one sister and stick with her!

Craig has Damian-Complex and Carly has Meg-Complex. *headdesk**headdesk**headdesk*

Now let's talk about Meg. CREEPY STALKER LUNATIC MEG. That phone call to Damian scenario today? Sent shivers down my spine! WHY IS SHE SUCH A RAVING PSYCHO LUNATIC?! Aaagghhhhh! I can't figure her out now. I'm thinking that she's totally playing Damian, and he just fell right into her trap, but other than that, she's really just coming off as a creepy stalkerish freaky person. I literally facepalmed when Damian kissed her today. HURL!

And Damian, WHAT DID YOU DO?! Now Luke and Noah are on the outs (okay, Damian really had nothing to do with them being on the outs :-P), but still! Now Noah's gonna rip Luke a new one! I only hope that Luke gets a chance to defend himself (and I really hope that it is in fact Damian who gave the DVD in to the Dean, and not Luke).

Oh, boys! OH BOYS. T_T I gotta say, though, I love it when they fight. I really do. Their fights always hurt so good! I was totally surprised when Noah said he didn't care about what Mason said to Luke. Damn Noah. Ouch. I'm glad Luke got to tell him, and I like that Noah was like, "Pshh, whatevs. Peace out!" in response, but that whole scene still kinda hurt a little bit! :-) I can't wait to see what Noah tells the Dean. *crosses fingers in hopes that we will get to see what he says*

And I called it! Okay, so I probably didn't tell you guys, but I totally called the fact that the boys were gonna have a huge blowout before Noah's accident. :-) Honey can back me up! I only hope that their fight doesn't transcend Noah's accident, so that they can both be together during whatever it is that's going to henceforth transpire. Noah is going to need Luke, of this I am certain. :-) More Nuke fighting tomorrow! Please please PLEASE let Luke be able to tell Noah beforehand that he didn't give the DVD in to the Dean! PLEASE let this be the truth! (Haha, now Noah's gonna hate Damian's guts. What a strange turn of events! lol)

PS - In the real world, professors do not accompany their students on shoots, unless it's during class time. I'm assuming Noah's film is not being shot on class time. I am continually baffled at the writers' choice to have Mason accompany Noah on this shoot. It makes no sense. Professors don't have the time for that! And they want you to do the work, that's part of the learning! Oy vey. >_<

Anyway. Let's all give Noah a big hug today. Tomorrow's gonna hurt like a bitch! :-(


craig/rosanna, mason, mike kasnoff, jack, recap post, luke/noah, carly, lily, damian, written by g, meg

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